Harem Reborn

Chapter 64: Battle Against Fate Part 2

Chapter 64: Battle Against Fate Part 2

"I have a name you know, Tyron."

Biford/Fate/Tyron had lost all the color in his eye, and now I was staring into a large pair of black beads. Dark veins covered his exposed flesh where there weren't chains already sprouting. Even a pair of black horns had ripped through the flesh of his forehead. Tyron no longer looked human.

"Those don't matter anymore! This is your Fate to LOSE TO ME!"

The last part came screamed in a demonic roar that had some weight, pushing us back only slightly. I looked to each girl and received smiles in return. Everyone was ready for battle, and we started forward, but a massive black circle that shone with unholy light surrounded Tyron.

More demons were starting to appear from the circle, but the demon inside Tyron absorbed them as fast as it produced them.

"Nothing spared. Pump your spells into me and Tilly, relaunch me!"

I didn't even look, I just jumped into the air, and I could feel all elements pouring into me. Tilly's now dual jet hammer connected with me perfectly, and then I was on the other side of fate, and he was no more.

I never even had time to move my sword. Instead, I plowed through Tyron. Right through, nothing left but chunks and mist. And the demon!

As I turned around, I was belted by a chain and knocked out of the circle. I flew into a wall but recovered quickly to jump back at the monster. Victoria breathed blue fire from her dragon form, and Tilly was already racing forwards.

Tilly went to swing and slammed down her jet hammer just short of Grismald. Still, her Magic, like Victoria's fire breath, was stopped just outside of the purple-black ring surrounding the Grismald, but he retaliated immediately with chains. Iona dropped Tilly into darkness, allowing the chains to pass by her harmlessly, as I pulled back both swords to strike.

"LOOK OUT!" Screamed Lavender.

Too late! A chain caught me on my side that I couldn't see coming, and I was sent spinning towards the girls. Iona caught me with shadows, but I had a severe bleeding gash on my side. Coming out of the darkness, all of us grouped up again.

"What are we supposed to do against that thing?" Iona asked with exasperation leaking into the question.

"Magic doesn't work, and the chains make it hard to get close even to touch him. I guess it was too much to ask for him to die in one shot, hehe."

"This isn't a time for laughing!"

Lavender rounded on me, so I put my hands up in mock defense. Lavender was right, and I looked to the other girls. Each looked tired and beat. Now of us has had any proper sleep over the last few days, but none of that mattered. All that matters is winning or losing at this point.

The demon didn't seem to care what we did, as long as we left it alone to eat minor demons. I tried to dig deep on what might work when my eyes fell on the red cape Lavender was wearing.

"Lavender, reach behind you. The CAPE AT HAND might be our only option!"

Lavender nodded at me and reach behind herself while keeping eye contact with me. The thing she brought out was not what any of us expected, and Lavender stuff the letter she had pulled out quickly into her pocket. After that, I told Lavender to focus on the demon when she tried again, but I was also curious about what the letter said.

Lavender reached behind herself again, but this time she was focus on the chain wielding demon that was getting bigger and bigger by the moment. The item pulled out was a spear with a large, broad, and golden tip, and the staff shaft was made from the same material as the Gauntlet I had given Lavender.

"What will this do?" Lavender asked while holding out the spear.

"If that doesn't kill him, nothing will." Trinity piped up from the back

Trinity and Augusta moved forward, but Augusta was the one that spoke.

"That is the Longinus Spear, AKA the Holy Spear. That Item can only be summoned, and it is one of four restricted weapons that can only be given by a god. Using that weapon might win us the fight, but there is no telling what repercussions you might face after!"

Just then, the demon roared, and we were push back farther than the first time when Tyron screamed. We all turn to see the circle surrounding Grismald had left, and he was twice the size. Large black chains surrounded the horned demon as he towered over us.

Instead of attacking us, Grismald turned to the castle. The massive chains dove for the castle and started to tear it apart, smashing everything. Soon a golden halo was revealed, and the chains began to assault the King's Eternal Shield. Divine Knights tried to stop the chains but were crushed by falling rocks or eviscerated by the black chains.

"We can't let him kill the king, or it's all over!"

I grabbed the Spear of Longinus and broke from the group, digging my feet in as I raced to stop Grismald.

"Stop, Dave! You don't know what will happen if you use that! Even If you win, they might disqualify you!" Trinity screamed after me, but It didn't matter if someone else could win.

They should have never given us an item like THE CAPE AT HAND in the first place if it could produce something like this, was my thoughts before I took my last step. The Kings Eternal Shield was starting to crack as I pulled my arm back, and I could feel the energy building in the spear.

Grismald must have sensed the Divine Weapon and his assault on the king stopped, and he began to turn to me, with chains already changing directions. That was when I slammed down my front foot on my last step, releasing the Holy Spear with all my might.

That spear ripped a small hole in the demon's breast where a heart should have been but then continued to the clouds. Grismald and I looked at each other for a brief second, and I thought I was done for when he smiled, but then something else happened as the chains continued towards me. Just before the chains could tear my body apart, they were stopped by a golden light.

Like Augusta's summon, The demon Grismald was bathed and surrounded by a golden light that repelled all of its attacks. Suddenly a spear fell from the sky, narrowly missing Grismald. As the first one hit, more continued to drop, and soon the entire golden cylinder was filled with spears streaking down to Grismald.

"NOOOO! IMPOSSIBLE!" Screamed Grismald in his demonic roar, but the golden light stopped any pressure produce by the voice.

The spears flew down and pin cushioned the demon Grismald to the ground until the chains stop moving. Simultaneously, the golden cylinder and Grismald burst into gold and black particles. I fell to my knees; it was over.

I turned my head to see the girls running towards me, but something strange was happening. The world around me was breaking down, and the girls that ran to me were slowly fading away. Was this right? Is this how it happened usually?

I couldn't remember. All I could do was watch my friends fade away, and the world fell apart before my eyes. Like data, the world's pieces were stripped away into the sky, leaving everything with a distinct digital look. Even though I had experienced this before, each time was just as impressive.

I wanted to say goodbye, but that wasn't right. This departure wasn't goodbye. This departure was a see you soon or in a bit. I couldn't seem to remember things happening like this, though.

From my fragmented memories, I was sure that we always exited the game together, and then we would go to the Hall of Wishes, but something was different. The world was almost done now, and I was floating above a grey sphere, but then I started to be pulled down to the unremarkable globe. As I was drawn to the surface, I noticed that I was being dragged to the point that began to shape a fancy-looking Greek hall of sorts.

Once I was closer, something inside me told me that this would not be fair, and Augusta's words of warning rang in my head. I plummeted into the building but slipped through the roof, causing no damage.

Inside, the place was pitch black, with no light. Suddenly, light in front of me flashed on to reveal a man in a red and gold lined robe. I couldn't see his face, even after he stepped forward to some sort of podium.

"Dave, player 000032, has been accused of cheating and will be disqualified from all winnings."

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