Haven Online

Chapter 245: 1.5-26

Chapter 245: 1.5-26

"Now you must understand," Mr. Tan lectured, looking thoughtfully at the green-haired man. "While soil is frequently referred to as the 'fertile substrate,' not all soils are suitable for growing crops. Ideal soils for agriculture are balanced in contributions from mineral components."

"So what are the most ideal types of soil," Xinya asked, intrigued. He couldn't believe how much he had learned during his short time with the old man riding in the wagon. 

Mr. Tan could only smile at the man's appetite for knowledge. When the green-haired man said he wanted to learn, he actually did mean it. 

As Mr. Tan began to explain the different types of soils, the boy, the one thing that kept running through his head is that he lucked out by finding a great apprentice. 

The lad was so very eager to learn that he had been asking him all sorts of farming questions during their travel to town. 

He would be lying if he said that it didn't make him feel good inside to finally have found someone to share his expertise with. This was always the one thing in his life that he despaired about.

Which was never having a successor to pass down his wisdom of farming too. Although he had a daughter, she was too much like her mother.

His wife never liked living in a rural area since she was born a city girl, and like his wife, his daughter turned out the same way. 

She felt that owning a business was better than being a farmer. No matter how much he tried to persuade her to give farming a chance, she wouldn't have it.

But now he had an apprentice of his own, someone who would look up to him and, most importantly, someone who he can share all his farm secrets with. 

That way, he would be able to live on even after death. Because as everyone knows, as long as someone remembers you, you can never truly die.

Since he was so occupied listening to and answering all of the young lad's questions, Mr. Tan didn't even notice how quickly the time had flown by. 

However, even though his attention wasn't focused on the road, the old man still led the wagon straight to the town's bridge. But even though he didn't notice their arrival, it didn't mean that the others riding with him lacked awareness. 


When Melting Snow noticed that the town was just ahead, a radiant smile appeared on his face. He was so happy that he would be able to escape the boring conversation about soil that had been going on for the last 40 minutes.

"Drifting Cloud, look! We are almost at the town!" Melting Snow exclaimed while pointing at the stone bridge that was a couple of feet away. 

Startled by the sudden shout, the question Xinya was about to ask the old man died on his lips. Closing his mouth with a snap, he turned his head to face frontwards. 'The saying is true, time flies while you are having fun.' 

Mr. Tan, who had been deeply engaged in his conversation with Xinya, was a little surprised himself when he saw that they were already there. 

But he also knew that his sweet Pnggu knew the way to town like the back of its hoof, and even if he were sleeping, they would have made it to town with no trouble.


As they were crossing the bridge, Xinya saw that there was another wagon coming towards them in the opposite direction that began to slow down once they were close enough to them. Just as he wondered if this was someone the old man knew, the tall, stocky man in the other wagon began to speak.

"Hey old man, I see you have some company today; what's the matter did you get bored of only being able to talk to your donkey." the stocky man jokes, letting out a loud laugh.

Rolling his eyes, Mr. Tan sarcastically said, "Haw haw haw, very funny. But I know you're just jealous that not even a donkey would want to be around someone who baths in manure." 

Knowing that he was bested, the tall, stocky man sneered at Mr. Tan before cracking his whip and going on his way.

"It seems as if the two of you really dislike each other," Melting Snow said once they crossed the bridge and entered the town.

"I guess you can say that. It all started when I denied him the privilege of asking my daughter for her hand in marriage. Although he is well off, he has multiple wives, no father in their right mind would let their daughter marry into that."

"You have a daughter?" questioned Xinya, feigning interest. Even though he already knew that the old man had a daughter from the quest info, he pretended not to know since the old man never mentioned her. 

"Oh, did I forget to mention her?" the old man asked. "She is the one I'm delivering my produce to."

"With the number of fruits and vegetables you are taking to her, she must run a shop of some kind," Melting Snow said smartly.

Smiling proudly at the thought of his daughter's achievements, the old man puffed out his chest. "Yes, she does. She worked two jobs and saved up enough to buy her own grocery store without any help on my part. Even though I wanted to help her with her dream, she wouldn't have it, telling me that 'one shouldn't mix business with family.' If it wasn't for her regular produce provider plants withering, she would never have contacted me for help."

Xinya felt terrible for the old man because he could see that behind his pride was a sadness that was lingering within him. He could see the loneliness that the old man was trying so desperately to hide.

While he felt sorry for the older man, he also realized that something Mr. Tan had said had struck a chord in him. For some reason, when he heard the word withered, something was triggered within him, but he couldn't understand why.

"Withered? What do you mean?" Xinya asked, hoping the old man could spark his memory.

"There has been some kind of disease that has been sweeping the neighboring towns' crops. Nobody knows where it started from, but I just pray that it doesn't reach Arkala," Mr. Tan explained.

"I hope it doesn't either," Xinya said, still trying to remember why this situation sounded so familiar to him.

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