Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch98- Surprise Visitor

Ch98- Surprise Visitor

Hey everyone, how's it going? Regarding the previous chapter, "Sleep Deprivation," some of you mentioned it felt forced and out of character, but I want to clarify a few things. Firstly, I sped up the process quite a bit. The week of sleeplessness and the intricate details of how it affects Harry were trimmed down in the narration to keep it from getting too drawn out. Secondly, Harry's character is deeply experimental. This is a guy who's willing to run over half a million experiments just to improve a potion by 1%. He's naturally inclined to push boundaries. While he's smart and usually able to differentiate between foolish ideas and solid decisions, he was overly confident in this instance, especially in the early days when his idea seemed to be working. The stubbornness he exhibited before passing out was a result of severe sleep deprivation. I even considered adding crankiness into the mix, but decided against it since Harry's near-perfect Occlumency skills would likely mitigate that. I hope this clears things up a bit. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!


Harry, lying on the bed, tried to focus on Madam Pomfrey's words, but they seemed to echo distantly in his mind. His eyelids felt incredibly heavy, and his body ached for rest.

Madam Pomfrey, her face etched with a mix of sternness and concern, scolded Harry as she prepared a sleeping potion. "Mr. Potter, didn't I tell you last time to take better care of yourself? And yet, here you are, doing the exact opposite." She skillfully administered the potion, ensuring Harry had no choice but to swallow it.

Susan, standing nearby, watched with a worried expression. Madam Pomfrey turned to her, instructing, "Ms. Bones, Ms. Abbott, please inform Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall that Mr. Potter will be unable to attend his classes today." Susan and Hannah nodded, their concern for Harry evident, and left the infirmary with one last concerned glance at him.

As the effects of the sleeping potion took hold, Harry felt a warm, comforting drowsiness envelop him. He struggled to keep his eyes open, but the allure of sleep was too strong. His last conscious thought was a faint acknowledgment of Nigel's voice in his mind, chiding him with a sarcastic quip, "Finally embracing the revolutionary concept of sleep, I see. How avant-garde of you, Master Harry."

Madam Pomfrey watched Harry as he drifted off, her expression softening. She covered him with a blanket, ensuring his comfort. "Rest now, Mr. Potter. You've pushed yourself too hard," she whispered, more to herself than to the sleeping boy.

Outside the infirmary, Susan and Hannah hurried to find Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. They relayed Madam Pomfrey's message, their tone urgent. Both professors expressed concern, with Snape's usual stoic demeanor showing a rare flicker of worry. McGonagall, always the pragmatist, nodded in understanding. "Thank you, Ms. Bones and Ms. Abbott. Please return to your classes. We'll handle it from here."

Back in the infirmary, Harry's sleep was deep and restorative. His body and mind, exhausted from the strain of prolonged wakefulness, welcomed the respite. Madam Pomfrey periodically checked on him, monitoring his vital signs and ensuring he remained comfortable.

In the depths of his unconscious state, Harry's mind was unusually quiet. Nigel, sensing the need for silence, refrained from his usual commentary, allowing Harry the peace he desperately needed.

As the day progressed, word of Harry's condition spread throughout Hogwarts. Whispers and rumors filled the corridors, with students speculating about the reasons behind his sudden collapse. The general consensus was that Harry Potter, the boy who seemed to excel at everything, had finally found his limit.

In the Slytherin common room, discussions about Harry's condition were mixed. Some expressed concern, while others, like Pansy, viewed it as a sign of weakness. "Potter's not as invincible as he likes to think," she commented with a sneer.

Meanwhile, in the Gryffindor common room, Hermione Granger murmured Harry's condition with a mix of concern and curiosity. "He's always pushing himself too hard," Hermione sighed, her brows furrowed in worry. "He needs to learn to take it easy."

