Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch44- Treasure Trove!

Ch44- Treasure Trove!

Harry began to leaf through the books one by one. As he did, the Technology System seamlessly copied all the content into its Digital Library. This process took about two hours, during which Petunia patiently waited inside the vault, occasionally glancing around with a mixture of awe and curiosity. Grimbletack, busy with his work, remained just outside.

After Harry finished with the books, he turned his attention to the heirlooms. Using the Observe function of the System, he examined several items. The System's voice echoed in his mind, providing details of each:

"Silver Goblet, enchanted to detect poisons. Crafted in the 13th century, a relic of the first Potter alchemist."

"Enchanted Mirror, capable of showing distant locations. A gift from a French sorcerer to your great-great-grandfather."

"Magical Compass, points to the nearest source of strong magic. Created by a renowned wizard cartographer."

Harry was intrigued by each item, but he noticed the absence of the fabled Invisibility Cloak. Nigel's voice, ever-present in his mind, confirmed, "The cloak isn't here, Master Harry. Perhaps it's in another location or with someone else."

Moving on, Harry's gaze fell upon a shelf containing an array of wands, each representing a piece of the Potter family's heritage. "Nigel, observe these wands and recommend the most compatible one for me. Check if any of them have tracking spells."

"Analyzing now," Nigel responded. The System ran through each wand, and Nigel relayed the findings:

"Wand 1: Oak, 12 inches, dragon heartstring core. Well-suited for Transfiguration. No tracking spell detected."

"Wand 2: Hawthorn, 11.5 inches, unicorn hair core. Excellent for defensive spells. No tracking."

"Wand 3: Elm, 13 inches, phoenix feather core. A powerful wand for charm work. No tracking."

"Wand 4: Walnut, 10 inches, thestral tail hair core. Rare and powerful, especially in the hands of a true seer. No tracking."

After a moment of contemplation, Nigel suggested, "The Elm, 13 inches, phoenix feather core seems most intriguing, especially given your potential for deeper magical insights, Master Harry."

Harry reached for the Elm wand, feeling a surge of energy as he held it. It was as if the wand recognized its new master. "This feels right," Harry said, a sense of certainty in his voice.

"Yes, a fine choice indeed," Nigel agreed. "No tracking spells on any of these wands. They are safe to use."

Harry discretely slid the Elm wand into his inventory, a feature of his magical System that allowed him to store items without physically carrying them. He then turned his attention to the three heirlooms he had observed earlier. With a quick, unnoticeable gesture, he added each to his inventory. As he did so, System Messages flashed briefly in his mind:

[System Message: Silver Goblet with Poison Detection added to Inventory]

[System Message: Enchanted Mirror for Distant Viewing added to Inventory]

[System Message: Magical Compass added to Inventory]

[System Message: Enchanted Chess Set added to Inventory. A gift from a Spanish wizard to your great-grandfather. The pieces move autonomously, strategizing against opponents. Ideal for developing tactical skills.]

Harry marveled at the craftsmanship of the chess set. He could already imagine playing against the magically intelligent pieces, honing his strategic thinking.

[System Message: Time-Turner added to Inventory. Acquired by your ancestor during the experimentation with time magic. Use with extreme caution; can reverse time for short durations.]

The Time-Turner, delicate and shimmering, fascinated Harry. Nigel's voice cautioned in his mind, "Remember, Master Harry, tampering with time can have unforeseen consequences. Best used sparingly, if at all."

[System Message: Invisibility Ring added to Inventory. Crafted by a master enchantress as a wedding gift. Renders the wearer invisible, though not infallible to powerful detection spells.]

The ring, simple yet elegant, intrigued Harry. He thought of the tactical advantage it could provide, especially in situations requiring stealth or escape.

[System Message: Phoenix Feather Quill added to Inventory. A gift from a famed Magizoologist. Writes with ink that appears or disappears at the user's command.]

Harry tested the quill, watching in amazement as the ink vanished and reappeared on a piece of parchment. "Quite handy for confidential notes," Nigel noted.

[System Message: Goblet of Fiery Flames added to Inventory. An ancient artifact that can conjure violet flames, cold to the touch but capable of burning through most magical barriers.]

Harry handled the goblet carefully, feeling the latent power within. "A useful tool for certain... fiery situations," Nigel quipped.

[System Message: Crystal Ball of True Seeing added to Inventory. A powerful divination tool, said to reveal truths and future events to those with the gift of sight.]

Though skeptical of divination, Harry couldn't help but be intrigued by the crystal ball's swirling depths. "A glimpse into the future, perhaps," Nigel mused.

[System Message: Potion of Eternal Vigor added to Inventory. A rare potion that temporarily enhances physical and magical stamina. Brewed by a renowned potion master.]

Harry considered the potion's potential, especially in demanding situations requiring extra endurance. Nigel cautioned, "Use it wisely, Master Harry. Such enhancements come at a price."

[System Message: Book of Ancient Runes added to Inventory. Contains knowledge of forgotten runes and their applications. Believed to be authored by a Rune Master.]

The book, its pages filled with arcane symbols, piqued Harry's interest in the language of magic. "Runes, the building blocks of magic," Nigel noted.

[System Message: Potion Recipe Book of Legendary Brews added to Inventory. Contains recipes for potions lost to time, some with untold powers.]

Harry flipped through the book, his mind racing with the possibilities of brewing these forgotten potions. "A potion master's dream," Nigel commented.

[System Message: Enchanted Haven Briefcase added to Inventory. Originally acquired by an adventurous ancestor of the Potter family, known for his exploration and collection of magical creatures. The briefcase, a masterpiece of magical craftsmanship, houses a miniature world within.]

Harry stumbled upon a small, finger-sized bag, seemingly innocuous but beautifully crafted. Its exterior resembled a tiny briefcase, intricately detailed and exuding an aura of ancient magic. Curiosity piqued, Harry observed the item closely.

[System Message: System Observe activated. Revealing artifact's secrets...]

The System revealed that this was no ordinary bag. It was an "Enchanted Haven Briefcase," a magical container with a vast world inside. The outside, resembling a dense forest, was only a glimpse of the wonders it contained. Created over a millennium ago, this artifact was a testament to the Potter family's long history of magical exploration and their affinity for magical creatures.

[System Message: Artifact Abilities Unlocked]

Expandable World: Utter the password, and the briefcase expands into a full-sized entrance to a few acres of enchanted land.

Undetectable: The briefcase and its contents are undetectable by most magical means.

Homing Feature: Once activated, the briefcase will always return to its master if lost or misplaced.

Self-Sustaining Ecosystem: The enclosed forest thrives independently, with its own flora and fauna.

Protected Mansion: At the heart of the forest lies a magically guarded mansion, untouched by time and elements.

The System revealed that the briefcase was originally the property of a Potter ancestor, known for his adventurous spirit and love for magical creatures. He had created this enchanted space as a sanctuary and research area for the magical creatures he encountered in his travels. Over the centuries, as it passed through generations, its true nature was forgotten, leading it to be stored away in Gringotts, unrecognized for the treasure it was.

[System Message: Password for activation - "Potter's Haven."]

Silver Goblet with Poison Detection


Enchanted Mirror for Distant Viewing


Magical Compass


Enchanted Chess Set




Invisibility Ring


Phoenix Feather Quill


Goblet of Fiery Flames


Crystal Ball of True Seeing


Potion of Eternal Vigor


Book of Ancient Runes


Potion Recipe Book of Legendary Brews


Enchanted Haven Briefcase



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