Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 18: Foreplay?

Kyle dropped Aiysha back home and was glad that was over because he could focus on Calista now.

Kyle got home, he was giv a few candles of his own as the lady's way of thanking him ev though he had no idea what to do with them.

Kyle wasn't one to complain either way as he stashed them away in one of the drawers in his rovated apartmt, these were new drawers as the old ones had be thrown out.

Kyle noticed that the rovation had gone smoothly but the smell of paint was still evidt in the air, there was no way he could spd the night here ev if he wanted to.

The house looked completely differt with a brand new flat-scre TV hung on the wall, and the old furniture was thrown out and replaced with new ones.

This wasn't just any rovation crew but Kyle had specifically selected a design he wished for them to replicate in his apartmt.

They calculated the cost and st him a bill which he paid that very same day.

Th they came to his home and recreated that very design, which was very expsive due to the price tag attached.

Kyle didn't have to worry much, it was better than cutting corners for a cheaper service only to be disappointed.

The money wasn't coming back to him but it was money well spt, he got cleaned up and sprayed some perfume ev though the product wasn't the most exotic.

Kyle got his phone but saw a message waiting for him only to realise it wasn't from Calista, it was from Aiysha.

It was to thank him for today but Kyle didn't give a response, he had no business conversing with her at this momt.

He scrolled through and gave Calista a call but she didn't pick up on the first try.

He tried once again but it was the same thing and Kyle simply just chuckled.

"This bitch…" These were the words that left his lips but this only made him want to punish her all the more.

"I wonder what the requiremts are for the next upgrade…" Kyle found himself thinking out loud but he got a response.

[The system will meet the requiremt once the affection bar for both harem members is maxed out.]

It informed Kyle and Kyle face-palmed himself in frustration but he knew that it would come with a bunch of lottery tickets just like the last upgrade so he was looking forward to it.

He also didn't know if the multiplier would increase as well as the members he could include in his harem, this made maxing out their affection a compulsory requiremt if he wished to upgrade his system.

Kyle couldn't dy it, this system was well set up to make sure his harem members were tak seriously but this also meant he had to be careful whose name appeared on it.

Calista was an unwanted addition and now he was stuck with her until further notice.

Her affection bar was unaffected so he was unbothered, she was probably out shopping with the money st but he wasn't about her standing him up.

He had shown her he had the financial power to take care of her and buy her 0 more designer bags if she wished.

Kyle's phone soon buzzed. It was a message from Calista. He wondered why she didn't just call, but she had st an attachmt.

Kyle raised a brow in suspicion before oping it but the momt he did, he felt his trouser tighted.

She had st a picture in a suggestive pose with the dress barely on, it looked so good on her.

No wonder she was such a cunt, it was that body of hers, it was seductive and would make any man tolerate her behaviour if they had a chance at screwing her.

Kyle couldn't peel his eyes away from her body as the sky-blue dress clung to her body and brought out her shape, he could almost undress her.

Kyle noticed that she was typing a message beath and waited patitly for it to be delivered.

Luckily, he didn't need to wait long for this to happ, as the message simply read.

[[Oops! Wrong person]]

Kyle chuckled to himself, this woman was playing games with him, he knew what she was trying to do but he had no interest in taking the bait.

He also noticed that she had attached her location to the picture so he had an address to go to.


Calista was done sding the pictures, in actuality it was Kyle that she wished to show but this was not only to keep his anticipation high but also to give the false illusion of options.

Not that Kyle cared, he had the money now, he could get any girl he wanted and the only reason he was bothering with Calista was because he had done something to trigger her affection before he could any other lady.

Calista wore the dress properly and she couldn't believe how good it looked but she knew that Kyle was a man she had to keep by all means if he truly had this wealth.

She had to play the usual games she did with m but Kyle never responded to her message prompting her to question if he liked what he saw or not.

By now, others would have flooded her with messages but Kyle didn't ev respond despite reading the contts.

However, Calista pushed this thought out of her head, there was no way that he didn't know she wasn't attractive or he wouldn't have st her the amount he did.

But what if she wasn't the only one? Calista found herself having thoughts that she shouldn't otherwise care about.

She checked her phone again and saw no response.

"That bastard…!" Calista cussed under her breath as Kyle had st a clear message without words and that was informing her he wasn't like the others.

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