Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2645

Chapter 2645: Suppressing the 12 Jiangnan States

Translator: 549690339

A mouthful of potato, a mouthful of eggplant, and a mouthful of green pepper. From soft and sweet to soft and juicy, then to crisp and refreshing. After eating, he repeated the previous actions and repeatedly experienced the feast of taste, making Qian Minghui simply unable to extricate himself.

However, there was a problem now since he had not put a small portion of the food into the small plate and ate it directly from the big plate.

By the time Qian Minghui came back to his senses, he saw that there were only two or three kittens left on the plate, and his expression almost cracked.

They had made ample preparations in advance, but they had not expected such an accident to happen. It was really impossible to guard against.

“It’s all head chef Yuan’s fault. His dishes are too delicious and the portion is too small. I didn’t even eat much and I was already about to finish it.” Qian Minghui couldn’t believe that he had no self-control.

Since it wasn’t his fault, it was definitely the dish’s fault. In any case, Qian Minghui felt that Yuan Zhou wasn’t wronged at all for taking the blame.

The taste of the dishes was indeed good, and the amount was indeed very small. Anyway, as long as you asked the customers of the restaurant, eleven out of ten people would tell you that everything in the restaurant was good except for the small amount of food.

That was what everyone thought. Qian Minghui thought he was a normal person, so he must have thought the same.

He looked around and confirmed that there were indeed two pieces of green pepper, one piece of potato, and one piece of eggplant left. After thinking about it, he suppressed the thought of eating them all and directly placed the vegetables in the box where he had placed the hibiscus chicken slices previously.

After he put it in, Qian Minghui stopped paying attention to it. He looked like a scumbag who ran away after pulling up his pants.

Qian Minghui’s attention wasn’t on the remaining pieces of the ground three delicacies, but on the saliva chicken that had just arrived.

“It is famous for 3000 li in Ba-Shu, and its taste suppresses the 12 states in Jiangnan.“

To be well-known at home and abroad with a not-so-elegant name, this poem could be said to fully illustrate the taste of saliva chicken. It really made Qian Minghui drool just thinking about it, with a posture of ‘flying down three thousand feet’.


Although this dish was cold, its fragrance was quite strong. The main reason was that the spicy fragrance couldn’t be covered up. In addition, the red and white colors of the dish were even more eye-catching.


Qian Minghui stared at the saliva chicken for a long time before swallowing the saliva that had accumulated in his mouth. He planned to have a good taste of the chicken.

This time, Qian Minghui pressed his right hand with his left hand first. Even if he was tempted, his hand would not support him. When he wanted to eat, he remembered the purpose of his visit after a while. Then, he looked away with difficulty and took out half of the chicken. He put the rest of the chicken together with the three delicacies before he started to enjoy the chicken.

The numbing, spicy, fresh, fragrant, tender, and refreshing taste took turns on the tip of his tongue. The rich taste experience made Qian Minghui admire his foresight. Otherwise, he would have forgotten his purpose of coming after the first bite of chicken and only remembered to eat the chicken.

If that was the case, no one could predict whether they would be lucky enough to wake up in time and leave some behind.

Each dish gave Qian Minghui a different experience, but he was really addicted to them.

Sometimes, when you were looking at the scenery on the bridge, someone would look at you from the window as if you were looking at the scenery. Qian Minghui’s actions were not obvious because he was sitting in the corner, but it was not that no one noticed it. The main thing was that his behavior was too strange.

One must know that takeaway was not allowed in master chef Restaurant. If one couldn’t finish eating, they would be blacklisted as a luxury tour. The customers would completely avoid this line.

If they had no money, they could save money to eat. If their stomachs were small, they could eat every meal. There would always be a time when they could satisfy their cravings. However, if they were blacklisted, they would never be able to eat Yuan Zhou’s dishes in their entire life. Just thinking about it made them feel that life was meaningless. Therefore, the customers strictly followed the rules and regulations of the restaurant.

However, Qian Minghui’s current action seemed to be a takeaway. Many customers were watching Qian Minghui’s action and became restless. They were wondering if Yuan Zhou would give them some small gifts if their report was worthy.

It would be even more perfect if the gift was food. Thus, several customers who noticed it stared at Qian Minghui with even more vigor. Although they were eager to report it, they also needed real evidence. Or to put it in another way,’catch the adulterer with two hands, catch the thief with dirty hands’. They had to catch him in the act. At present, it was just a deduction.

The other people who noticed Qian Minghui’s actions were naturally su Ruoyan who was paying close attention to each and every customer at all times in case she missed out on the customers ‘requests, and Yuan Zhou who was paying close attention to all the customers.

Su Ruoyan didn’t think that Qian Minghui wanted to pack them up, but she still felt that his actions were strange. She couldn’t help but pay more attention to him.

However, Yuan Zhou’s focus was not quite the same. What he saw was a very complicated pattern on the side of the small box. Actually, it looked like a pattern at first glance, but if one looked carefully, one would know that it was a word.

“Why does it look so much like Xin kui’s invention? I wonder what’s the function of this box?” It was rare that Yuan Zhou’s thoughts were a little scattered when he was cooking.

As the first inventor of the store, Xin kui still had a high status. Not to mention the chopsticks for the second use, the robot dog that won the Science and Technology Award was already sought after by countless people.

The main reason was that the restaurant was the source of Xin kui’s inspiration. Therefore, Xin kui not only invented some things himself, but also invented some things to thank Yuan Zhou for the needs of the restaurant or Yuan Zhou.

All his inventions would be marked with his unique mark, which was his family name written in seal script, like a pattern, mysterious and low-key.

Yuan Zhou recognized it not only because many of the things here were invented by Xin kui for Yuan Zhou’s use, but also because the mark was suggested by Yuan Zhou.

When Xin kui came to ask Yuan Zhou how to guarantee the uniqueness of his invention, he suggested that Xin kui think of a unique mark, which was the product he had thought of before.

It was precisely because he had guessed that it was invented by Xin kui that Yuan Zhou had initially thought that Qian Minghui was helping Xin kui to test the usage or function of the box. After all, many hotels would hold a tasting event when they launched new dishes to determine whether the new dish could be launched or not. Although master chef Restaurant didn’t need such an event, it didn’t mean that Yuan Zhou didn’t know about it.

Yuan Zhou thought that Xin kui had invented something new and entrusted Qian Minghui to test it.

Of course, Qian Minghui had no idea about the complicated feelings of the customers or Yuan Zhou. He was busy eating the last dish.

The one who was most familiar with this dish was Wu Hai. As a beast who had eaten the pig knuckle feast several times, he was really familiar with all kinds of pig knuckle.

The Tiger skin pig knuckle got its name from the Golden spots on its surface, which were as rotten as tiger skin, so at a glance, it really looked like a piece of tiger skin lying there. It was indeed worthy of being the king of beasts. Even if it was just a piece of skin, it still felt very imposing.

Of course, no matter how impressive it was, it was still imported, so Qian Minghui was eating with a white porcelain spoon with great joy.

If it were not for his firm heart, he would have finished the entire pig knuckle in the blink of an eye if he had put away the half of it that he had previously divided. After the meal, Qian Minghui’s eating speed seemed to have increased.


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