Guild Wars

Chapter 274 - Supernatural 1

Chapter 274 - Supernatural 1

Draco spent some time in the Aether Hall with his family, seeing as he had to wait a bit for more Void Stones to come in. As he was now left with around 3 million platinum in funds, Draco planned to spend the rest on the Epic material.

Its quantity was truly scarce, but since there were so few Magical Engineers in the world anyway, he only had to wait for a bit for a new shipment to come.

To use this time though, Draco logged out of Boundless together with Eva, Jada, Jade, Akainu and Sanji. After all, the one-month grace period was over.

The predicted time when the other Mafia Groups would attack the castle in retaliation for the slaughter of The Boyz has come. They had to mount a defense against so many groups at once, so they couldn’t afford to remain in game.

Draco came out of the pod with the crystal-like nanites sloshing away from his skin. Both he and Eva were n.a.k.e.d, so they stopped to admire each other with lascivious intent for a few seconds.

Eventually, Draco walked over and slapped Eva’s butt with a smarmy grin. Eva retaliated by grabbing his balls and squeezing them gently, making Draco puff out air as his eyes widened.

Draco had a wry expression on his face. "I concede, my skin is not as thick as yours."

Eva smiled toothily. "I inherited my thick skin from the best."

Draco folded his arms and laughed. "Hahaha, that’s true. With this Prime here, how can your skin not be resilient? Haha, being in the presence of greatness truly is the key to success!"

Eva laughed as well. "Truly shameless."

The two went to bathe before they dressed up. The bathing aspect was not really necessary, however, it did provide a pleasant feeling to do so and it wasn’t like it was that big a deal anyway.

Draco wore black joggers that hugged his legs tightly along with a relatively nice grey t-shirt. He put on some casual slippers on top of this, and he looked more like someone about to go buy food down the street than the reincarnation of Lucifer.

Draco’s face turned sour when he realized this was also something Jada bought him. The realization struck him as it was tight around his crotch area. As such, one could easily see the outline of his package if they looked hard enough.

Eva wasn’t shy about it and whistled, much to Draco’s chagrin. There was nothing he could do about it though, so he could only smother his bashfulness under layers of shamelessness.

Eva wore a tank top and gym shorts. She had one of the curviest bodies among the women he knew, only that her proportions were nowhere near as large as Zaine and the others.

Still, seeing her in gym attire would elicit l.u.s.tful intent from any onlooker, regardless of her Celestial Maiden Inheritance. She simply looked really s.e.xy like that, especially with her face locked in a condescending frown.

Eva looked mean whenever she wasn’t talking to Draco or anyone she liked, which would certainly scare off anyone who thought to approach her. However, to Draco, it made her allure even greater.

The two of them went out to see Sanji and Akainu in their usual suits while Jada and Jade wore cute one-piece dresses with flowery patterns.

Jada was about to insult Draco to the high heavens on sight, but she was suppressed by Eva’s perfection. She lost her voice and her self-esteem in front of Eva’s superiority.

Jade also looked somewhat chagrined, but she was much better at hiding it than Jada. Akainu and Sanji had seen Eva’s face many times already and while they were as awed as the first time, they simply had no interest in vying for Draco’s woman.

Eva was much better than Draco at suppressing the allure of her Celestial Maiden Inheritance and coupled with her veil, most people didn’t even feel any attraction.

As for Draco, this uncouth and brainless dolt, he was giving every woman a healthy dose of his aura, which was no better than straight up injecting them with top-tier aphrodisiacs.

Luckily, he had learned a lot more about his Dark Angel Inheritance after activating it further. The ascension ceremony had also unknowingly done its part to help him control it. He easily suppressed the effect down to Eva’s level.

"Give me a status report Akainu." Draco said after patting Jade on the head, while avoiding Jada biting off his hand when he tried to do the same to her.

Akainu puffed some cigar smoke and took out a paper from his trouser pocket, flapping it open casually. "Well, we got a notice from the 2nd to 10th Mafia groups in this city demanding an explanation for the demise of The Boyz."

Draco rubbed his chin. "Oh? And what was our reply?"

Akainu scratched his head and tuned to Jada, who puffed out her little chest in pride. "Well, the Little Minx was the one who wrote our reply."

Akainu didn’t need to elaborate further. It was likely that upon reading that toxic reply, many of the fellows suffered from epileptic seizures and had to be rushed for intensive care. One simply does not read or hear expletives from this Pettanko and remain fine afterward.

Sanji tapped his wrist and displayed an image of the exterior of the castle. Outside were many cars lined up, with hundreds of men armed to the teeth.

Around 20 people, mostly men, sat around a portable round table at the front of their gates, with only 9 of them seated while the other 11 or so stood behind these 9 respectfully.

What was surprising was that these 9 were lazily playing cards, as if they had all the time in the world. This made Draco smile, and Eva glanced at them with disdain.

"Fools." Eva stated coldly.

"They are, but they are certainly confident. Akainu, how did they manage to clear this area, and how did they move so many men over here without causing a spectacle?" Draco asked.

