God Simulator

Chapter 145: The Festival of the God’s Fall

Chapter 145: The Festival of the God’s Fall

The prophet, Yao Shao, looked up.

Above the boundless blue sky, terrifying fireballs rained down from the heavens, bringing with them the wrath of the gods and forcing the black sun to bow its head.

At this moment, miracles surpassed natural disasters, and the power of the gods resounded through the heavens.

For thirty years, countless monsters had been created, becoming the source of fear and calamity for the entire world. The black sun, secretly admired by many, appeared insignificant at this moment.

In the center of the flames and explosions, the black sun crashed down and sank into the ocean.

This scene in the sky left the citizens of Yao City dumbfounded.

Yao Shao closed his lips and solemnly said, "The god has fallen."

Everyone was immediately filled with excitement and their hearts surged.

"God, God!"

"The invincible God Yao!"

"Praise you, great god! God Yao is the only true sun and god!"

"The black sun has sunk! Hahaha, it’s a relief!"

"Even the black sun must submit before God Yao!"

"There is only one creator in the world, and that is God Yao!"

On the steps of the temple, Yao Shao looked at the countless fanatical people around him.

She paused and the copper rings on the head of her staff jingled.

This was inspired by the neighboring prophet, Dorennunu. The staff could assist in movement and also serve as a symbol. With a slight modification, it could also be used as a tool for making sound.

The crisp sound of the copper rings hitting each other instantly quieted the nearby citizens. This calmness spread rapidly like ripples on water, causing everyone to look towards the prophet on the steps of the temple.

Yao Shao’s gaze swept over everyone, and she did not speak. No one dared to speak either.

The female prophet said with dignity, "The might of the gods cannot be violated."

"Even the sun must obey the will of God Yao."

"The great God Yao has returned to His faithful world."

"Citizens, this is an extremely important day, a sacred and noble moment."

"As followers and servants, we may not be able to see the great figure of the gods with our own eyes, but we can at least remember this day."

"Please remember now, remember this glory, remember the might of the gods, and remember our pride and humility as followers and witnesses."

"Let us celebrate and commemorate this day with a festival!"

Yao Shao said slowly, "Today is the day of the god’s fall!"

"The fall! The fall!"

"The Festival of the God’s Fall!"

"The descent of the god’s might!"

The citizens immediately knelt down and began to pray and worship.


In Salt City, Dorennunu stood on a high platform, pointing at the sky with fingers adorned with gems and gold. He excitedly announced, "This is the power of the gods!"

"The gods are taming the sun!"

"This is the will of God Yao, the punishment from the great creator to the sun."

"The gods are angry, and the sun falls into the sea."

"Today is the guidance given to us by the gods. Except for the temple of Lord Yao, all others are false gods!"

For many years, Dorennunu spoke with an islander accent and his words were not as refined and solemn as the neighboring prophet. However, on the other hand, this chief prophet was more passionate and spoke in a simple and understandable manner.


"Listen to me."

"The gods have put a rein on the sun, just like how we once tamed wild horses!"

The old prophet waved his golden staff, his voice rising and falling, as if he was also taming the sun along with the gods.

"This is a remarkable day. We must record it, pass it down to future generations, and let our descendants know."

"To celebrate the miracle of the gods taming the sun, everyone, bring out the wine and drink!"

As he spoke, the old prophet raised a clay pot handed to him by someone nearby and took a big sip.

The old mayor, Shang Li, couldn’t help but remind him in a low voice, "You should drink less."

"It’s fine, it’s fine. Today is the day the gods display their might. Although I am a prophet of the White God, I am also a servant of Lord Yao’s temple... How can I not drink more!"

The old prophet, who was not young, happily drank a large mouthful of wine.

He waved his golden staff and said, "Everyone, rejoice, dance, and sing! This moment belongs to God Yao and to us as believers. Let us offer our joy and praise to the great God Yao!"

The old prophet was the first to twist and turn with both hands holding the golden staff, his multicolored feather cloak swaying in the wind, his figure unusually agile.

The citizens laughed heartily and one by one joined in singing and dancing, celebrating with drinking.

After experiencing a brief period of slavery and turmoil, this city, which was in ruins, regained its former vitality when the sun fell.

