Grocery Store No.514

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

On December 19, 3020, in the interrogation room of the criminal investigation team, the door was pushed open. Jiang Chengyan walked in first, followed by Ling Huaan. Since he entered, Zhang Aihuas eyes were fixed on him.

Jiang Chengyan carefully pulled out the chair and helped Ling Huaan sit before himself. He looked at Zhang Aihua and said, the person you want to meet is here, so you can talk now.

Zhang Aihua glanced at the surveillance camera and said, turn off the camera. You go out. I have something to say to him alone.

Jiang Chengyan frowned subconsciously. He was just about to refuse but was stopped by Ling Huaan. He patted Jiang Chengyans arm and comforted him, Do as she said. Dont worry, I will be fine.

Jiang Chengyan looked at Zhang Aihua for a moment in silence. With a warning gaze, he said uneasily, call me if something happens, Ill be right outside the door.

Five minutes later, Ling Huaan spoke up, what do you want from me? You can say it now.

I know you have the ability to call ghosts. I want to see him, let me see him again.

Although she couldnt see Zhang Aihuas appearance clearly, Ling Huaan could still hear a demand in her tone. Sorry, I cant help you.

Why? You obviously have the ability, why wont you help me? He died to save you and you wont even help with this? Zhang Aihua was very emotional when she said it.

Ling Huaan said with a sneer, Zhang Aihua, dont forget who stabbed that knife. Who do you think caused Wu Zheng to end up in the situation he is in now?

After a long silence, Zhang Aihua spoke again, I know I was wrong, I was really wrong! I just want to see him again before I die, apologize to him, and tell him that I love him too. Please, help me!

The seat crashing sounded along with her sobbing and begging. Even though he couldnt see it, Ling Huaan could still imagine her movements. He sighed and explained faintly, he has been taken away by the underworld messenger. Theres nothing I can do about it.

Messenger? Zhang Aihua paused and asked, why can those female ghosts and ghost babies stay in the world, but he cant?

Because of you. You have done too much evil. Instead of stopping you, he helped you to do evil things. It has attracted the attention of the God of Death. After death, his soul has stripped away and he was taken away by the messenger.

After another silence, Zhang Aihua asked slowly, Then will he go to hell?

Yes. Ling Huaan answered bluntly, but he did good deeds before he died. The merits and demerits are equal. He wont stay in hell for too long.

What did he say before he died? Zhang Aihuas voice was so soft that Ling Huaan could barely hear it.

He said that he did everything, and it has nothing to do with you. Before he died, he still wanted to take the blame on himself. He really loves you, but its a pity that his love has no bottom line.

The suppressed cries rang out, Zhang Aihuas emotions completely collapsed

Ling Huaan sat in a chair and listened. From Zhang Aihuas cry, he can hear remorse, unwillingness, and love. Its a pity that her paranoia about life has blinded her mind and made her lose her most precious thin, and now its too late to repent.

Outside the door, Jiang Chengyan wandered back and forth at the door, making Yao Min dizzy.

Captain, Zhang Aihua is a woman who is terminally ill. Her hands are handcuffed to the chair and she cant even stand up. What are you worried about? Can she still hide hidden weapons in her mouth like in the movie?

Jiang Chengyan paused and said in a low voice, Im not worried. Im just thinking about why Zhang Aihua wants to see Huaan.

Mm-hmm, youre not worried. Yao Min responded nonchalantly, showing that she didnt believe it.

Seeing this, Jiang Chengyan said with amusement, Damn girl, try picking on the thorns again and see how I deal with you!

Theres someone showing their prestige in front of me, but, they behave like a cat in front of Ling Dage. Yao Min ran away after she finished speaking. Afraid that Jiang Chengyan will kill her when he got angry.

Yao Min! Jiang Chengyan shouted, gnashing his teeth, but his face turned red like a monkeys butt.

Just then, the door of the interrogation room opened and Ling Huaan appeared.  Jiang Chengyan was startled, there was a bang in his head, and he stammered, HuaHuaan, what did you hear?

Ling Huaan raised the corner of his mouth, but pressed it back again and said, Captain Jiang, its time for you to interrogate.

Ah? Oh, oh oh, interrogation, interrogation. Jiang Chengyan was a little incoherent for a while and shouted in the direction of the office, Yao Min, work.

Ling Huaan went to Jiang Chengyans side and whispered in his ear, Captain Jiang, Ill wait for you in your office so we can discuss the final payment.

Jiang Chengyan stiffened when he heard this, not only his face was red, but all the exposed skin was red, he answered very lightly and said, then Ill send you there first.

