God Simulator

Chapter 79: The wheat field is beautiful

Chapter 79: The wheat field is beautiful

Lu Yao took out a bunch of Kyoho grapes from his bag.

He bought them from a fruit stall on his way home. The boss sold them cheaply after closing, charging him 6 yuan per kilogram and even giving him an extra bunch.

Lu Yao peeled open the grape skin and tasted one.

The grapes had a unique acidity with a fragrance and sweetness, and a satisfying texture.

Lu Yao offered one bunch of grapes to the temple and gave the other bunch to Xiao Huo to wash for himself.

He propped up his legs, spitting out grape skins while watching the reactions in the simulator.

The little people were very excited when they received the grapes.

"These are grapes! The gods have bestowed us with food again!"

"Magical grapes, grapes from the land of the gods!"

Unlike Lu Yao, the little people of the Garlic Tribe cherished each grape. They planted each grape seed in the most fertile black fields, waiting for these round fruits to grow.

Green sprouts gradually grew from the soil, and grape vines began to take shape. Due to the much faster passage of time in the pixel world compared to the real world, the grape vines in the fields quickly became filled with grapes.

The little people of the Garlic Tribe picked the grapes and enjoyed them one by one. They chatted with each other, savoring the holiday bestowed upon them by the gods.

"Delicious grapes, a unique combination of sour and sweet."

"Why are grapes so tasty? Is it because the gods infused them with divine power?"

"That’s because the grapes contain the benevolence of the gods."

"Do the gods also eat grapes?"

Lu Yao raised the grapes in his hand. "They do, and they’re delicious."

There was a reason he chose grapes as a gift.

In this broken world, the variety of fruits was extremely limited. The Garlic Tribe only had access to common red berries as their edible fruit, and they had not yet developed any other fruits.

Starting from scratch to cultivate fruits would take a long time.

The various fruits commonly found in stores today also started off with a sour and small taste, only becoming popular and delicious after continuous improvement by humans.

Lu Yao thought to himself that he should also improve the recipe for the little people.

Of course, the most important derivative of grapes was grape wine.

The Garlic Tribe now also had several heroic individuals.

Wu Sen, the wizard; Yu Lian, the shipbuilder; Isabella, the prophet of theology; Shang Li, the merchant; Mu Ke, the gaming enthusiast...

Lu Yao estimated that this group of people could all figure out how to make wine from grapes.

The little people loved grapes very much. They planted a large number of grape vines, but they never thought of crushing the fruit and making wine from the grapes.

They always washed the grapes spotlessly clean and cherished each one, even offering prayers before eating.

Lu Yao found it headache-inducing.

Their intelligence had increased, and the sense of ritual had become stronger.

The primitive little people who saw food as just food were gone forever.

After experiencing fanatic worship, the little people of the tribe became even more respectful of Lu Yao. They didn’t dare to show any disrespect towards the food bestowed by the gods, which actually restricted the thoughts of many people.

Just as Lu Yao was preparing to cheat a little and have Isabella deliver a message, an unexpected turn of events occurred.

【Nong Ang has invented beer.】

【Nong Ang has invented small-mouthed, pointed-bottomed wine bottles.】

【The Garlic Tribe has learned to brew beer.】

- Great gods, a believer has achieved an extraordinary feat. Do you want to transform him into a hero?

Lu Yao couldn’t help but laugh and cry.

This time, he really planted flowers but didn’t want the willows to grow.

It could be considered as achieving the goal in a roundabout way.

He opened the temple and transformed Nong Ang, the inventor of beer, into a hero.

Nong Ang’s portrait was very simple, just an ordinary middle-aged man cutting wheat with a sickle. He had dark skin and wore a straw hat, looking very ordinary.

Under his character image was a sentence.

- The wheat field is beautiful.


【Hero Lv1】Nong Ang

Attack 0 Defense 0 Knowledge 2 Mana 0 Luck 0 Morale 0


Farming Lv1: Skilled in planting crops, with a certain probability of improving new foods.


Whether it was appearance, personal remarks, or skills, they were all simple and plain.

Nong Ang represented the many unknown farmers.

Lu Yao suddenly realized that he had fallen into a thinking trap.

It wasn’t the heroes who invented and created, but because these people made inventions and creations, they could be called heroes.

He had subconsciously misunderstood the cause and effect relationship.

He always thought that by transforming the little people into heroes, he could continuously push the tribe forward.

He was wrong, completely wrong!

Lu Yao suddenly had an epiphany.

He should place his hope in everyone.

To further increase the population and provide the little people with a relatively good and positive living environment. Naturally, a part of the tribe’s population would stand out and display their talents.

【Population is the foundation.】

If you want to become faster and stronger, you can’t just focus on weightlifting and squats, but you have to exercise your whole body.


The appearance of beer had a profound impact on the Garlic Tribe.

The first place where alcohol entered was the arena.

The little people here held clay wine cups in their hands, watching the beasts fight in the arena while indulging in heavy drinking, their excitement far surpassing before.Due to excessive drinking, the little people often had friction in the arena, which escalated into brawls.

So a strange scene appeared: the beasts in the center of the arena were fighting, and the spectators in the circular stands around the arena were also fighting. Inside and outside the arena often synchronized.

Soon, the gamer Mu Ke and the businessman Shang Li came up with a new way to play.

The center of the arena was divided, one side was the beast field, and the other was the human field.

Human combat was the same as beasts, no weapons were allowed, and they could only go into battle bare-chested. The gladiators in the field relied on their flesh and blood to fight until one side fell or surrendered.

Before long, the arena had completely turned into a human fighting stage.

The audience was even more excited and willing to watch their own kind fight. They even spontaneously began to bet with seashells, buying the wins and losses of the gladiators, enjoying the double pleasure of violence and gambling.

The Simulator kept popping up prompts.

【Grapes integrated into the world.】

【The Garlic Tribe invented a new profession: Gladiator.】

【Gladiators become popular, some people’s morale slightly increased, intelligence slightly decreased.】

This second prompt made Lu Yao a bit hard to hold back.

How did intelligence decrease?

【Beer becomes popular, everyone’s intelligence has slightly increased, a new cultural trend begins to brew.】

Thank goodness for the hedge of alcohol.

Lu Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

【The Garlic Tribe has developed a fanatic worship of the arena.】

He held his breath for a moment.

Faith is about to explode again!

Lu Yao was full of anticipation, his eyes fixed on the upper right corner.

But the number of faith remained unchanged.

Lu Yao calmed down a bit.

This time the fanatic worship was not for him as a god, but caused by the arena.

It seems to have other effects.

Lu Yao looked down at the many little people of the Garlic Tribe, and there was nothing like a buff symbol on the pixel little people’s heads.

The only change was that there were always people watching around the arena. This place had become the new landmark of the entire tribe, completely replacing the old monument.

Soon, the tribe had a new profession, the Gladiator. These muscular warriors trained every day to be ready to compete in the arena at any time.

Many pixel little people gathered to watch the gladiators wrestle and grapple with each other.

Lu Yao also enjoyed watching the muscular men wrestle. But soon, he was stunned by a line on the screen.

【The arena has advanced to a wonder.】

【The Garlic Tribe has built its first wonder.】

——You will name it ______ Arena.

Lu Yao was first stunned.

Then he slammed his fist on the newly repaired computer desk, almost smashing the desk.

Forcing delivery through the door, right?

No need for face!

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