Mayor Shang Li also tried to twist his body, but compared to the old prophet next to him, who moved smoothly, he appeared stiff and clumsy. He even accidentally strained his waist.

Shang Li grimaced and leaned to one side, one hand leaning on a crutch and the other supporting his sore waist, feeling both pain and joy.

Everyone in Salt City was celebrating joyfully.

Shang Li looked towards the direction of the monument.

Old friend, are you living well in the Ghost City? You should be celebrating at this time too.

We will meet again soon.

By then, you will definitely make fun of this old man.


In the southern part of the continent.

In the Ghost City of Sanilo, Mayor Chapman was discussing specific cooperation plans with the Fire Furnace Clan.

If he wanted to, Chapman could easily manipulate this group of dwarves who didn’t understand much, and make them dance to his tune. However, considering long-term cooperation, it was necessary to be open and honest, and ensure the interests of both sides as much as possible.

Explaining simply and accurately to the dwarves, who already had a language barrier, was a painstaking task.

The dwarves, who already had a language barrier, looked confused.

Just as Chapman wiped his sweat and was about to explain again, a never-before-heard loud roar suddenly resounded in the sky.

He looked up and witnessed the scene that had spread throughout the world.

Under the bombardment of countless flaming meteorites, the black sun sank into the ocean.

The arrogant black sun had been publicly punished by the gods and was directly shot down from the sky.Even in the peaceful city of Sanilo, the ghostly residents were ecstatic, shouting praises to God Yao, lauding his divine power and strength.

The sandworms who had come to the city to work, witnessing the divine act of the sun falling, trembled in fear and desperately burrowed into the ground. The ghosts could only come over to gently pat them, comforting them.

"It’s okay, the deity is dealing with the sun, not you."

"This is a city protected by the deity, don’t be afraid, you are also citizens of Sanilo."

"It’s alright, it’s alright."

"Did you do something blasphemous? If not, what are you afraid of?"

"If you’re really scared, go worship outside the temple. Lord Yao is very merciful, as long as you worship, he will bless you."

The dwarves were also stirred by the scene.

They didn’t understand much of what Mayor Chapman said, but they could understand the scene in the sky at a glance.

The black sun was plucked by a force superior to it and thrown into the sea.

No wonder he is the god that the immortal knight follows!

In a corner, three dwarves huddled together.

"Have we made a decision?"

"Let’s do it!"

"The first adventure group in the history of the Furnace Clan is established today."

"The members include me, Tall and Strong."


"Fire Cloud!"

"The Furnace Wonders assemble!"

Two male dwarves raised their hammers on either side, mimicking the act of forging, while the female dwarf stood in the middle, leaning on her hammer. The pose of the dwarf adventure group was set.

"Our first adventure target is... where?"

Tall and Strong suggested, "Go see the sun, where the black sun fell, to the sea, west!"


"Furnace Wonders, target, west!"


In the sea, on the deck of a paddle sailboat.

All the sailors were looking up, watching the fall of the black sun in the sky. They threw their towels and hats, cheering and cursing the sun.

Without the dark sun, the sea monsters would be much quieter.

Copper Sea swung his copper hammer, knocking a Cannibal Crab that tried to climb onto the ship back into the sea.

He looked in the direction of the falling dark sun, praying silently in his heart.

Lord Yao.

May your divine power always shine upon the world, dispelling all darkness.

"You’re really good! Sir, Cannibal Crabs are tough monsters."

A young man came over, "I heard from the sailors that there is a fairy in the southern forest who is rich enough to rival a country. Whoever marries her can get all her wealth. Are you also going to find the fairy?"

"No, I have a wife."

Copper Sea said, "I’m going to find the slave traders. Do you know anything about them?"

The other party was surprised, "Aren’t they all dead?"

"They are everywhere, like bugs."

Copper Sea said softly, "Have you ever seen a place without bugs?"

The other party thought seriously, "The Black Volcano north of Yao City on the Western Continent, it’s very hot on the volcano, there are no bugs."

Copper Sea was taken aback, "You’re right. What’s your name?"

"Chubiro, sir."

The young man showed a row of pale teeth, "I am a scholar, on a pilgrimage."

(End of the chapter)

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