Ling Huaan smiled under his eyes and said in a happy mood, Captain Jiang, do your business. I know the way.

Seeing Ling Huaan walking toward her, Yao Min smiled and asked, Ling Dage, are you leaving?

No, I still have something to discuss with your captain. Ill leave in a while.

Ho ho, Ling Dage, slow down and be careful not to hit anything.

Okay, thank you.

Yao Min walked up to Jiang Chengyan. When she saw his red face, she could not help but asked curiously, Captain, your face is red as can be compared to a monkeys butt, has something happened?

Jiang Chengyan glanced at Yao Min blankly, not intending to pay attention to her. He took a deep breath to calm down and pushed the door of the interrogation room.

The two of them took their seats one after another. Jiang Chengyan looked at Zhang Aihua and said bluntly, Zhang Aihua, we have satisfied your request. Is it time to talk about it now?

Zhang Aihua looked up with her dark eyes. Her eyes were red and swollen like she is lifeless, just ask what you want to know.

Shen Xin, Su Meiqi, Wang Tianran, Guo Xiaomei, Li Xiaoting, Zhang Hanlei, did you kill the six of them?

I killed them.

Why did you kill them and how did you do it? Tell us about it.

Zhang Aihua was silent for a while, then pulled the loose hair behind his ears and said, My marriage with Wu Zheng was actually a business marriage. It only took three months for us to get engaged and then get married. I dont hate him, but I dont have any feelings for him.

Jiang Chengyan and Yao Min listened quietly and did not interrupt because she was not answering the question.

He was very kind to me, gentle, considerate, and obedient. He never got angry or quarreled with me even if I made trouble without reason. In the first two years, I never let him touch me, and he accepted me silently and never said anything. Slowly, I was moved by him and really accepted the marriage from my heart.

The irony is, when I really wanted to be his wife, I found out that I not only couldnt get pregnant but also got breast cancer.

Zhang Aihuas mouth curled up in a bitter smile and she continued, Breast cancer can initially be controlled with medication, but the best way to prevent it from spreading is to remove it. He has told me more than once that no matter what I become, he will always love and never abandon me.

At that time, I was not only not touched by what I heard, but I also felt that he was hypocritical. All men like beautiful women, but once I had my breast removed, let alone beautiful, its not even complete. Which man would like it? Not to mention that I cant get pregnant.

The pain is torturing me and Im getting more and more haggard, my hair is falling out in large quantities, and the beautiful and delicate woman I used to be is gone. I studied medicine for so many years, but I couldnt cure myself, how ironic it was. Time after time I suddenly felt that the eyes of the people around me had changed. Their eyes were full of boredom, dislike, and pity in their eyes, how could a proud person like me stand it!

When a person is extremely desperate, even the most ridiculous things, she will believe. Zhang Aihuas eyes looked straight at Yao Min and said, I was crazy at that time and took it as a lifesaver. I am an obstetrician and gynecologist, and I see pregnant women every day. I feel that this is a chance for me to be reborn, so I began to carefully select the target. Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, I couldnt find a suitable one.

Su Meiqi is the first person you killed, right?

Zhang Aihua wiped the corner of her eyes. She nodded and said,  Thats right. It was an accident that I met Su Meiqi when she was working as a cashier at Meihua Supermarket. When I paid, I left my mobile phone.  Later, she found me and gave it back to me. From the chat, I learned that she came to work in Huacheng alone. She had no relatives or friends here, so I started the Idea with her.

So her boyfriend is also part of your plan?

Yes, her boyfriend was played by someone I bought. As long as she gets pregnant, the deal will be completed.

From the time you met her until she went into labor. Its almost a year. Youre really patient.Listening to Yao Mins sarcasm, Zhang Aihua just smiled and then continued, Since Su Meiqi became pregnant, my plan seemed to be on hold, and I successfully found four pregnant women who also had no background in Huacheng. They all came to have abortions, and I was the one who persuaded them to keep the baby.

What about Shen Xin, whats the matter with her?

Shen Xins family and my family are family friends. We have known each other for a long time. Its just we rarely see each other. We met by chance. She fell in love with Wu Zheng at first sight and even went to plastic surgery to get close to Wu Zheng. Didnt you find that she looked a lot like me after the plastic surgery? Zhang Aihuas eyes showed a bit of smugness.

Jiang Chengyan looked at Zhang Aihua in silence, without the slightest intention to talk.

Seeing this, Zhang Aihua smiled and continued, I cant get pregnant. I cant give Wu Zheng a child, so I forced Wu Zheng and Shen Xin to get into bed. It didnt take long for Shen Xin to get pregnant.

Yao Min said in disbelief, you actually forced your husband to sleep with another woman?

