Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2588

Chapter 2588: Chapter 132 delicious snacks

Translator: 549690339

Of course, he had to try it. Not to mention man man, Lilian also couldn’t control the primitive force in her body. The more she smelled the mung bean cake, the more fragrant it was.

It wasn’t intense, but it was hard to ignore. It was ethereal, and even if it didn’t occupy the main character’s position, it was still a heavy supporting role.

Without waiting to pick up the chopsticks, Lilian picked it up with her hands. Her hands were white and slender, and her nails were painted with bright red nail polish, making her fingers look even whiter and more delicate. The light yellow mung bean cake and her white fingers contrasted with each other in a very bright color.

Lilian knew that there was no point in comparison. When she ate the mung bean cake previously, she held it with her hand. It felt slightly dry and wasn’t very comfortable, unlike the warm and smooth feeling now.

Lilian was definitely comparing the texture of the two green bean cakes, not because it was more convenient to eat them with her hands.

He put it in his mouth and bit it lightly. A piece of the soft and sweet mung bean cake was bitten off. The delicate and dense texture and the rustling feeling made him feel like he was eating the sticky mung bean with every bite. The faint fragrance of flour mixed with the slightly sweet taste of the mung bean made him feel fresh and natural.

Normally, mung bean cake was the most cooling and cooling thing to eat in the summer. However, sitting in the store with a suitable temperature and carefully tasting a piece of mung bean cake, the light and elegant fragrance simply made people unable to stop. It was different from the cooling feeling of eating it in the summer. On the contrary, it felt warmer because it was hot.

Lilian’s eyes lit up the moment she took the first bite. She finished the first piece in two or three bites and took another piece. Perhaps she felt that one hand wasn’t enough, she held a piece in each hand. After she finished the piece with her left hand, she took the one with her right hand. Then, she immediately grabbed a piece with her left hand and put it in her hand.

Judging from Lilian’s eating posture, she should have no problem practicing the left and right moves of an old urchin. She was definitely a talented person.

It wasn’t man man’s first time eating Yuan Zhou’s mung bean cake. The difference between mung bean cakes was quite big. Every famous mung bean cake had different ingredients and ratios of ingredients. It was also the first time for her to eat these min-style mung bean cakes.

If it wasn’t for the sake of letting Lilian have a clear idea of the overall taste of Yuan Zhou’s food, man man would have eaten one more piece than Lilian at one time.

After Lilian ate three or four pieces in succession, man man started to eat. There were only eight pieces in total on the plate. If she didn’t eat them, there would be none left.

It was sweet, smooth, warm and appetizing. It didn’t feel dry or greasy at all. It was just the right sweet and soft. Man man also liked this taste very much.


After finishing the mung bean cake, Lilian didn’t pause for a moment and immediately glanced at the beautiful, vivid Longjing tea pastries beside her.

To be honest, Lilian could speak Chinese, but she didn’t know much about Chinese culture. Therefore, she didn’t know that the Longjing tea pastries looked like a touch of green tea leaves. However, it didn’t stop her from thinking that the Longjing tea pastries were very beautiful.

Although it was called Longjing tea pastry, it was not made entirely of tea. Although it smelled like a faint and everlasting tea fragrance, its green color was actually dyed with spinach juice.

He didn’t know if it was because of the oil temperature that had been fried or the ratio of the color itself, but it looked like the appearance and color of Longjing tea, which was very beautiful.

“Oh, it smells so good. It seems to be the taste of the tea leaves you like to drink here. But I don’t like to drink tea. I think it’s too bitter.”

Lilian stuck out her tongue slightly as if she recalled the time when she was curious and tried the taste of the tea leaves. To be honest, she wasn’t used to it.

Coffee was bitter as well, but sugar could be added to season it. The tea leaves were bitter, and it felt like the taste was rooted in the bones of every tiny tea leaf. Although the person who introduced it said that tea leaves had a sweet aftertaste, there would be a slight sweetness in the end.

But Lilian didn’t notice any sweetness. The bitterness was real. Now that she smelled the faint taste of Longjing tea pastries, she remembered the bitterness of tea leaves.

“You can try it. It’s different from tea leaves.” Man man said directly without explaining.

She had never eaten the Longjing tea pastries made by Yuan Zhou, but Yuan Zhou’s signature dish had never failed to make anything delicious. Therefore, she was not worried at all.

Lilian recalled the taste of the green bean cake and picked up a Longjing tea pastry without hesitation.

If the mung bean cake was warm to the touch just now, the Longjing tea pastries now were a little hot. When his fingers touched the cake, there seemed to be some crisp crackling sounds.

The slightly hot temperature didn’t make people feel uncomfortable or difficult to pick up. On the contrary, the heat slowly began to penetrate through the skin and enter the mouth before it entered the mouth.

“Ka Cha!”

It was a pastry that had been fried. When she took her first bite, the sound was very crisp. Not only was the sound crisp, but the surface was also very crisp. There was not much moisture, as if all the moisture had been taken away by the oil, leaving only the crunchy and dry fragrance.

Unlike the usual dryness, this dryness was the result of the mixture of flour and oil. It was crispy and delicious.

The first bite was delicate, so he didn’t get to taste the stuffing inside. The second bite was different from the crunchy exterior. The inside was soft and tender, with a faint tea fragrance. There was no bitterness of tea leaves, only a slightly sweet fragrance.

It was Lilian’s first time to clearly feel the sweet taste of the tea leaves, just like what her friends had said.

Longjing tea pastries were usually served with tea as refreshments. In addition, they were fried at a low temperature, so the traditional tea pastries were slightly greasy, which perfectly integrated the heavy bitterness of the tea leaves.

Yuan Zhou’s tea didn’t have such a feeling, not only because the heat control was just right, but also because of Yuan Zhou’s control of the proportion. The Longjing tea butter was just right. A little more would be too much, and a little less would make it a little dry.

When Lilian ate the Longjing tea pastries earlier, she thought that she would eat less of the Longjing tea pastries since she had eaten two more pieces of mung bean cake while man man only had two pieces. At least, she would share half of the Longjing tea pastries equally so that they wouldn’t feel too embarrassed and could eat more of the snacks later.

After eating it, all the ideas in his heart were scattered by the tea pastries. As long as it entered his mouth, it was his ability. It didn’t matter how much it ate. Eating more was ability, and eating less was an accident.

The Longjing tea pastries were not small, at least bigger than the mung bean cake. It was impossible to finish them in two bites like the previous mung bean cake. This tea pastry would take at least four or five bites to finish.

In order to finish one piece as soon as possible, Lilian would try her best. If she could finish it in four bites, she wouldn’t need five. Of course, while eating quickly, she had to ensure that she could taste the taste perfectly. Otherwise, it would be meaningless like how Zhu Bajie ate the ginseng fruit. This wasn’t her original intention.


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