Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Chapter 59: vs Yammy Part 2

Chapter 59: vs Yammy Part 2

The fight between Tatsuki and Yammy continued, while Ichigo could only stand at the sight and watch everything in utter bewilderment. Frankly, he knew that Tatsuki was pretty strong, but what the hell was happening right now?

While he got beaten up due to his inner Hollow messing with him, Tatsuki stepped forward and started fighting head after her ability somehow evolved even further.

"Ohya~ That sure isn't what I was expecting to see after I came here~"

Suddenly, a playful voice entered Ichigo's ears, making him flinch due to the closeness of the speaker.

He turned around and immediately saw Urahara Kisuke looking at Tatsuki in fascination while Yoruichi stood next to him with a similar expression. Just like Ichigo, the duo was pretty sure that they had a good grasp on how strong everyone around Ichigo was, but after seeing Tatsuki fight like this, those thoughts were quickly crossed out.

'How did she get so strong so fast? Clearly, her ability evolved, but how could that happen so quickly? The Hogyoku isn't even here anymore, so such a quick evolution should be impossible.'

As Kisuke was pondering the situation, Tatsuki took a nasty hit to her stomach that sent her flying backward, but mid-flight, she managed to right herself and land on her feet, followed by her dodging some kind of energy projectile that was too weak to be a Cero.

"Hahaha, that was a Bala, it might not be as fast as a Cero, BUT IT'S 20 TIMES FASTER, COCKROACH!!!"

As soon as Yammy stopped speaking, he started continuously punching the air, shooting dozens of red projectiles at Tatsuki, who only shook her head as she ran toward Yammy again. Even if the projectiles themself were fast, the rate at which Yammy could punch was very limited, so weaving through his attacks was easy.

"So what if they are fast? Shot by someone as slow as you, they are still easy to dodge."

Although it took her a few seconds, she still managed to approach Yammy and smashed her fist into his stomach yet again, sending him hurling through the air.

'Phew, I'm getting more and more used to this.'

Meanwhile, Kisuke squinted his eyes when he saw how skillfully Tatsuki weaved through Yammy's attacks. Considering her age and where she grew up, it should be almost impossible for her to move that skillfully, but as these thoughts passed through his mind, a certain group of three individuals popped up in his mind.

'These three are all freaks, so maybe they did something? Can they help other people become as monstrous as them? Since the other two aren't here, is Naruto the one who helped her? Did he somehow find out in what direction Tatsuki's ability would evolve and train with her to develop it? However, could he have possibly found out about that? *Sigh* Somehow, the more I get to know those three, the less I feel I know about them.'

Yammy got up from the ground yet again, ignoring the pain from his stomach getting burned and roared in anger. However, before he could resume attacking, Ulquiorra appeared in front of him and stopped him.

"That's enough, Yammy."

"Huh? Ulquiorra?"

Seeing the confusion in Yammy's eyes, Ulquiorra couldn't help but frown as he jerked his head toward Kisuke and Yoruichi.

"Those two are Shihoin Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke. It's impossible for you to defeat them, so we are leaving."

As Ulquiorrafinished speaking, he touched the air behind him, resulting in a black portal opening up, allowing him and Yammy to return to Hueco Mundo.

As they were leaving, Tatsuki couldn't help but be a little dissatisfied. After all, she wasn't done fighting yet. However, she also realized that this was probably not a fight she could win yet, so she was relieved that her opponents were leaving as well.

Shortly after Yammy had left the world of the living, Ulquiorra turned around for a few parting words.

"We managed to fulfill our objective. I'll tell Aizen-sama that the Shinigami he had his eyes on... is trash."

'However, even if I say that, Kurosaki Ichigo is certainly an unusual case. His Spiritual Power fluctuates from that of an average human to a level even beyond me. That young woman who fought Yammy is also a rather interesting case. I wonder how much further her power can evolve. Additionally, the woman with brown hair is weak but has an interesting power as well. And finally...'

Ulquiorra briefly glanced into the distance, where he saw a man with blond hair happily waving his hand at him, causing Ulquiorra to frown.

'... there is Naruto Uzumaki, whose power ceiling is still unknown. No matter how much I observe him, I can't get a feeling of how powerful he is. Of all the people present, he might actually be the greatest danger to Aizen-sama's plans.'

Ulquiorra pondered about Naruto's presence and potential power a while longer before leaving the world of the living as well to deliver his report about what exactly has happened here.

Meanwhile, Tatsuki deactivated her power, causing the lava that was covering everything but her head to dissipate, and as soon as she did so, she started staggering backward.

However, before she could fall, she felt someone appearing behind her, followed by her getting picked up in a princess-carry.

"Yo, that was a great fight, Tatsuki~"

At first, she wanted to struggle away from whoever had just picked her up, but after realizing that it was Naruto, she relaxed a little before a frown appeared on her face.

"You are late, Naruto."

"Nope~ I watched the whole fight~"

Tatsuki's eyes widened when Naruto admitted to having watched the whole fight, meaning he was here from the beginning. She was just about to protest but didn't get the chance to do so as Naruto quickly continued speaking.