She started with the idea of having a child through her belly. As long as the child is born, Shen Xin will complete her mission. Also, as long as Shen Xin is killed like those women, she doesnt have to worry that Wu Zheng will be half-hearted. Jiang Chengyan answered Yao Mins question before he asked, Why didnt you wait for the child to be born naturally? You should know those premature babies are unhealthy.

Because Im jealous! Why do people who like to play around like Shen Xin can still be so healthy, and still be able to get pregnant? While me? I have nothing, Im willing! Zhang Aihua roared loudly, tears flowing down her eyes, saying, He said he would only love me in this life and would not touch other women, but he still slept with Shen Xin. Even if I forced him to, why didnt he resist? Why did he touch other women?

Jiang Chengyan was silent for a moment and said, The child in Shen Xins belly is not Wu Zhengs.

What? Zhang Aihua raised her head in shock, Its not Wu Zhengs? Impossible, I watched them spend the night together in the hotel, how could the baby not be his?

Jiang Chengyan took out a DNA report and said, the child is Gao Mings. It has nothing to do with Wu Zheng.

Shen Xins ex-boyfriend? They broke up a long time ago, did they ever be together again after that? Zhang Aihua looked at Jiang Chengyan in disbelief.

Zhang Aihua, you are an obstetrician. You should know best how to calculate the time of pregnancy.

She was already pregnant when she was with Wu Zheng

Wu Zheng and her have never been together before. All of this is just a show from Wu Zheng to you.

After Wu Zhengs death, his soul went to Ling Huaan before being taken away by the underworld messenger. His purpose was very simple, just to apologize to Shen Xin personally. So, Ling Huaan also learned the truth and told Jiang Chengyan.

The man named Bai Chuan whom Jiang Chengyan investigated earlier was Su Meiqis boyfriend which she knows named Wu Yang. Wu Zheng asked him and Shen Xin to open a room just to handle the check-in registration. It was Wu Zheng who went there after that, but because Shen Xin bribed the front desk of the hotel, he didnt register since then.

Shen Xin remembered everything, and her love for Wu Zheng disappeared because of her death. She said she would not hate him because he did not hurt her daughter, but she would not forgive him.

Impossible. Shen Xin likes Wu Zheng, I can see that.

Shen Xin likes Wu Zheng, but Wu Zheng only loves you from beginning to end. He cant sleep with a woman he doesnt love. He has never touched Shen Xin. The reason why he maintains this relationship with Shen Xin was just a show it to you.

What about Shen Xin, why did she cooperate with Wu Zheng? Zhang Aihua couldnt accept such a fact no matter what.

Because she loves Wu Zheng, even if its an act, she is willing to cooperate.

Impossible, how is it possible? He is so good to the baby, how can it not be his child? Zhang Aihua asked again while sobbing.

Because of his guilt, he failed to stop you from killing again and again. He could only use this way to get a moment of peace in his mind.

Zhang Aihua broke down emotionally. After they asked where Wang Tianrans body was, the two left the interrogation room.

Yao Min looked at the door of the interrogation room, she sighed, Its pitiful, she missed the most precious thing.

If Wu Zhengs love was not so bottomless, perhaps the ending would have been different.

So no matter how much you love someone, you must have a bottom line.

Jiang Chengyan looked at the time and called some people to go to the back garden of Zhang Aihuas house to dig up Wang Tiarans body and then send it directly back to the forensic room.

It was already 8:00 pm when he returned to the police station. Yao Min stretched his back and said, Oh, this case is finally finished. Captain, can we get off early today?

Jiang Chengyan looked at the time and said, Go ahead and tell them to get off work.

Yao Min looked at Jiang Chengyan, blinked, and said, Captain, although I am very happy to get off work early, I have to doubt your intentions.

Jiang Chengyan was stunned for a moment, and asked with a confused look, Girl, what do you mean by that?

Captain, youre notYoure not going to forget about big Ling Dage, are you?

Jiang Chengyans expression stiffened when he heard this. His head is full of the case just now. He really forgot that Ling Huaan was still waiting for him.

Captain, you cant do this. If Ling Dage knows about it, he will definitely think that working in your heart is more important than him.

Seeing Yao Min look like I am the master of love, Jiang Chengyan couldnt help laughing. He said threateningly, Damn girl, it seems that you do not want to leave work early ah. There just happen to be a few documents

Captain, I almost forgot. I have a blind date to go later. For the big event of my life, I will leave first. Yao Min oiled the soles of his feet and ran faster than a rabbit.

Jiang Chengyan shook his head in amusement. His gaze could not help but look towards his office, and his heart inexplicably began to feel nervous


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