GOJO: A Sorcerer in the Soul Society

Chapter 170: EASY LIFE

Chapter 170: EASY LIFE

[Soul Society, 3rd Division]

"Captain Hitsugaya, Vice-captain Hinamori, an urgent report."

Sitting in the office of the 3rd division, Toshiro Hitsugaya and Momo Hinamori were busily working on their paperwork when someone busted open the door and rushed in.

In the twenty years since Gojo left the soul society, many things and many people have changed. Be it their appearance or their positions.

The first thing to note was that Momo Hinamori left her position in the Kido corps and joined the 3rd division as vice-captain under the order of Toshiro Hitsugaya, who became captain himself not long after Gojo left.

The two of them had been torn between following Gojo and leaving Soul Society or stayin. In the end, they decided to stay.

For one, they could visit Gojo any time they wished thanks to a special portal made out of his shadow he created. That portal allowed them to enter and leave Soul Society as they wished without getting found out.

Another reason they decided to stay was that the two of them thought that they would be far more useful by working in the Soul Society and keeping Gojo up to date on everything that was happening.

One could say that they were traitors in a certain way, but neither of them thought so. After all, Gojo would never hurt the interest of Soul Society.

Toshiro, who now looked a little more mature though he still had hints of childishness, looked up at the intruder and asked.

"Calm down and explain."

Toshiro wasn't worried because even though it seemed quite urgent, it shouldn't be too much yet. If the situation was truly grave, the message would have been sent through the use of a Hell Butterfly.

"We have observed a sudden spike in Hollow activity in Karakura's town. We believe that Menos class hollow might appear."

The man paled as he spoke hurriedly. He was just a new normal recruit and he never even fought against a true hollow in his life. The most he ever did was help in sending Plus to the Soul Society.

In Soul Society, all divisions had different districts they had to take care of and protect. It was hard to eliminate all the weaker hollows since they were nearly undetectable, but the stronger ones had to be swiftly eliminated.

Still, Menos class hollows, even if it was just a Gillian or Menos Grande as they were called, wasn't something a normal shinigami could deal with. A seated officer was necessary to face such a monster.

"Karakura town, you say?"

Toshiro and Momo showed weird expressions between holding back their laughter and pure dumbfoundedness.

Whatever Hollow tried to invade that town was certainly a very unlucky fellow.


After dismissing the confused soldier, Momo and Toshiro discussed the situation.

While they knew that any powerful hollows who entered Karakura Town would get destroyed, they couldn't exactly just sit and do nothing.

After all, it was the job of the Gotei 13 to deal with a situation.

Momo combed through the never ending paperwork and sighed.

"Shiro-chan, I guess I will have to sacrifice myself and do it."


Toshiro threw a helpless look at Momo.

The two of them hadn't been able to openly visit Gojo and his family since the events that happened twenty years ago.

After that event, most of the members of Central 36 ended up leaving office, giving place to younger members.

Even then, it couldn't be helped that, despite having helped the soul society tremendously, Gojo's name became a sort of taboo.

The only grace was that thanks to Captain Shunsui's and Captain Jushiro's relentless efforts, all the charges on Gojo had been dropped.

Though Toshiro was sure that the new members of Central 36 only took that decision because they knew no Shinigamis would even bother to try and capture Gojo.

"Alright, you can do it."

Toshiro allowed bitterly. It was impossible for a Captain to move out of the Soul Society for just a Menos Grande.

It was even more so in Toshiro's case. He knew that his election as Captain had brought quite the controversy.

After all, he did fight Captain Komamura on that day and was clearly a supporter of Gojo.

The one who kept the pressure off of his back was none other than Yamamoto himself.

So Toshiro had to always appear at his best in order to avoid giving them any ammunition.

"Yeah~! I will also use this occasion to play with Senna-chan."

Momo laughed and left the office while humming.

It was only a few seconds later that Toshiro realized that she had fled and left all the paperwork to him.

"Momo Hinamori!!"


[Karakura's Town]

Opening her eyes, Unohana turned her head and looked down at the man still sleeping underneath her.

She tried to stand up, but the movement seemed to stir something inside of her, reminding her that Satoru was still in her.

Her face slightly flushed out of embarrassment at the situation though she also felt a little uncomfortable since that part became a little dry because of all the liquids of suspicious nature.

`We should really bathe after doing it.'

It was something Unohana kept telling herself but never managed to accomplish.

Sex between the two of them was never a normal affair. Even on their first time together, it had been more of a battlefield where one tried to take down the other.

Even though Satoru had managed to obtain the power known as transcendence, without it his physical attributes were still lower than hers.

What he lacked in strength though, he made up with regeneration.

In the end, the two of them would always end up too tired to do anything else and fall asleep.

The first few times they even ended up destroying the bed they were using. So Satoru had to create a new bed and enhance it himself so that it could take all kinds of impacts.

'To think I would become such a lascivious woman.'

She laughed softly at the reality that was now her.

She was living a life she would have never thought she would have. A calm and beautiful life surrounded by a warm family and a caring lover.

Even the peace she enjoyed in Soul Society after joining the 4th division could never compare to what she was feeling now.

Sometimes, Unohana would wake up at night and look at her hands while wondering if she was really worthy of such happiness.

She did not regret any of her past actions because regretting them would mean rejecting everything she once was.

Still, she always asked herself if a woman whose hands were drenched in so much blood like her had the right to be so happy and blessed in life.

Sometimes, she feared that everything was just a lie and that she would wake up alone in a cave with her body covered in the blood of her enemies as always.

'I must have become old.'

Unohana couldn't believe that such stupid thoughts could keep her awake at night.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

Unohana looked once again at Satoru. Though this time he was fully awake.

"I was just thinking about how helpless you were while asleep. If I had any nefarious thoughts, you would be long dead."

Satoru simply chuckled and kissed a surprised Unohana.

"Don't be silly. I would wake up at the slightest killing intent."

Unohana gave him a dumbfounded look before exploding in laughter.

Indeed, this was the Satoru she knew. He knew when to use sweet words and when to state facts.

She was sure that even if everything she was going through was a dream, he would find a way to come back to her and bring her with him.

Tucking her hair behind her ears, Unohana leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

"Shall we go for another round?"

Gojo grinned, "Your words are music to my ears."

Thus began another day in the Gojo's household.

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