Golden Experience

Chapter 162: “False Identity”

In accordance with Rare’s instructions, the Adamant Scouts deployed on the battlefield silently approached from behind to avoid detection, swiftly beheading the wizards. It was all about critical hits. Humanoid races are disadvantaged due to their easily identifiable weaknesses, but they compensate by easily enhancing themselves with equipment such as weapons and armor.

Despite infiltrating the enemy territory as a group, there was little vigilance towards the rear. To prevent this, they attacked only from the front or, if at all, from the sides, starting from the Royal Capital’s main gate.

Regardless, the Adamant Scouts harvested players’ heads like picking cabbages.

To avoid increasing the difficulty, the number deployed was kept to a minimum, matching the opposing wizards in number. This allowed them to execute a surprise attack on all of them in the first strike. In other words, the wizards were wiped out in the first attack.

When the vanguard and enemy scouts sensed them, the Adamant Scouts had already disappeared into the alleys. Whether their scouting abilities were superior to the players or not remained unclear, but at least evading opponents who only guarded the front was easy.

The front-line players who lost their wizards were now vulnerable.

The vanguard’s weapons were ineffective against Carknights, and some were even backup weapons.

If the Carknights had the leeway, they were instructed to prioritize destroying the equipment of surviving vanguard members.

It didn’t have much deeper meaning.

Players who had teleported to the Royal Capital had no nearby towns to recover their equipment. Rare was interested in seeing how they would recover after losing their equipment.

“…Confirmed that players’ followers can infiltrate the safety area. It seems they cannot take hostile actions. By infiltrating followers into the safety area for teleportation to the Royal Capital, we can create a makeshift town, which might develop and prosper.”

As a side note, Rare was also interested in experimenting with creating an area for artificial monsters.

They planned to create a town-like area in the safety zone near the Royal Capital, with a rocky area and a forest beyond to attract players. The rocky area would feature Rock Golems, and the forest would have Treants.

The difficulty of the small fry would be kept around ☆1 to ☆3 to cater to a wide range of players.

“It’s not an official dungeon, and the difficulty won’t be displayed, so it’ll be a bit tricky, but it should work.”

If someone were to be entrusted with this project, Kerry would be the most suitable. Specifically, it would be Gustav, who was under Kerry.

He introduced himself, even including the name of his trading company, in the introduction to his lord’s lord. It must be of a considerable scale.

It would take time for people to gather in the town of Rifure. If he could delegate the business there to his family or subordinates, Gustav would be tasked with launching the town here. If the results were favorable, he could become the ruler of the new town, a lord in both name and reality.

Rising from a merchant to the lord of the adjacent area to the Royal Capital was an extraordinary success. He seemed pleased to become a noble and would likely be enthusiastic about taking on the role.

“Your Majesty, the last invader has just been eliminated.”

“Oh, is that so? Well done.”

Since she was lost in thought towards the end, she hadn’t paid much attention, but she returned to his senses at Ominous’ report.

The player-versus-player battle this time provided many valuable lessons. The same should be true for Sieg.

If attacked by a large number of players, there was a high possibility of facing a formidable strategy of wave attacks using powerful magic. This needed urgent attention.

“Nevertheless, if we strengthen the Carknights, the difficulty will increase. We might have to counter with a small assassination squad or some items.”

As for items, she decided to consult with Remy. Her own skills and intelligence were reliable, but now she also had many artisans under her. Consulting the opinions of NPC artisans would yield better ideas.

“Well, it doesn’t matter if Carknights are defeated. It was originally intended as a bonus. It’s unexpected to be efficiently hunted in large numbers like this, though.

Additionally, next time, we should consider preparing not only magic but also melee equipment that can counter Carknights.”

They would likely use the metal ingots dropped by Carknights to update the equipment of the vanguard.

In reality, this wasn’t much of a concern.

Quantity is strength. Even if players gathered in large numbers, if they were countered with even larger numbers, it wouldn’t be difficult to defeat them. While simultaneous attacks by everyone in the urban area were impossible, as long as they launched wave attacks to prevent MP recovery and fatigue recovery, there wouldn’t be a problem.

“If groups of several dozens appear, it would be troublesome, but thankfully, that’s unlikely.

Sieg, if such a situation arises, promptly summon Sugaru.

In that case, don’t worry about the difficulty; go all out and kill them.”

Allowing raid parties of one or two is acceptable, but any more significant numbers attempting a large invasion will not be tolerated.

Considering the difficulty, they will have to test the capabilities of minions that cannot be used while taking into account the situation. Not only Megasyros, but also insect-type monsters without Queen species are powerful individually. There are others in the [Breeding] list who cannot be revealed.

In this room, Sugaru’s supply troops are stationed. Since Sieg and Sugaru are also friends, summoning Sugaru immediately is possible, not through the skill [Summon] but in the regular sense.

While instructing Kerry and Remy on the recent ideas, Rare checks the results of the current battle on the forum.

Apparently, among them, this attack is considered a success.

The main reason is the obtained metal ingots.

Presumably, it’s about the abnormally strong undead—likely the Carknights. Since they couldn’t inflict much damage with existing equipment, and knives couldn’t even scratch the metal ingots dropped, they judged it to be a higher-grade material. They’re not wrong.