"Seeing you fighting like that was truly beautiful~"

Before Tatsuki could react, Naruto raised her up further while lowering his head, resulting in a deep kiss. Initially, Tatsuki was lightly trying to push Naruto away, but not even a second later, her hands snaked around Naruto's neck to fully enjoy the kiss.

"Ohya~ Is it just me, or is it getting hotter?"

As those words left Kisuke's mouth, a smirk appeared on his face as he started fanning himself.

Hearing his words, Tatsuki flushed crimson due to finally realizing that there were quite a few people around her. Realizing that steam was about to come out of Tatsuki's ears as she tried to struggle away from him, Naruto broke the kiss and grinned at her broadly, causing her to blush even harder somehow.


Hearing Tatsuki call him an idiot with a crimson face and a barely audible voice, Naruto chuckled in amusement before shrugging his shoulders.

"Mah, as I said, I might be an idiot, but I'm your idiot. Anyway, you should rest for now. You have pushed yourself beyond your limit, and fatigue will probably set in pretty soon. Or rather, it will probably hit you like a truck."

Tatsuki simply nodded her head, mostly agreeing with Naruto. She could already feel her body getting slack while her mind was drifting away. She was pretty certain that she would fall asleep soon.

"Just sleep, for now. Don't worry; I'll make sure no one sees you as I carry you to your home."

Tatsuki couldn't help but sigh in relief when Naruto said that he would make sure no one saw how he brought her home. After all, the whole situation is already embarrassing enough, and being seen in a princess carry while sleeping would make things even worse. As for the people present here who already saw her getting carried... Well, there was nothing she could do about that.

She was rather close to falling asleep, but before doing so, there was one last thing she needed to know.

"You really liked seeing me fighting like that? You don't think I'm some kind of savage woman now, right?"

Naruto couldn't help but chuckle in amusement after Tatsuki asked that question. Frankly, he wanted to tease her for being a tomboy, but he knew that that wasn't the right place to do so.

"As I've said, seeing you fighting like that was beautiful. You should have realized by now that I'm a weirdo who likes unusual stuff, so there is no need to worry."

Tatsuki held eye contact for a brief moment, and after seeing to even a smidgen of doubt in Naruto's words, she couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Right, that was a stupid question. A weirdo like you, who brings a girl to a fighting ring for their first date, obviously can't have normal preferences."

As those words left Tatsuki's mouth, a smile appeared on her face while her eyes slowly closed due to her falling asleep. So Naruto nodded his head with a smile as well and started walking away as well. However, only after a few steps he paused and resumed speaking.

"By the way, Kisuke..."

Due to Naruto and Tatsuki flirting with each other, seemingly forgetting the world around them, no one else said a word during the duo's interaction. Now that Naruto had directly addressed him, Kisuke couldn't help but be curious about what he wanted.

"Yes? How can I help you~"

"... don't interrupt me while kissing my girlfriend again."


Before Kisuke could do anything against it, he pie hit him in the face, utterly dumbfounding him and everyone present.

'Where the hell did that come from!? What is even going on!?"

Although Kisuke had a lot of questions, the only person present who might be able to answer them had already left, so he could only shake his head as he wiped the pie out of his face.

'Seriously, what's wrong with these twins and their bizarre abilities?'

Meanwhile, back in Hueco Mundo, Aizen had yet again gathered all of his Espada and couldn't help but wonder how some of the Espada's views on Yuna had yet again changed.

Initially, Nnoitra was clearly hostile toward Yuna, but now he seemed to feel outright hatred for her.

Additionally, Harribel's view seemed to have changed as well, as she initially didn't seem to care about Yuna's presence, but now she was looking at her with respect.

'What is that woman doing while I'm preparing my plans? I can still understand my Espada being hostile to her, but where does the respect come from?'

In the end, Aizen decided not to care about any of this. All the Espada and Yuna had seen his Shikai, so they were under his control. Additionally, even if they hadn't seen it, Aizen was confident of defeating all of them. After all, he will soon have the Hogyoku on his side, bringing him significantly closer to becoming a god. In the end, creating Arrancar and forming the ten Espada was only something he did for his own amusement, to see how far they could grow without fusing with the Hogyoku.

Moments later, a portal opened, revealing Ulquiorra and a beat-up Yammy, causing some eyebrows to rise. While Yammy kneeled in front of Aizen after he got closer, Ulquiorra continued standing upright.

"We are back, Aizen-sama."

"Ah, Ulquiorra, Yammy, welcome back. So, tell your brothers and sister what you have experienced in the world of the living."

"Yes, Aizen-sama."

Without any hesitation, Ulquiorra removed one of his eyes from his sockets and crushed it with his hand. Surprisingly, the eye shattered like it was made of crystal, and moments later, a projection of what Ulquiorra had witnessed in the world of the living was displayed to everyone.

It took a few minutes to watch the whole thing, and after the display was finished, Aizen nodded his head in understanding.

"Ah, I see. So you judged that Kurosaki Ichigo was not worth killing."

