Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 149: Time Watch Appearing Again

Chapter 149: Time Watch Appearing Again

Ayaan and his group walked towards the Spiritstar Town, unaware of the adultery that happened in the cave, nor he knew about the hidden strength of the ghosts. Though even he knew, he wouldn't care. There was nothing he could do about that, so why bother?

The group fought and killed many strong beasts and polished their skills even further. Ayaan had become a higher level Embryonic Realm Cultivator in the meantime. There was still energy stored in his body that could make him Peak level Embryonic Realm Cultivator. However, after reaching the high level he stopped refining the energy and wanted to stabilize his foundation first.

After twenty days of constant journey, the scenery was revealed in front of them. A river thawed vigorously towards the south, producing sound akin to music for some, nothing but noise for others. Beyond the river stood the Spiritstar Town. there was a bridge over the river that connected two sides from each other. And many people crossed that bridge continuously. Most of the people who dared to come into the Spiritstar Town were adventurers.

The town was covered by large trees from all sides, producing the scenery as if it was from the fairy tale. The houses of the town weren't big, only about two stories, and chimneys could be seen on every house, some had been producing black smoke while others were silent like deep water. Two suns stood proudly on the horizon, and their images glittered inside the Elsons River's water, blinding many who dared to gaze at the illuminated river.

"Woah! This is so beautiful!" Akash exclaimed as he saw the scene in front of him. Others were also mesmerised by the beauty of this town.

Ayaan looked at the place and couldn't help but admit that this place was beautiful. However, beautiful doesn't mean it was free of dangers. He looked at the scenery for some time and walked towards the bridge with his group. 

After they crossed the river, they joined the bustling crowd and went to find an inn. After asking about for some time they found an inn and rented three rooms. One for Ayaan and the little guy and the other two for the girls. He made them stay two in a single room because if something unexpected happened they would be able to help each other.

After just arriving someone like Trista tried to con them. They must know that he would be arriving here. Then he remembered the man called Bara he encountered outside of the Pagoda. 'He must be the person who alerted his people or one of many guards. Or the sect may have planted some spies in his troops.' Ayaan weighed, but he wasn't sure. After that, he stopped thinking and fell on the soft bed with a relaxed expression.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep. It was noon; however, his body was too tired after the jungle journey. On the other side of the bed laid Akash, eyes tired. He also closed his innocent eyes, teleporting into the dream world.

Suddenly Ayaan opened his eyes and looked towards the door vigilantly. He narrowed his eyes and walked towards the door with slow steps, without producing any noise. He placed his ear on the door, trying to hear any sound from outside. He closed his eyes and heard someone breathing. Then there was a sound of a heartbeat. 

Ayaan opened his eyes and unblocked the door. He looked outside and saw a waiter, standing there and his face covered in sweat. "What are you doing here?" Ayaan asked.

The waiter looked at Ayaan and jumped in shock, showing a dread and fear on his face. Only after three breaths of time passed, the waiter calmed himself and said in a trembling voice, "si-sir, I was here to de-deliver your foo-food."

"Oh really?" Ayaan looked at the man suspiciously. Then said, "you can go now."

"Tha-thank you," the waiter walked away hurriedly. Ayaan looked at his behaviour and shook his head, thinking, 'if you want to conspire, at least select some decent people.'

However, suddenly his eyes became wide as he thought of something. He grabbed sleeping Akash and dashed towards the room beside his room. As he arrived, Leafwhisk also came with the same speed and behind her was Rebecca. 

Ayaan looked at Leafwhisk in surprised and asked, "did you also notice something wrong?"

"Wasn't it obvious?" Leafwhisk said. Ayaan looked at her and shook his head, looking at the closed door, "it wasn't obvious for everyone." 


Not caring about anything, he kicked on the door and broke it. The group entered and saw the scene in front of them that made their head buzz in shockNoor and Isobel were lying on the bed, moaning while clenching legs; their hands in between their thighs.

Rebecca grabbed Akash by his neck and dashed out of the room, leaving only Leafwhisk and Ayaan, and two moaning beauties on the bed. "What the heck is this?" Ayaan asked, gritting his teeth.

"This is some kind of aphrodisiac." Replied Leafwhisk.

"Why would someone do something like this?" asked Ayaan.

"Of course, not to prepare your girls for you." She said. "There was a similar drug in my food as well. However, when I saw that overly polite waiter, I understood something was wrong. But I am confused why someone as intelligent as Isobel fell for that crappy acting."

"Maybe the waiter who delivered them the food was a better actor?" Ayaan said. But then asked, "does that mean my food also contained this drug?"


The entire room trembled. Ayaan and Leafwhisk exchanged glances. "You go help you, women. If you don't relieve them, it could threaten their lives. I will go see who dared to conspire against me?" Explained Leafwhisk. 

"Alright, but be careful," Ayaan said, not noticing his own concern for her. Leafwhisk nodded and went outside. Ayaan immediately formed an energy barrier around the room and went towards Noor and Isobel.

"Hmmm...:" Noor and Isobel kissed each other passionately, not aware of anything. Ayaan looked at them weirdly thinking about his talk with them about Lesbian thing. 

However, he didn't waste any time. A watch appeared in his handTime Watch. It had been a long time since he had used it. Today was the perfect time for that. The enemy was attacking while he needed to save his women. What time could be better suited to use the Time Watch? He activated the watch with his full strength, increasing time speed inside the barrier. The thing that shocked Ayaan was that now Time Watch could increase the time by twenty times while it could only increase ten times previously. 

He didn't think much and walked towards the bed. As for Time Watch, he could guess that it must have to do with his cultivation. He had become much more powerful and was cultivating another type of energy. That energy must be the reason the Time Watch became powerful.


Leafwhisk arrived outside and saw a group of cultivators standing in front of the Inn. There were hundreds of them. In front of those people stood a handsome man and a beautiful woman. Victor and Trista!

Leafwhisk looked at Trista and curled her lips. "I didn't think I will meet you this fast."

"Hmph! You are just a small Herbalist, so don't block our path, if you want to live." Trista Threatened.


Rebecca, who was standing at the side, almost choked when she heard Trista calling Leafwhisk a lowly Herbalist. However, in this Trista wasn't one to blame. Leafwhisk never used her strength in front of her, and she was searching herbs like madwomen in the forest, leaving every fight for others. Therefore, Trista thought that she was just a Herbalist, a terrible blunder.

In the meantime, Victor didn't say anything. He continuously looked at the two beauties in front of him. Though Trista was beautiful, she still couldn't compare with Rebecca and Leafwhisk. Former had a cold innate aura that was very attractive for someone arrogant like Victor. As for Leafwhisk, she looked holy, pure, and unreachable, making his blood throb excitedly. 

Victor looked at them and frowned, "didn't they drug all of Ayaan's women?" he asked Trista.

"The owner of the inn said that the preparation was complete. I don't know why these two aren't affected," frowned Trista.

"It doesn't matter. I will enjoy breaking these two, it will be too boring if they throw themselves at me," said Victor.

Leafwhisk looked at Victor and asked impassively, "what do you want?"

Victor looked at Leawhisk, and his gaze roamed all over her body, making her face cold. Then he said, "I want to fuck all of you and let that Ayaan see. For that, I have asked my people to add aphrodisiac in your food and Strength Snatching Flower in Ayaan's food. However, it looks like you didn't eat your food. It doesn't matter, I am still going to make that Ayaan cuckold. What right does he have to get so many beauties?"

"I have heard enough of your nonsense, die!" suddenly aura burst out of Leafwhisk's body, shocking everyone.

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