Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 305 303- Dropping Another Bomb

Chapter 305 303- Dropping Another BombZach glanced back and forth between Aria and Victoria before saying, “I also promised Ninia that I would make my religion official when I get over 500 followers, and I am sure I have reached that limit. What do you girls think? You were with her for three days.”

Aria and Victoria glanced at each other as they remembered the three days they spent together with Ninia, where they fought and pulled each other’s legs most of the time.

”I think you might have. How about you plan a gathering of all your followers? Victoria suggested. “You can also know the exact number of your followers and make your religion official too.”

”That’s a great idea! Let’s do that tomorrow morning… uh, no. Make it noon or afternoon.” Zach had planned to do something else tomorrow morning, which would take him the entire day to finish.

”Okay. I will discuss this with Ninia first,” Victoria nodded in response.

”Also, Aria and I are planning to do ‘it’ today, as in after a few minutes.”

Once again, Zach had dropped the bomb at an unexpected time, and even Aria was baffled after hearing that.

All this time, she thought they would do it at night, but Zach, however, was planning to do it as soon as they got a chance.

Victoria, who was listening to Zach calmly, frowned her face and said, “Why her and not me? Besides, I promised you that we would do it after you win the battles. But then you were in slumber for three days, and we never got a chance.”

”Whoa. Calm down, you horny rabbit,” Zach said to Victoria.

”Don’t give me weird nicknames!” Victoria hissed and jumped at Zach, but he embraced her with a hug.

”But it’s the truth, no?” he asked with an innocent look on his face, seemingly trying to sound convincing and cute at the same time.

”No!” But it didn’t work on Victoria as she knew Zach inside out.


”If anyone is a horny rabbit, it should be Aurora,” Victoria remarked.

”Well… I cannot refute that. But that horny rabbit is resting right now, so you are the next one,” he retorted with a grin on his face.

”Anyway, back to the topic. Why do you want to do it with her and not me?” Victoria asked with a curious and sad look on her face. “You were with her for more than a week, and you shared the room with her. So you two must have done it a lot of times, right? While I… am lonely without your touch…”

She said the last sentence in a low voice while lowering her gaze.

”Oh, hey!” Aria finally broke her silence and said, “We haven’t done anything!”

”Argh~” Victoria rolled her eyes after hearing that and said, “You can’t fool me. I know you are dominant in your relationship with Zach, and he never turns you down. So it’s hard for me to believe that someone as selfish as you would miss a chance to make moves on Zach when his heart was vulnerable. Furthermore, didn’t you help Zach in creating an essence pill for Aurora? How can someone do that without the cum?”

”For the first time, I agree with you, and as disappointing as it may sound, nothing happened between Zach and me. There was close to zero development in our relationship,” Aria uttered with a weary sigh as though she didn’t have the energy to debate the topic.

”Wait, really?” Victoria didn’t doubt Aria’s words because she had no reason not to believe her.

She knew that even though they were rivals and always messed—sometimes even joked— with each other, they would come out clean and be honest at the end of the day.

That was the most important thing to managing the harem, and Aurora had nailed her job on that matter. She had trained the girls well.

”Yeah.” Aria nodded and said, “And you are right, by the way. I did give him hints to make a move on me, but he never did. So I had no choice but to make a move on him myself. However, he turned me down when I did that, saying, ‘I can’t do anything with other girls unless I do it with Aurora first. I promised Aurora, and I can’t break that,’ or something along the lines.”

Aria nailed it by imitating what Zach had told her.

”Not going to lie, that does sound like something he would say.” Victoria turned to Zach and asked, “So what has changed now?”

”I talked with Aurora about it, and she scolded me good. She said I was being stupid and asked me not to disappoint the other girls while trying to please one,” Zach shuddered as he said that.

”That’s true, and I was going to tell you the same thing, but I refrained myself because I didn’t want you to get angry with me,” Victoria asserted.

Zach moved his hands forward and squeezed Victoria’s breasts as he said, “I would never get angry at you.”


Victoria walked to the door and said, “I will excuse myself.”

”Wait!” Zach turned around and said, “Can you…uhh..”

”I know what you are going to say,” Victoria said with a smile on her face. “You were going to say, ‘Ignore the moans and noise we make’, right?”


”Then… you wanted me and the rest to leave the church so you two can have some fun without holding back?”

”Yes,” Zach nodded in response.

”Sure, I don’t mind. I can also take the kids, but I don’t think Ninia would leave that easily. She also has a job as a healer, after all..”

”Just tell her about the summit of the followers we talked about earlier. She would be excited about it.”

”Hmm. I guess. Okay, I will take everyone out. How much time do you think you two would need to satisfy yourself?” she asked curiously.

”What time is it now?”

Victoria checked the time and replied: “Um… 2:22.”

”Then maybe return by dinner time?”

”That’s 6 hours!” she exclaimed.


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