"Yes, the order was to kill anyone who is an obstacle to us, so..."

"You are too soft, Ulquiorra. If it were me, I would have killed them with the first strike."

Before Ulquiorra could finish speaking, a man with blue hair, a Hollow hole in his stomach, and a Hollow mask covering the right side of his mouth chimed in, resulting in someone chuckling in amusement, immediately drawing the man's attention.

"You have anything to say, human?"

Obviously, the person who snicked in amusement was Yuna, who couldn't help but laugh at the blue-haired man's words.

"Mah, sorry, sorry, Gramjoy. Hearing your laughable claim, I couldn't help but laugh at you. Would you have killed them with the first strike? Ichigo, who was basically defeating himself aside, didn't you see my little brother watching? Do you have some kind of humiliation fetish to claim you can kill him in a single strike?"

"WHO THE HELL IS GRAMJOY!? MY NAME IS GRIMMJOW!!! So what if he is your little brother? In the end, he is just a mere human. Just a speck of dust that can easily be crushed."

Hearing Grimmjow's answer, Yuna could only shake her head at the arrogance he was exuding.

"Didn't you see Tatsuki fighting Yummy on equal footing? She's just a mere human as well and doesn't even have Shinigami powers. If you were to fight Naruto, he would fold you up like a wet newspaper, Grumboy."



Feeling two anger-filler glares looking at her, Yuna could only shrug her shoulders in indifference.

"Mah, no need to get angry. I'm just not good with names. Especially not if they are from two people that have no significance in the grand scheme of things and have no connection to me."

[Male names.]

'The name men have, to be precise.'

Hearing Yuna utterly disregarding them, Grimmjow and Yammy both snapped as their Spiritual Pressure crashed into Yuna, who only disinterestedly yawned as if she couldn't even feel the two Espade pressuring her.

""THAT'S IT!!!""

Since the duo assumed that Yuna was still mocking them, both of them snapped and attacked her under the curious gaze of Aizen, who only watched the whole spectacle with interest.

'Let's see how capable she is. Considering she dared to come here to Hueco Mundo, she should at least have some skill, but I'm curious what she can do.

Within Seireitei, her Shikai was of a rather chaotic nature, but at the same time, her pranks were centered around a combination of ice and cakes, so I really wonder what her real ability is.

Considering what I have seen of her so far, I think it is fair to assume that she somehow got her Bankai in record time. Otherwise, I don't think she would be able to terrorize Seireitei the way she did.

So, this is the perfect chance to bait out her Bankai and analyze it. Unless she is about to die, I'll not intervene in this fight.'

While Aizen was calmly analyzing the situation, Yuna saw the two people attacking her and could only shake her head.

"Just a bunch of ants. Gramboy or Yimmy?"

"Yimmy, whose real name is actually Yammy."

"Sure, whatever."

While some people were wondering who Yuna was talking to and were wondering even more who was answering her, a scream of pain echoed through the meeting room, drawing everyone's attention.

Currently, Yammy was kneeling on the ground, his last remaining arm spinning in the air like a pin-wheel, while the tip of a sword was resting just about his through, threatening to pierce through it at any moment.

Obviously, the person who was holding the sword was Hinata, who had stayed hidden up until now.

Although Grimmjow noticed Yammy being defeated within an instead, he was far too angered to make a rational decision and continued charging at Yuna, who was still looking at him with disinterest.

Grimmjow shot forward, attempting to pierce Yuna's stomach with his hands, but before he could reach her, she casually raised her left arm and slapped Grimmjow's attack away before attacking him with her right hand, slamming her fist into his stomach.

Blood splattered to the ground out of Gimmjow's stomach as he was sent hurling away and crashed into a wall, instantly silencing the whole room due to the display of overwhelming power.

While silence reigned the room, a mocking smirk appeared on Yuna's face as she looked at Grimmjow, who was currently struggling to stand up.

"Hee~ You would have killed them with the first strike, huh? Although I'm a little stronger than Naruto against a small fry like you, he probably doesn't even have to use his Shikai."

Obviously, Grimmjow became even more furious due to Yuna mocking him, but currently, he couldn't get up. Despite being defeated within an instant, his desire to fight was still burning brightly, causing Yuna to shake her head in indifference.

"Just a struggling ant. Let's go, Hinata."


Hearing Hinata hum in acknowledgment, the duo left the room, leaving a rather awkward silence behind. While the Hollow ranking below Grimmjow were utterly dumbfounded due to what just happened, the ones above his rank still held their head high, thinking that they could easily deal with Grimmjow in the same way.

Well, obviously, Tayuya was thinking the same while simultaneously being aware that even if that was the case, fighting Yuna would always be a mistake, which she wouldn't make.

Aizen, on the other hand, couldn't help but be dumbfounded due to what he had just witnessed.

'To think she was that powerful. I admit that I underestimated her, but in the end, things are still fine. I firmly have her under the influence of my Kyoka Suigetsu. Additionally, the Hogyoku will soon be fully fused with me, making me invincible with endless potential for evolution.

In the end, everything is going according to plan.'

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