Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 298 - 298

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May the magic be with you. Enjoy!


The starry sky did not please Delphine at all, though she loved the stars. She had almost managed to regain mobility, but the magic was still not responding, going to the unknown needs of her body. Just as Delphine was about to regain mobility in her arms and could barely move her eyes and head, a man in black appeared from the apparation funnel nearby. He quickly walked over and took off his hood - Max. But contrary to the woman's fears, his eyes were quite sane, though his iris continued to glow dimly blue.

The boy picked her up quickly and gently in his arms and apparated, to the woman's surprise, quite gently. Once in the main hall of her country cottage in the woods, the guy gently laid her down on the couch.

"I owe you an apology. I'm fine now, and I'm in control of myself. I have no idea what exactly I did while in that state, but I know one thing, you need to get some sleep. You'll definitely recover by morning."

After leaving for a minute, the guy brought a blanket and carefully covered Delphine.

"That was awkward... Yeah..."

"You don't know how to apologize..." in a hoarse voice Lady Greengrass noted the obvious, with great difficulty forcing her facial muscles to stretch into a slight smile.

"Yes..." the boy smiled awkwardly, running his hand through his blond hair.

Delphine closed her eyes, immersed in fantasies of righteous retribution that would overtake her student in the morning. So what if it wasn't his fault?


The morning of August 10 was rather unusual. The sunbeams, which seemed to have taken on the tradition of waking me up outside of Hogwarts, irritated me with incredible force, bringing me out of the darkness of dreamless sleep. Once consciousness was in reality, I couldn't help but be surprised that I was clearly asleep in a chair. In one of the armchairs in the main hall of Lady Greengrass's country house. My brains were not yet working sufficiently, and I had to strain to understand the reasons for such a thing.

Ritual, unplanned fragmentation of consciousness, lack of resources… And then everything is completely strange. It's good that I kind of came to my senses and didn't mess up too big things. I even found a Delphine and brought her home. Well, am I not a good fellow?

<An extremely controversial statement.>

Oh, my schizophrenia, you're still here! That's good news.

I got up from the chair and looked around - the common room was unchanged, and Delphine was still asleep on the couch, covered by a warm-looking blanket. Stretching, along the way, slightly flexing the muscles that were stiff from an unusual and not particularly comfortable position, I went to my room. After changing clothes there, I went outside to run, think, sort out the information from Rowena.

The August morning forest was full of coolness and pleasant smells. It was while jogging through a forest like this that I turned to Rowena for information.

Well, what had happened there yesterday?

A flood of information rushed into my consciousness.

And now, please, with a verbal interpretation.

<In this case, to begin with, let's analyze your division of consciousness. Let's imagine a model that is incorrect but can explain the situation. Let's say that the whole totality of many states, physical, magical, spiritual, and others that can only be imagined and that make up you - the planet. The mind is the population, reasonable and not so much. Soul - countries on the surface of continents. If it weren't for your spiritual weapons and other abilities, the country would be alone, in the same climate zone and things like that. But because of the sword, there are other countries. However, they are on other continents, and there is no connection to them.>


<The ritual managed to create that very connection between continents. The population of your country immediately perked up, and those who liked the laws, rules, and climate of the new countries quickly packed up their belongings, animals, and plants that would feel better there and fled to the new countries, instantly adjusting to the new conditions. However, the planet remained the same, in a single copy. If earlier "the place of the planet in the universe" was determined by the policy of only one country, now there are three of them. Moreover, cataclysms of unknown nature on the planet suddenly began to occur. For some time, the countries argued peacefully about who would be the main, but in the face of a common threat - cataclysms, they created a council and began to solve common problems, putting forward their proposals. Equivalent.>

What about now?

<Well, once the problem was solved, the connection between the continents began to be lost. The inhabitants of the countries did not want to be isolated, and the effectiveness of governing the planet in isolation from each other would be highly questionable. After a referendum, everyone returned to their historic homeland, but the production facilities remained on the continents. Autonomous and supplying products of their activity to the main continent. True, not very efficiently.>

And after such a journey, haven't these inhabitants changed?

<Not much, but they just lived where they felt most comfortable and then returned. It's like a vacation - they looked at others, showed themselves, and then went back home. With souvenirs.>

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