Haven Online

Chapter 231: 1.5-12

Chapter 231: 1.5-12

Melting Snow knew that most of the time and 'I'll think about it' meant a big fat no, but in this case, he was sure that it was an affirmative. Why he thought that was simple, Drifting Cloud could use wine for cooking. 

Although he still had no clue why his friend was so into cooking, he wasn't against it. In fact, in a way, him suggesting that Drifting Cloud should learn wine-making was a way for him to help his friend with his hobby.

While Melting Snow was telling himself that, food images begin to float around in Melting Snow's head. 

"Steak marinated in wine... Creamy chicken in wine sauce... Spaghetti with a chilled glass of wine on the side...," drooled Melting Snow. 

It would be so difficult for him to pick which one to ask his friend to make first. Even though it would be hard, he couldn't wait to get his first taste of wine. 

He really wishes he had someone his age to brag too. Suddenly a mischievous smile showed on his lips. There was still Roaming Wind, he could write to her and talk about all of the yummy things that he got to eat while she was away.

With a raised brow, Xinya looked at Melting Snow, who was utterly lost in his own imagination. "You do know I didn't say that I would actually learn the skill, right? I only said I would think about it."

"Everyone knows that an 'I'll think about it' is just a yes in disguise," Melting Snow replied matter of factly. He then proceeded to wander off, continuing to think of all the food combinations that would suit wine.

Shaking his head in a slightly amused fashion, Xinya watched as the boy went over to the wine racks and began to trail his fingers over them. He knew for sure that Melting Snow was picturing them full of bottles that he would be able to drink.

Xinya couldn't fault the boy for thinking that his 'I think about it' meant yes because it sort of did. Although he didn't see the use in getting the wine-making skill besides being able to cook more sophisticated dishes, it might be useful later on.

Besides, he already had this niffy wine-making machine and a bunch of wine racks at his disposal. If he didn't learn the wine-making skill, then it would just be a waste. 

But first, he should make sure that this weird metal device was really a wine-making machine like he assumed it was. Because he knew from experience that even if something looks recognizable, like a flower, for instance, it can turn out to be something completely different, like a monster.

So before he decided to commit to learning wine-making, he needed to make sure. Opening up his interface, Xinya pulled up his inventory, and with just a mere touch, the massive machine disappeared.

Xinya had to admit that he was thankful that the DEVs didn't make putting items into player inventories realistic. Being able to just touch heavy objects and have them wind up in his inventory was a godsend.

Just the thought of players having to move massive monster drops into their inventories while in a dangerous area that was full of easy aggro monsters made him grin. The DEVs would be spammed with complaints and death threats.

'I would be with the death threat group,' Xinya mused while clicking on the strange metal machine and reading its details. 

Vigneron: This is model WB1999 of the Vigneron series. This model can make everything from traditional to fruit wines. This model is able to press, boil, sieve, process, ferment, and everything in between to create a tasty wine. *Please note that some fruits will require extra steps to be turned into wine. *This model can only make up to thirteen gallons of wine at a time.

It was just as Xinya thought, this Vigneron machine was a faster way to make wine. And ten gallons was no joke, that was 50 bottles of wine at one time. 

'Maybe if I become a high enough level, I can sell them to NPCs,' Xinya pondered, wondering if he should go to the local taverns to see which wines are the best sellers.

As Xinya made a note to do just that, he was interrupted by a surprised gasp from Melting Snow.

"Drifting Cloud! Come over here, I found something strange!" Melting Snow exclaimed while waving Xinya over. 

Intrigued, Xinya begins to walk towards the boy, all the while wondering what he had found to make him so excited like this. As he got closer to the furry-eared boy, he saw exactly what the excitement was all about. 

Right behind one of the red alder wine racks was a small black lever. And from the look on Melting Snow's face, Xinya knew precisely what the boy was thinking.

"There's a secret room, isn't there? With your luck, I know it is! I bet it is full of priceless treasure or something equally amazing," Babbled Melting Snow with an excited gleam in his eye.

Chuckling at the boy's words, Xinya replied, "Melting Snow, this is a farm, there's no way there would be any priceless treasure here."

"Hehe, you just jinxed yourself," Grinned Melting Snow. If anything, the gleam in the boy's eyes got brighter. "When someone says that there is no way they will find something, then they will definitely find something great."

"You know that only happens in stories, right?" Sometimes Xinya wonders what things the boy watches when he isn't playing Haven.

Melting Snow just shrugged off Drifting Cloud's words, he has been with the man long enough to know mysterious levers always lead to somewhere fascinating. "Look, we won't know that until you pull the lever, so until then, I'm going to dream big." 

"Alright, keep dreaming big. Maybe it will turn out as you said," Xinya chuckled, giving the boy's hair a rub. "Now, let's see what this lever does."

Grasping the small black lever in his hand, Xinya pulled it down, only to be taken aback by a loud screeching sound coming from somewhere nearby.

"Gosh, it's like nails on a chalkboard," As Melting Snow lifted his hands to cover his sensitive ears, he made a mental note to turn down his game settings.

Xinya looked around, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. That's when he noticed a wall sliding open close to where the Vigneron once was. 

"I told you, Drifting Cloud!" Melting Snow exclaimed once the wall was completely opened. "There was a hidden room!"

"I guess you were right," Xinya said as he began walking over to the wall with a very excited Melting Snow trailing behind.


MomoCatt's Theater:

MS: What are you drinking? Juice? That's for babies!

Xinya: Actually it's a kid-size wine box.

MS: huh?

Xinya: The author did the math and 13 gallons gave 49 liters and 210mls of wine, I'm drinking the leftover, she just made some tweaks to it so it's an even number!

DEAD SERIOUS I'm helping her get rid of the leftovers

15 min later Xinya: hic my stepmohicther and that motherfuhiccker are aaaaassezzzzz

Update schedule: Sun-Thurs Will not be uploading on Fri-Sat. Starting: Aug. 9th

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