Gospel of Blood

Chapter 302: Night Raid

Chapter 302: Night Raid

Tonight was quite lively.

After capturing the Northport Bridge, the Duchies coalition forces were in high spirits. Though they still had tough battles ahead at the Castell Bridge and Northport itself, the coalition believed Castell’s retreat was effectively cut off, and with both sides of the waterway encircled, capturing the northern gem was only a matter of time.

Celebrating was only natural.

With the bridge secured, the main coalition forces successfully crossed the river, setting up camp on the northern bank of the Dorn River, thereby severing communication between Northport and the mainland.

The high command of the two duchies was already discussing the next phase of their northward offensive.

However, any further attacks would wait until the next day. After several days of relentless siege, the soldiers needed rest.

As the night deepened, the brightly lit military encampment gradually fell silent, with most soldiers already asleep, save for the patrolling sentries.

No one anticipated a night raid by Castell.

Having fortified their positions with a temporary magic array around the Castell Bridge leading to Northport and with extraordinaries on guard, the coalition forces felt secure.

Naturally, the defenses at the coalition’s rear were relatively weaker. On the hard-won Northport Bridge, only two entry-level extraordinaries, thirty elite soldiers, and a hundred ordinary conscripts were stationed.

Under the deepening night and the silver moon high in the sky, its ethereal glow reflected off the sea, creating a shimmering path.

On the Northport Bridge, a drowsy soldier leaned on his weapon, barely staying awake.

A ghostly shadow flickered across the ground, unnoticed by the soldier.

It wasn’t until the alarm magic set on the bridge activated that the soldier jolted awake. But before he could sound the alarm, a figure shrouded in black mist appeared behind him, swiftly slitting his throat.

The soldier’s eyes widened in terror. His final conscious sight was of crimson eyes and a mouth full of sharp fangs, which then sank into his neck, greedily draining his blood.

More ghostly figures drifted onto the bridge, each dispatching the patrolling soldiers one by one before any alarm could be raised.

The number of shadowy figures grew, converging on the bridge from all directions.

Under the moonlight, these were black-cloaked figures with crimson eyes.

They were bloodbornes, along with their thralls and followers.

The reinforcements led by the Nez Clan had landed, using the cover of darkness.

The night was the domain of the bloodborne… The Northport Bridge, arduously captured by the duchy coalition, fell under the control of these bloodbornes unnoticed.

At the edge of the duchy coalition’s encampment.

A soldier dressed for duty grabbed his weapon and headed to his post to relieve the previous watch.

“Pierre, your turn’s up. Time for you to get some sleep.”

Yawning, he tapped the wooden post of the sentry box.

A night wind made him shiver, prompting him to glance at the moonlit sky, grumbling.

“Damn it! It’s freezing tonight. The weather here in Castell is much worse than in Borde.”

However, there was no response from the sentry box.


The soldier frowned.

Another gust of wind brought a strong scent of blood.

Alarmed, the soldier pushed open the sentry box door, finding Pierre on the floor, pale and drained of blood, his neck slashed.

His pupils contracted in shock, and he instinctively blew his whistle, shouting.

“Enemy attack! Enemy att—ah!!”

Before he could finish, a shadowy figure darted forward, impaling him with a sword.

But the alarm whistle had been blown, rousing the sleeping soldiers.

“Enemy attack? Where?”

“Is Castell attacking?”

Nearby tents emptied as soldiers grabbed their weapons, but before they could ready themselves, shadowy figures swarmed in.

Screams filled the air as the bloodbornes began their slaughter.

Torches overturned, igniting the tents, and the coalition’s outer camp plunged into chaos.

The disturbance spread, alerting the nobles in the center of the camp. By the time Prince Philip was roused and dressed, stepping outside, the southern section of the camp was ablaze.

“What’s happening? What’s going on?”

He demanded an explanation, seeing the bustling soldiers and hearing the distant battle cries and screams.

“Your Highness! It’s the rear! From the direction of Northport Bridge! We’re under attack!”

A noble reported, rushing over.

“The rear? Northport Bridge?”

The Prince was stunned, blurting out,

“That’s impossible! We’ve encircled Northport. How could they get behind us?”

“Your Highness! It’s really from Northport Bridge! The enemy is formidable, likely a group of extraordinaries. Our outer troops can’t hold them off!”

The noble explained anxiously.


The Prince froze momentarily before realizing, his expression grave.

“It must be a team of Northport extraordinaries using the cover of night to get behind us.”

“Stay calm. Northport’s extraordinaries are limited. Deploy the elite soldiers to stop them and prevent further chaos!”

But just as he finished, a whistling sound was heard.

“Stone cannon! Your Highness, get down!”

The noble reacted first, pulling the Prince to the ground.

As they hit the dirt, a stone projectile struck a nearby tent, tearing several soldiers apart.

Only then did the distant cannon fire’s soundwave reach their ears.

“Where did they get a stone cannon?!”

The prince was both shocked and furious.

Scanning for the source with a telescope, the noble’s expression turned puzzled.

“It seems… it’s from the sea?”

“The sea?”

The Prince was taken aback.

But the noble’s expression soon shifted.

“Your Highness! Look! The sea!”

Following the noble’s direction, Prince Philip grabbed the telescope and looked toward the ocean, his expression changed.

On the vast sea, fires gradually illuminated the darkness, the sound of cannon fire echoing across the water, breaking the night’s silence. The moonlight shone on the sea, where burning ships lit up the sky.

Along the perimeter of the besieging fleet, a large group of oar-sail ships emerged!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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