Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 136 What Seven Million Years Of Planning Looks Like

"That's disgusting, and now it is all over my dress!" Victoria complained, but I dragged my fingers over her dress to cut it off her body.

Victoria, of course, screamed because what else would she do?

"I am just going to put a new dress on you. Do you really need to act like the world is ending with every instance of your existence?" I complained back.

"You could warn me!" Victoria growled, letting her dress fall while still facing away from me.

"And you are complaining that we didn't even have sex yet. You aren't even comfortable enough for me to see your naked body," I said with a sigh and then asked. "Vic, what is your rush?"

"You spent time with girls that you didn't even know before me and then gave them abilities," Victoria complained as I created a white dress on her body, intentionally not making it fit right in the front.

"Not true. I spent time with you, and I flew around with you. I also went and helped your parents. Vic, it had been four days, and I was more than ready to give you powers, but then you started to act out. This isn't a game, Vic. People are dying right now, and we are trying to stop a war because there is an even bigger set of threats coming," I explained, and Victoria looked down.

"It feels like I should have just kept my feelings for you to myself; this would have never happened. I tried to be open with you, but whenever I think I am ready, my mind tells me that you don't actually care about me. I know that I am acting unreasonable," Victoria said, and I reached out and pulled her to my chest.

"Humans are complicated, Vic. There is something wrong with your hormones, so when this is all over, Sofia will look at you and see what we can do. Vic, you are a good person, but you have a horrible tendency to say whatever is the first thing that comes to your mind. You need to stop that and start thinking about what you say. Even if Sofia fixes what is wrong, that will only help with the self-doubt," I explained, stroking Victoria's hair.

"I will try, but I am not perfect, and I will make mistakes," Victoria complained into my chest, and I smiled.

"Trying is all I ask, but now it is time for me to return," I said and waved my hand to fully furnish the entire room as a bedroom.

I picked Victoria up, walked over to the bed, and laid her down. I pushed some red hair out of her face and slowly leaned down to kiss Victoria.

She slowly returned it and put her hands on the side of my face as she did. I broke the kiss and slowly pulled back with a smile.

"Stay here and get some sleep. I will come and get you later," I said, and Victoria nodded as I created a light blanket to drape over her.

"Thank you for not hating me," Victoria said quietly as she rolled away from me, curling up in the blanket.

"I love you, Vic, just like the other girls. I can't hate you, but you know that you can do better," I said, and the door closed behind me as I left the room.

I probably should have tried to deal with Victoria long ago, but we had always just been friends. It wasn't like I hadn't known she was unstable. I had suggested to her parents before that Victoria should be checked out.

Now I know that things were out of whack with her, and I would figure out how to fix it, even if I had to make a System that would do it. Nothing was going to stand in my way from this point forward.

The Star Child, my brother, something that was still hard to wrap my head around, had unlocked my Systems true abilities. Not only could I create new Systems, but I was in control of everyone that had been created, but no access to the powers they provided yet.

From what I could tell about the system, I would not gain that ability for a long time. Even though I controlled the Evergrowth System, I could now tell that Orphus or Omega had never actually left my mind, but I was waiting for him to come forward.


Omega stood in the crystal room he had broken into to deal with the AI, but now he was considering what would come of all this. This was a choice made in the spur of the moment, but he had felt pushed to come here and force everyone to do things a certain way.

That bothered Omega and made him feel like someone was controlling him.

"Controlling is such a strong word, my friend," Star Child said from beside him, but Omega didn't move.

Instead, he prepared to attack this frustrating being that had left him alone so long ago. The eons spent locked up after being used as a toy and experiment all came rushing back to Omega.

"That is not how you greet an old friend," Starchild said and placed a hand on Omega's back before he could react.

His powers, abilities, and connection to the Hydra were severed. Omega turned to face Star Child with a horrified look on his face.

"What have you done?!" Omega exclaimed.

"You are no longer the owner of the Progenitor System. Your job is over now, and I am sorry that the road has been so long and tedious for you, but you have completed your task. Now you shall be given this body to watch the results of your hard work bloom into fruition," Star Child explained.

"You are really going to leave this power to this human?!" Omega asked; even if he knew that was the right choice, he wanted to know the answer.

"This power was always meant for my brother; you were just the only one that could carry it. I cannot give back to you what I have taken, but the past is fleeting in the face of the great change before you. Can't you feel it? The Astral Tides are starting to move again, Omega. After over fifty billion years since the first two stumbled into Eden, there is a chance for peace. You will become part of that solution. That is your purpose and why I created you after they had taken the fruit that I had offered them," Star Child explained, and Omega remained silent as he tried to process what had just been saying.

"Then, you aren't who you say you are?" Omega asked, and Star Child nodded.

"Everyone has a mask, but they cannot know I am alive. I have stayed hidden and been nothing but a tiny thorn in their side as I am now. There is too much at risk right now, so I need you to help my brother, Daniel," Star Child explained.

"So you did create him. I was sure that there was no other reason for him just growing from nothing on that step. That is why I came here," Omega said, crossing his arms, but Star Child laughed but then got a sad look on his face.

"For this, my friend, I am sorry. You were always meant to come here. Seven million years ago, I decided that this planet would be the perfect host for what would be needed for my brother. I seeded this planet and then placed you on a planet in a solar system that was not that far from this one," Star child told Omega, but that made him frown.

"What was the point of putting me there? Why didn't you just put me on Earth? I could have been hidden there! Instead, you put me in that hell hole to be used and experimented on!" Omega complained, and Star Child nodded.

"It provided one of the biggest threats to the growth of Earth, so I place you on it to tear apart and destroy them so they could not interfere. From there, you have been dealing with cataclysmic races on the verge of planetary or species destruction. You were given the power to help those in need, but only if they were willing to work together. The true goal behind going to the other worlds was to collect enough systeminuim to complete what Daniel is going to do," Star Child explained.

"So what is the point of it all?! We are here now; your so-called brother has the System in his hands; the systeminuim has been collected. What now? The others are coming to destroy this world now, and we will be lucky to make it away alive!" Omega declared.

"Point? This is the point, my brother. He is going to wander now, but I know he will reach the point I need him to. There is nothing to rush; just help guide him like I did to you so long ago. You do not remember, nor will you ever, but you have been at my side since the beginning, Omega," Star Child said, and Omega scrubbed a hand over his face, feeling like Daniel had when trying to comprehend his new powers.

"Why would you take from me all our time together? You obviously regard those times as memorable, yet you stole them from me," Omega said coldly, and Star Child sighed.

"I created you to be the end of what was first started when I offered Alphose and Tiama the Forbidden Astral Fruit, but I couldn't do it myself. Things should have been different back then, but I had been so excited when the first two came in holding hands. I assumed they were partners, but that wasn't the case, and now I have been forced to watch the universe tear itself apart. All because of one mistake that will haunt me until the end of time. The time I took from you did have fond memories, but it also was filled with more death and destruction than you ever want to remember," Star Child explained but then started to float up slowly.

"Where are you going?!" Omega asked.

"To leave and deal with other parts of the universe that need my attention. I have spent too long here watching your growth, old friend. Again, this is goodbye for now, not ever, and we will speak again. Now, witness what seven million years of planning looks like!" Star Child laughed and then disappeared, leaving Orphus to himself.

"To see what seven million years of planning looks like? Daniel is impressive, but I don't think he is what this creature thinks he is. He is still human, I think, so he will have limits, but what were they?" Omega said to himself, but then turned, left the room, and headed back to where the fight was just getting started.

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