After all, this was the real world, not a medieval one like Boundless. The ability to track and spread information in this age was truly powerful. Even if the authorities failed to catch it in time, the pedestrians would not sit idle.

Many would take out their phones and take pictures or record such a procession. Thanks to movies, games and novels, even the most reclusive fellow would be able to tell that these groups were up to no good.

Yet, they had managed to cross over here without causing a ruckus. The resources and pull needed to accomplish such a feat were not small. It was clear why they had to spend about a month preparing their retaliation.

Akainu tossed the paper he was holding away and put both hands in his trouser pockets. "They have links up to the Ministry of Information. With their help, they were able to cause a small information blackout, long enough for them to mobilize here in batches."

Eva turned to Akainu. "Who was their connection?"

This time, it was Sanji who answered as he tapped his holo-device. The screen changed to show the details of a pudgy and ugly man who smiled warmly.

"It was Mayor Ferguson. He belongs to the Terrabino Family, and the current Minister of Information, Johnson Terrabino, is his older cousin." He explained, cycling through various footage of both men, as well as pictures.

Eva’s black eyes flashed, and their placid nature changed as a miasma began to swirl inside, making the others feel like their souls would be sucked into those depths.

"Send me his details. I’ll deal with him." She declared eerily, as she suddenly disappeared from the spot. Sanji gulped and sent over the details to her holo-device, but he guessed that she was already gone from the castle.

Draco chuckled at how they were spooked by his Celestial Beauty, but he didn’t blame them. Eva was very twisted and terrifying due to her madness. Even he could not deny that.

But for Draco, it made her even more attractive, whereas it made her a nightmare for others.

"Lead me to these fellows. Let’s see what they have up their sleeves that makes them so confident." Draco stated.

After all, it was strange. The Boyz were the certified number 1 mafia group of the city, yet they had been slaughtered to the last man, leaving nothing but a scene from the vilest hell behind.

Yet, these fellows dared to come. Draco really wanted to see what had them so sure of themselves.

He exited the castle with his entourage, and the Sanguigno Brothers were in the lawn before the gates, armed to the teeth and ready to take lives. Draco nodded to and they filed in behind them.

Two Sanguigno Brothers opened the gate for Draco and the others to come out, and those on the outside tensed up. Everyone except the 20 around the table felt like they were standing on needles when they saw Draco.

Each of them had seen pictures or videos of the scene at the estate of The Boyz, and despite being hardened crooks, many had vomited heavily.

Even a butcher wouldn��t be so cruel, so they felt like he was a bonafide demon to do such a thing.

Funny enough, they were right.

Draco noticed that there was a chair left for him on the table, and that those playing the cards hadn’t even bothered to look his way. Only those who stood behind to protect them looked at Draco with wary hostility.

Draco moved to sit down and lay back into his chair lazily. His handsome looks and his demeanor were quite arousing, but no one had the time to be moved by his looks due to the tension in the air.

Draco simply cast out his Void of Perfection and discovered that there were more than 400 men arrayed here. These weren’t grunts either, but the best elites of each force that was gathered here. Those could even form a notable company in any army.

They were miles away from the elite Sanguigno Brothers, but they were still quite good on their own. This made Draco ponder, as there was no way they could be relying on just numbers alone... right?

After another minute of playing cards, one of the mafia leaders finally spoke up. It was a woman wearing heavy makeup and a suave black dress with a large fur coat dr.a.p.ed over her shoulders: "Do you know why The Boyz had been the number 1 mafia group of this city?"

Draco made a ’no idea’ gesture, not bothering to reply. The woman seemed unbothered by his attitude and simply continued.

"Because there is no point fighting over first place." She stated as if it was the most obvious truth.

Draco’s eyes narrowed. He observed these 9 bosses with his Horned Demon Inheritance and Dark Angel Inheritance. He wasn’t able to sense any negative emotions like fear or worry in them, and he certainly could not read their thoughts yet.

He - unfortunately - did not have his Eyes of Caelo here, so he could only wonder where their confidence was coming from silently.

Another boss, this time a dark-skinned man with a scar on his cheeks, spoke out with a distinct accent. "The Boys, The Cardinals, The Sanguigno Brothers and some others."

"These are the various groups you have come into contact with so far, and you were easily able to dispatch or subdue them as a Control master."

The fellow nodded his head without even looking towards Draco. "That is certainly impressive. Control masters certainly live up to their name. However, before our kind, they are nothing."

Draco’s eyes gleamed as he heard what the man said at the end. Their kind? That was to say, they were different from the Sanguigno Brothers and co?

Suddenly, the card game abruptly halted. All of the bosses here turned to face Draco at the same time, their eyes blazing with an unnatural intensity as they looked at him with straight faces.

It unnerved the people behind Draco greatly, but he himself smiled coldly. It appeared as if Draco had suddenly realized something important.

The woman who had been the first to speak broke the silence. "Young Control master Draco, do you believe in the supernatural?"

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