Harem Overlord: I ALWAYS Finish Quick!

Chapter 93 Ryan Emerald

Excited smiles covered Shade, Milf, and Hannah's faces.

"We'll sign," Hannah said, jumping for joy.

"As will I," Shade added. "You've reunited me with my sister; I'll be eternally grateful for that."

As Ryan was about to correct Shade, he suddenly thought better of it and shut his mouth. It wasn't the time to explain the egg and her powers.

"Okay, how do I purchase these contracts?" Ryan asked, looking at Shade while quietly trying to remove Hannah from his chest.

"I assume, my Lord, that this is your first time acquiring any Heavenly Credits?" Shade asked.

Seeing Ryan nod his head, Shade explained, "You should be able to order one from a reputable Heavenly Merchant of B-Rank or higher... but I doubt you have such a force on your planet. Kingdom and Merchant ranks are much harder to obtain than cultivation ranks after all."

Mulling the problem over, Ryan only found two options.

'Well, I don't have any danger in putting them inside the Harem Palace, as even though I've never been inside, I should have full control. They would have to swear the standard oath of loyalty.'

"Either you trust me enough to stay inside my pocket dimension without a contract, or we'll have to meet after I fulfill my oath," Ryan said.

"Oath?" Hannah asked, tilting her head.

"Do not pry into confidential information, woman!" Shade said, slamming his fist on a rickety table, causing it to break.

Ignoring the mess he made, Shade stepped close to Ryan and whispered, "Now, what is this about an oath, my Lord, and what can I do to help?"

Seeing the intrigue on Shade's and Hanna's faces, Ryan pressed his lips together and looked at Milf. "What about you? Will you join me?"

"I already asked you to take us as your people. Although you're not strong yet, you've proved yourself as a future powerhouse in my eyes," Milf said, gazing into Ryan's eyes.

"Then you deserve a new name. What was your name before?" Ryan asked Milf, who he'd come to see as a potential harem member, as her ability was particularly suited for him.

"It's been so long that my previous name no longer applies to me," Milf said, shaking her head. "Please give me a new name."

Ryan paused, sensing an opportunity.

On earth, he was an orphan. On Ravier, he was an orphan. But slowly, he was building a family, albeit a non-standard family, but a family nonetheless.

"Your new name shall be Veronica Emerald," he nodded to Milf, hoping she would like her new name.

"I, before the heavens, declare my name Ryan Emerald."

The heavens boomed with a mighty clap as Ryan pronounced his new surname. Ryan didn't know it at the time, but that simple sentence had been enough to seal the fate of all humanity on Ravier. And usher in an age of utter chaos for the Multiverse.


After everyone said the appropriate oaths and Ryan secured them inside his palace, Ryan got down to the most important topic. The egg.

"You're the one that requested to be my soul pet, so why should I agree?" Ryan asked Yoko, who was currently hopping around on the bed inside her shell.

"You should agree because I'm a main descendant from the Dragon Clan, one of the 7," Yoko exclaimed triumphantly.

"What type of Dragon are you exactly... and why haven't you hatched?"

"How dare you ask a lady such a thing, Mr. Emerald!" Yoko cried in outrage.

Rolling his eyes, Ryan asked, "Okay, can you tell me what the advantages would be for a normal cultivator to get a normal spirit pet?"

"It depends on the spirit pet, but they gain certain abilities based on the pet's race and level."

'Kinda sounds like my harem... the heavens doesn't want me to raise my girls as pets, do they?'

"Spirit pets also live inside a person's soul. Depending on the cultivator's rank, they can only have so many."

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, no way.'

"They can also. . . have. . . hahaha," unable to contain her laughter anymore, Yoko's shell rolled on the floor while she laughed.

Wiping her non-existent tear from her unborn face Yoko said, "Sorry, one of my abilities allows me to look into other people's specialties and I couldn't help myself."

"So, can you tell me what the advantage is now?" Ryan said, letting out a huge breath.



Inside the Harem Palace...

Shade sighed in relief at seeing his sister safe. "How are you feeling?" he asked his sister after pulling her inside the new room he had been designated.

"Happy," Veronica said, falling on the bed next to Shade and hugging his arm. "For the first time since we were kids, we are together, and we're away from The Old Man."

The two siblings remained silent, eyes locked. Neither had to speak to understand what the other was thinking.

For so many years, they hadn't been able to communicate. It was Hannah that acted as their mediator. But that didn't mean they didn't have a bond.

The three had been tighter than siblings and had even hatched a plan to steal Yoko from The Old Man's clutches.

Shade had discovered long ago that Yoko would sneak off and soon discovered her real identity by watching where she went.

The plan only formed after Shade received a strange message from a diviner informing him of a Cultivator coming to their realm who could pass The Old Man's test.

He didn't believe the diviner at first, but after confirming with his sources that the diviner was well-known in the Multiverse, Shade accepted the knowledge as fact.

The two sat in silence until Hannah came through the door wearing a happy grin.

"Veronica!" Hannah exclaimed with joyful tears as she ran up to Veronica.

"I can't believe we're all finally free of that man," Veronica said as she embraced Hannah. "I thought it was never going to happen."

"It took too long, but our plan worked! I just can't believe our savior is so young."

Hannah paused, realizing what she had just said, and glanced at Shade.

"What did you just say?" Shade asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Nothing," Hannah mumbled. She noticed the displeasure on Shade's face and added, "Everything's fine now. We've succeeded, so let's talk about more pleasant things. How much longer do you think the egg will take to hatch?"

"About two more months," Shade said, gazing into the distance with a frown.

Hearing this, both Veronica and Hannah immediately became anxious to know why Shade looked unhappy.

"Why would anything be wrong?" Veronica questioned, looking at him with concern in her eyes. "Almost everything went to plan! We didn't even have to use our ace to knock Yoko unconscious."

"I meant what I said to the boy. I am indebted to him. And..." Shade replied coldly before taking a deep breath and continuing. "I think Ryan Emerald is a descendant of the First Ones."

Veronica and Hannah gasped, then turned their gazes towards each other while muttering a single word over and over again, 'Impossible.'

"It appears you weren't paying attention to me when I told you the diviner who sold me the information said our savior was someone unique in the Multiverse," Shade explained with annoyance.

"But a descendant of the First Ones? How sure are you?" Hannah asked.

Looking away, Shade scratched his head and said, "About 20, no. 15 percent."

Face palming, the two women sighed and shook their heads.

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