It seems they were able to secure a considerable number of these metal ingots.

From this successful experience, the possibility of raid-sized parties challenging high-difficulty areas in the future has increased.

Additionally, the equipment of higher-tier players is likely to shift towards magical super-hard alloys.

“I apologize to the rulers of other regions, but there’s no helping it. We have to increase our hand to provide support as much as possible.”

By support, she means the conversion into a farm.

If they can’t keep up with the players’ growth, Rare’s minions will take over the management of dungeons that can’t cope.

Suddenly, she recalls the player who looked foolish while browsing social media. She adjusts her posture somewhat awkwardly.

Rare is careful not to appear suspicious to those around her, but originally, her eyes are closed. If she were to look foolish, it might be when her mouth is half-open. However, Rare has been disciplined not to open her mouth unnecessarily. Most likely, she never shows an undignified appearance.

In her childhood, she often had her hand struck with a wooden sword by her mother, alongside her sister, all under the guise of naginata training.

That striking technique was quite clever—no injuries or visible marks remained, but the pain lingered. It was like using a naginata to slap someone. If she was scolded in a way that left marks, her grandmother’s wrath would befall her mother. Since discipline in the house was overseen by her mother in general, and everything else by the head of the house, her grandmother, it led to such peculiar situations.

Rare has mastered that exquisite striking technique. It’s unclear if it can be reproduced in this game, but in reality, it would be possible to accurately inflict pain without leaving any visible marks. She hasn’t actually done it, but it would work even with a real sword.

“A naginata, huh… Maybe I should try making one with adamant-material.”

If she brings up the idea at the blacksmith in the Liebe Great Forest or the artisan district in Rifure, it wouldn’t be impossible.

However, it wouldn’t be suitable for Rare, who is believed to be an NPC raid boss, to wield a traditional Japanese naginata in battle. It would seem like she’s introducing herself as a Japanese person.

But since it’s a game, she can have a naginata made according to her preferences.

She definitely wants to swing a real sword and fight.

For that, she needs a new undercover identity.

While it’s possible to use Kerry’s body, Kerry has her own movements, optimized for handling swords and daggers. This applies to her other close aides like Riley as well. It’s unclear how they have reproduced such details in their technology.

In other words, mercenaries who already have a certain combat ability are not suitable.

“…Lord Albert has a daughter. I wonder if I should ask for her assistance.”

After stopping by Remy’s artisan district to place an order for the naginata’s design, Rare headed towards the lord’s mansion.

According to Albert, this time is apparently for etiquette lessons.

Since there were no specific instructions, he continues as before, but noble children’s etiquette is for the sake of social circles. There’s no point in continuing it when there’s no chance of her marrying somewhere. The Lord’s family trusts Rare completely since they are her direct minions.

Although she tried to get permission from the father, Albert, she ended up being told to take good care of his daughter. It’s not like she asked to borrow her in that sense.

“Excuse me.”

After knocking and receiving permission to enter, she stepped into the lord’s daughter’s room.

Inside, there is the intended daughter and an elderly woman. She looks familiar. She’s the wife of Cervantes, housekeeper of the household.

All the servants in this mansion are now under Albert’s control, so there’s no surprise at seeing Rare. They simply kneel and bow their heads.

“Both of you, lift your heads. I came today with a little request.”

“Oh, you don’t need to ask. I’m at your service—”

“It’s going to be a somewhat long-term job. Your father’s permission has already been granted.”

At that point, the daughter raised her face.

A Noble Human, and a very beautiful girl.

Albert has brown hair, but his wife and this daughter have vibrant blonde hair. If I recall correctly, the heir, a boy, has brown hair like Albert. He is still a young boy.

The daughter’s age is probably similar to Rare’s. Their height is also close. Whether due to strict discipline or not, she has a very good figure.

“The thing I want you to cooperate with is—”

Rare briefly explained what she wanted to do to the daughter.

In simple terms, she wants her to imitate mercenaries literally and become Rare’s hands and feet, which is not something that would be easily accepted or done by a noble lady.

However, whether due to [Subordinate] or the result of her upbringing, the daughter nodded humbly without a displeased expression.

“To choose me for such a crucial task is truly an honor.”

“You will be by my side as much as possible, even when you are not needed, and I suppose you will be in a position as my personal servant.

“What… to be the one to do that and not my father.”

“No, it’d be no use to place your father by my side…”

He must manage this town well.

It’s not uncommon for noble daughters to become attendants to even higher-ranking women. It seems to be similar in this world, and saying it this way would probably make it less resistant.

“If you’re willing to accept, I’ll be counting on you from now on. Um…”

“I am Amalie, Your Majesty. Amalie Zebach. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, Amalie. Then… shall I call you Mare*?”

“I’ve never been called that, but will that be the case?”

“Well, then you will be called Mare when outside this mansion from now on. It’s still unclear about the overlap of NPC and player names, but if it’s a nickname, there should be no problem. Kerry and the others have pushed through being called that, so…”

If consent is obtained, the first step is reinforcement.

From now on, she will become Rare’s hands and feet, swinging a naginata, cutting down monsters, humans, or anything that catches her eye.

Appropriate strength will be necessary.

*T/N: Mare is written as マーレ, so it would be pronounced mah-reh, if that makes any sense.

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