Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 189

Chapter 189

It has been more than 20 hours since Zach, and the rest decided to proceed further after the tragedy on the 75th floor.

But soon after, Zach had to go into Aria’s domain to cultivate his MP.

After a few hours of cultivating and fighting on the floors, Zach realized something.

His gloves were malfunctioning.

Zach assumed it was because of the third ability of the gloves, which was overcharged and caused a massive explosion that left him on death’s door.

However, his gloves were working mostly fine. He could use his DT skill which was not related to his gloves in the first place. But the gloves helped Zach to control his DT to use a specific amount of MP to deal a certain amount of DMG.

But now that the gloves were damaged, he couldn’t control them properly.

Zach could also use his first two abilities of the gloves, which were to summon magic weapons. But he couldn’t release his MP in them to make them stronger.

However, Zach mostly used his DT skill to clear the floors with Victoria and the rest of her guild members.

Zach had already decided to visit Xie Lua in her magic shop dimension and ask her to repair the gloves since she had told him that his gloves would get damaged down the line in prolonged use.

Xie Lua had given Zach a token that allowed him to summon the magic shop at any time. He didn’t want to waste any time since they were slowly getting near the 100th floor, which was also the last floor of the dungeon.

However, Zach couldn’t summon the magic shop.

[You cannot summon the magic shop in the dungeon, tower, labyrinth, or between duels.] The prompt had said.

Zach decided that he would summon the magic shop once he had cleared all the 100 floors. But he found it weird at first since he could summon the portal to Aria’s domain anywhere at any time. But then he recalled that the first time he entered Aria’s domain was through the dungeon.

Currently, Zach was in Aria’s domain, not to cultivate or rest; he was making out with Aria on her throne.

Zach was sitting on the throne with his back leaning on the slat of the throne, while Aria was sitting on Zach’s lap facing face to face with him.

She was kissing him passionately without any care in the world. It was as though she was catching up to all the kisses Zach had received from the other girls. Especially from Aurora.

Zach was enjoying the new side of Aria, and he was glad that she was finally honest with herself and her feelings.

Since Zach had nothing to do, he decided to mess around with his crafter class that later evolved into a trader and was now part of his alchemist class.

His skill tree had grown a lot, but the class tree had a slow growth which was understandable since Zach hadn’t worked much on his class.

Zach decided to do something new since the seal from his blessings had also been removed.

He decided to create a blessing tree to keep track of his blessings. But as expected, he messed up and ended up creating something similar— that was ’evolution tree’.

It wasn’t much different from what Zach aimed for, but it was more than he had expected.

The skill tree and the class tree also merged with the evolution tree.

Zach liked it better that way since everything was arranged in a single space.

He played around with the evolution tree and found the blessings.

Active blessings- [Sea’s Blessing. Aria’s Blessing. Phoenix’s Blessing.]

Zach had three active blessings. He knew about the Sea’s blessing and Aria’s blessing, but he couldn’t find the information about the Phoenix’s blessing.

Since all this wasn’t part of the game and was never meant to be accessed, it didn’t work properly with Gods’ Impact.

Zach had to find out everything on his own. He could have fooled around more with the evolution tree to find out more about it, but he couldn’t focus because Aria’s kisses were getting more and more aggressive as time passed.

"Say..." Aria kissed Zach on the lips before saying, "Even though I already kissed you hundreds of times, why am I not satisfied?"

"That happens..." Zach didn’t know what to say, so he decided to give a vague answer.

"I also feel weird down there..." she said in a low voice.

"Define weird," Zach scoffed with a grin.

"Like... itchy, maybe? I have an urge to rub something on it..."

"Why are you acting like an innocent girl?" Zach asked with a puzzled look on his face. "You already know about sex and how it works, so if you are horny, you should know it."

"Of course, I know about all that. But I have never experienced it myself, so this is my first time," Aria retorted.

"Oh? Don’t tell me you have never masturbated before?" Zach asked with a surprised look on his face.

Aria shook her head and said, "I never had to. I never felt any need to do that."

"Wow..." Zach was genuinely surprised by that. "You know, you are the most innocent person in my harem."

"Am I...?"

"Aurora is a pervert, Victoria obviously knows, Aquarius and Ruli too." Zach scoffed softly and said, "I never expected you to be so pure."

"Don’t get me wrong. I do think sex education is necessary," he added.

Aria kissed Zach, but it lasted for a minute. After the kiss, she asked, "Do you like pure girls or naughty girls?"

"I think innocent girls," Zach answered. "Because it’s fun to corrupt them and make them naughty."

"Will you make me naughty too?" Aria asked with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Yeah." Zach squeezed Aria’s breasts and said, "Once I inject you with my divine sword, you will get infected by a disease called pervertness."

They continued making out for a while until Zach got a notification.


[Cerberus wants to come out of your shadow! Press ’Yes’ to accept. And press ’No’ to reject.]

Zach wanted to ask a few questions to Cerberus, so he clicked on ’Yes’ and accepted.

Cerberus came out of Zach’s shadow and bowed down to him.

[My liege.]

[Congratulation! Your skill ’Necromancer’ has evolved to ’Summoner’!]



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55 players died.


Author’s Note- The skill evolved because he ’summoned’ Cerberus.

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