Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch135- Wraith

Ch135- Wraith

Settling on either side of Harry, Daphne and Tracey nudged him, their curiosity piqued. "You seem miles away, Harry. What's on your mind?" Tracey followed Harry's gaze, which had inadvertently landed on Professor Septima Vector. Mistaking his distant look, she teased, "Harry, are you admiring the Arithmancy professor?"

Daphne couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head. "It's Harry we're talking about. He's probably pondering the mysteries of Arithmancy, not daydreaming about the professor."

Harry, unable to resist, joined in their laughter. "If I were to get lost in thought over someone's features, it would undoubtedly be yours, Daphne." Daphne's cheeks turned a shade of pink, and before she could retort, Harry playfully added, looking at Tracey, "Or perhaps, yours, Tracey."

Tracey, still giggling, responded, "Since when did you become such a charmer, Harry? Stumbled upon a secret tome on flirting, have you? There are some things books can't teach you."

"Well, it seems I have the best teachers right here, then," Harry quipped, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

As lunch continued, the trio discussed their upcoming classes, with Harry skillfully steering the conversation away from his earlier preoccupations. The mention of Arithmancy led to a spirited debate about the practical applications of the subject, with Tracey playfully insisting that there must be some magical formula for perfect flirtation.

Nigel, ever-present but silent during the exchange, finally chimed in, his voice a whisper only Harry could hear. "I must admit, Master Harry, your attempts at lightening the mood are commendable. But let's not forget the storm clouds gathering on the horizon."

Harry nodded subtly, acknowledging Nigel's reminder. "I haven't forgotten, Nigel. But sometimes, a brief respite is necessary to gather one's strength for the challenges ahead."

At night, as Harry sat by his window, Hedwig glided in gracefully, landing beside him with a soft hoot. "Good to have you back," Harry greeted her, a smile touching his lips as she playfully pecked at his ear. "You forgot dinner again!" she huffed in a way that made her displeasure clear, yet held a playful undertone. "I had to go hunting in the forest. You know I don't like doing that alone."

Harry chuckled, reaching for a stash of treats to appease the evidently disgruntled owl. Ever since acquiring the ability to understand basic creature speech through Omnitongue, Harry had discovered a new layer to his relationship with Hedwig. He hadn't realized owls were magical creatures too, though it made perfect sense considering their uncanny ability to locate addresses they'd never visited before, guided by unseen magical threads. Hedwig, in particular, displayed a level of intelligence that set her apart from her avian peers. If Harry had to guess, she possessed the wisdom and wit of a child of six or seven years in human terms.

"So, had any interesting encounters in the forest?" Harry inquired, watching Hedwig nibble on the snacks. "Or was it just the usual mice and voles?"

Hedwig paused, giving Harry a look that suggested if she had eyebrows, one would be raised. "But guess what? I saw those sneaky voles. They think they're so clever, hiding from me. But I showed them. I'm smarter," she declared, a proud puff to her chest, her eyes sparkling with the thrill of the chase.

Harry laughed softly, the sound mingling with the night's gentle breeze. "Crafty voles, you say? Perhaps they're taking evasion lessons."

"Yep! They're super tricky, but I'm trickier," Hedwig boasted, tilting her head in a way that exuded confidence. "Next time, you should come see. It's fun chasing them around. But don't forget my dinner again, okay? Or I'll make you chase voles with me!"

Nigel's voice chimed in with a chuckle. "I'd pay good money to see that, Master Harry. You and Hedwig, the unstoppable vole hunters. A tale for the ages."

Harry shook his head, amused. "I think I'll leave the vole hunting to you, Hedwig. You're clearly the expert."

Hedwig, satisfied with Harry's response, nodded solemnly. "Alright, but remember the dinner part. It's important." Her tone, earnest yet filled with a child-like simplicity, underscored the gravity of her request.

Nigel couldn’t help but add his bit with his distinct tone of dry humor, "Ah, the great Hedwig, outwitted by the wily forest voles. Hogwarts truly is a place of learning for all creatures."

Harry, amused, shot back in his mind, "Let's see you try catching a vole, Nigel. It might teach you a thing or two about humility."

"Ah, but my dear Master Harry, I prefer my meals served, not scurrying around on all fours. Besides, my expertise lies in navigating the labyrinth of your thoughts, not the underbrush," Nigel retorted.

Harry smiled, reaching out to gently stroke the bird’s feathers. "I promise, Hedwig. No more missed dinners."

As Hedwig contentedly nibbled on the snacks Harry had procured, she suddenly paused, her eyes reflecting the dim light of the room. "Oh, I saw something mysterious," she said, her tone dropping to what could only be described as a conspiratorial whisper if she had been human. "There was a black shadow that chased after Unicorns. From what I saw, the Unicorns were agitated, as if the shadow was cursed."

Harry frowned, concern etching his features. "There is such a creature in the forest?" he asked, more to himself than to Hedwig. The Forbidden Forest was, well, forbidden, but it was still uncomfortably close to the school. As Harry pondered this new mystery, a faint, distressed shout for help reached his ears. It was unmistakably a Unicorn.

Without a moment's hesitation, Harry stood up and drew the Invisibility Cloak from his inventory, throwing it over himself in a fluid motion. He dashed from the room, the cloak fluttering behind him like a ghostly wisp.

Nigel's voice followed him, a blend of amusement and concern. "Off to play the hero again, are we? Just be careful, Master Harry. The Forbidden Forest isn't known for its hospitality."

Harry, now almost a shadow himself under the cloak, didn't respond. His mind was focused on the task at hand, racing through the castle's corridors and out into the cool night. The grounds were silent, the usual hustle and bustle of Hogwarts students safely tucked away behind stone walls.

As he approached the forest's edge, the distress calls grew louder, more urgent. Harry's heart raced, not just from the run but from the anticipation of what he might find.

Deep within the shadowy embrace of the Forbidden Forest, Harry could see the shimmering forms of Unicorns, their ethereal beauty marred by fear. And there, among them, was the source of their distress: a dark, wraith-like shadow that moved with unnatural speed, circling the creatures with malevolent intent.

Harry stepped forward, the Invisibility Cloak making him a mere observer, unseen by both the shadow and the Unicorns. He whispered under his breath, hoping for guidance or a plan. "Nigel, any ideas on how to handle a cursed shadow?"

Nigel's response was tinged with worry, "Well, I hadn't planned on adding 'shadow buster' to my resume, but I'd suggest light. Lots of it. Shadows tend to dislike that sort of thing."

Removing one of the wands he had taken from the Potter Vault, specifically one with a core of Unicorn Hair, Harry prepared himself. He chose not to use his own wand for fear it might somehow reveal his presence or intentions more than he wished. As he stepped closer, under the protective veil of his Invisibility Cloak, he silently activated the Observe function on the shadowy figure menacing the Unicorns.

[System Message:  Wraith Form of Voldemort. Extreme caution advised. Known for his malevolence and strong dark magic. Currently in a weakened state but highly dangerous.]


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