Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2624

Chapter 2624: Chapter 168 master Xiang

Translator: 549690339

The sun rose in the East, signaling the beginning of the day. However, it was only FiveO’ clock, and the sky was still dark. The sun was still sleeping lazily, and the horizon was still calm.

Winter had arrived, and it was cold outside. As long as one opened their mouth outside, they would breathe out a white mist, indicating that the temperature outside was very unfriendly.

It was in this silence that Yuan Zhou was awakened by his biological clock. He skillfully got up, washed his face and rinsed his mouth, changed his clothes and went downstairs quietly. After he greeted rice and the others, he plunged into the darkness.

Yuan Zhou’s waking up seemed to be a signal on Taoxi road. Before long, the lights of the scattered houses began to turn on. Some of them were uncles and aunties who got up early to go out for exercise, while some were a few people who were rushing to work in the morning. Naturally, most of them got up to open their own restaurants.

In order to maintain the same opening pace as master chef Restaurant, it was natural to make preparations in advance. Not to mention the shops on the street, even the small vendors on the street arrived on time at Taoxi road to do all kinds of preparations before the opening.

Yuan Zhou seemed to be in such a position. He was already used to such things. While jogging, he greeted people proficiently. Occasionally, when he didn’t meet anyone, he would start to think about what breakfast he should make for Yin ya.

The APP could just help him to cook breakfast for customers. He was so capricious because he knew a lot. However, he had to consider every day when he made breakfast for Yin ya. He must not let Yin ya feel sick of it. It was better to keep it fresh at all times, just like how men should keep it fresh at all times.

The golden time for Yuan Zhou to make breakfast for Yin ya was when he jogged every day. He made full use of the time gap and allowed Yin ya to get the best care without wasting any time. He had done his best.

“Good Morning, boss Yuan,”

A strong voice suddenly rang out. Compared to the weaker voices of other older people, his voice could be said to be as loud as a great Bell, especially in such a quiet morning. An ordinary person would definitely be frightened when they heard it.

Yuan Zhou had already gotten used to it. Just like how Yuan Zhou passed by here on time every morning, the men who greeted him were exactly the same every day, no matter the angle of their stand, the position of their hands, or the decibel of their voices, as if they were recorded by a camera.

“Good Morning, master Xiang.”

After that, he ran Past Master Xiang calmly. Master Xiang waved his arms vigorously like he did every day, even though Yuan Zhou couldn’t see him. He intended to express his intimacy.


“Master Xiang, you’re too polite,” Such a thought flashed across Yuan Zhou’s mind and he greeted the next neighbor he passed by.

After master Xiang had finished the important daily task of greeting Yuan Zhou, he began to return to the front of his stall.

“Boss Yuan, you are still so spirited today. You must be in good health too. That’s great.” Master Xiang said happily.

That’s right. He insisted on greeting Yuan Zhou every day in order to confirm Yuan Zhou’s physical condition, especially since he didn’t run past him yesterday. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was open for business in the morning, he would have gone to Yuan Zhou’s house to have a look.

It was no wonder that master Xiang cared so much about Yuan Zhou. If it weren’t for Yuan Zhou’s words, he might not even be able to open his stall anymore. He had no idea what to do to make a living.

When Yuan Zhou hadn’t risen to power in Taoxi road, although there were some shops, most of them were half-dead. Master Xiang was one of them.

The business was not doing well, but it was not a problem to maintain food and clothing, especially in a state where one person was full and the whole family was not hungry. In addition, master Xiang did not have any big ambitions, so he lived his life in such a plain way.

It was possible that he would spend the rest of his life in this way. Master Xiang didn’t feel that there was anything bad about it, until Ultraman ... Ah, bah, Yuan Zhou appeared.

Since the increase in the number of pedestrians in Taoxi, master Xiang’s stall had been affected. It was not obvious at first, but as the number of people increased, more and more hawkers came to the stall. Many people were very sensitive, especially the hawkers who walked through the streets.

He only sold knife-cut noodles to his master. Of course, the knife-cut noodles he sold were naturally different from those of brilliant Masters. The noodles he cut were one leaf after another, like a meteor Chasing the Moon, drawing an arc in the air. The noodles fell into the soup pot, and the soup rolled and the noodles rolled. It was like a silver fish playing in the water, which was very beautiful, but this one didn’t have it at all.

It was impossible for the saozi to have tomato sauce, meat sauce, mutton soup, Golden Needle fungus and egg in marinade, etc. It just sounded very delicious when matched with fresh vegetables such as shredded cucumber, leek, green bean sprouts, boiled soybeans, green garlic, chili noodles, and a little old vinegar.

In master Xiang’s shop, other than the meat sauce, there were only a few pieces of green leaves. If it wasn’t for the fact that knife-cut noodles was the most common and popular noodles in Jin province, the hometown of noodles, and that he was also known as the ‘King of noodles’, a small stall vendor like him would have long disappeared in the torrent.

In addition, only master Xiang’s shop sold knife-cut noodles on Taoxi road. Naturally, they also had some brand noodles. If they ate alone, their business would not be bad no matter how bad it was.

With more people coming and going, even if there was only one shop selling knife-cut noodles, there would definitely be more than one shop selling other types of noodles, such as cold noodles, mixed noodles, and so on. With more choices, there would naturally be fewer customers.

In order to make the clear broth noodle soup, Yuan Zhou had once tried all the Wheaten foods on Taoxi road in order to increase his experience. Naturally, he had also eaten the knife-cut noodles prepared by master Xiang.

Master Xiang had become quite familiar with Yuan Zhou. Even though the noodles made by master Xiang were simple, he always insisted on using the vegetables and meat of the same day to stir-fry the saozi. No matter how many people there were, the noodles were always made with the newly ground flour, which had a fresh fragrance of wheat.

Yuan Zhou had quite a good impression of master Xiang. Therefore, when master Xiang was almost at the end of his rope, Yuan Zhou gave him an idea to keep master Xiang’s stall.

“Master Xiang, give me a bowl of noodles. I’ll definitely finish it in 20 minutes.”

“Hahaha, Li Zi, you’re bragging again. You took 30 minutes to finish your meal yesterday, and today it’s only 20 minutes. What do you think it is? your hand speed is so fast.”

“Master Xiang, I think I’ll definitely succeed in my challenge today. Li Zi definitely won’t be able to do it.”

A few young people came over with their arms around each other’s shoulders. They greeted master Xiang familiarly and then sat down at a table, waiting for master Xiang to come up.

“Hahaha, it’s you guys again. It’s been a week. Your courage is commendable. Keep it up.”

Master Xiang greeted master Xiang with a smile as he lifted the knife and started to slice the noodles into the bucket that was already emitting white mist and white water.

The snow-white slices of dough rolled in the colorless water, like pieces of crystal-clear snowflakes, very beautiful.

Master Xiang was already used to doing this, so it only took him a few minutes to bring a bowl of noodles to them. Yes, a bowl.

In the eight-inch basin, other than the dark meat sauce, there were also snow-white slices of sliced meat and green onions. It looked very beautiful, but it couldn’t hide the fact that there were many things in it.


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