It was a day later, precisely 26 hours, when Harry finally woke up. The duration of his sleep had even alarmed Madam Pomfrey, who worried she had administered too strong a sedative. But upon seeing Harry's eyes flutter open, she let out a sigh of relief, which quickly morphed into a stern expression. "Mr. Potter," she began sharply, "What have you been doing to yourself?"

Harry, still groggy from the extended sleep, responded with a groan, trying to sit up. "I... I was just studying a bit too hard, Madam Pomfrey," he mumbled, his voice hoarse.

In his mind, Harry quickly reached out to Nigel, "Nigel, what happened?"

Nigel's voice, laced with a mix of relief and irritation, retorted, "What happened? You, Master Harry, decided to turn sleep into an optional hobby. Even the most rudimentary of creatures understand the necessity of rest, but it seems you fancied yourself above such mundane needs."

Madam Pomfrey, her hands on her hips, wasn't convinced by Harry's understatement. "A bit too hard? Mr. Potter, you were completely exhausted. You must take better care of yourself. Your studies are important, but not at the expense of your health."

Harry nodded weakly, fully aware of the scolding he deserved. "I understand, Madam Pomfrey. It won't happen again," he assured her, though his mind was still trying to process the events that led to his collapse.

Nigel, seizing the opportunity to lecture, added, "I do hope this little episode has been an enlightening experience for you, Master Harry. A mind as sharp as yours is a terrible thing to waste on the folly of sleep deprivation."

Madam Pomfrey, still not entirely satisfied, handed Harry a small vial. "Drink this. It will help restore some of your strength. And Mr. Potter," she added, her tone softening slightly, "please be more careful. We can't have one of our brightest students collapsing in the corridors."

Harry accepted the vial, downing its contents in one swift motion. The potion had an immediate revitalizing effect, clearing the lingering fog in his head. "Thank you, Madam Pomfrey. I'll be more cautious," he said sincerely.

Nigel, sensing Harry's contemplative mood, remarked, "Well, it seems the great Harry Potter is human after all. Who would've guessed?"

Harry chuckled weakly, "Apparently not me. I guess I pushed it too far this time."

Nigel's tone softened, "Indeed, but let's consider this a valuable lesson learned. Now, shall we strategize a more balanced approach to your endeavors?"

Harry nodded, his mind already buzzing with ideas on how to manage his time more effectively without sacrificing his health. "That sounds like a plan, Nigel."

Before Harry could delve further into his reflections, the door to the infirmary opened, revealing an unexpected visitor. It wasn't the very last person Harry expected to see, but he was certainly near the top of that list. Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, entered with his customary serene smile. "I see you are awake, my boy," he said as he approached Harry's bedside.

Harry instinctively raised his mental defenses, recalling his recent discovery of Ron and Hermione's compelling spells and his growing suspicion of Dumbledore's possible involvement. Despite his wariness, he offered a polite smile. "Headmaster, I'm honored by your concern."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled behind his half-moon glasses. "No bother at all. However, you did give us quite a worry. Some of your friends visited several times, but you've been asleep for so long. How many nights of sleep have you skipped?"

Harry, pondering the best response, decided on a partial truth. "Just a few days, Headmaster. I was concerned about falling behind in my classes, so I took to extra reviewing."

Dumbledore nodded, his expression conveying a mix of understanding and mild reprimand. "Ah, the zeal of youth. But remember, Harry, a sharp mind needs rest as much as a quill needs ink."

In Harry's mind, Nigel's voice carried a hint of sarcasm. "Ah, the wise words of Dumbledore. I suppose next he'll be telling us that a wand needs waving."

Ignoring Nigel's comment, Harry maintained his composure. "I'll certainly bear that in mind, sir."

Dumbledore took a seat beside the bed, his demeanor shifting to one of gentle inquiry. "I understand your eagerness to excel, Harry, but there's more to Hogwarts than just academics. It's about balance, finding harmony in all aspects of your life."

Harry nodded, recognizing the wisdom in Dumbledore's words, even as he remained guarded about the Headmaster's intentions. "I appreciate your advice, Headmaster. Balance is indeed important."


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