Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 162: Snow Lake

Chapter 162: Snow Lake

No one spoke for sometime; Ayaan looked at Leafwhisk and changed the topic. "Do you think that Vylan was speaking truth?"

"Who is Vylan?" Leafwhisk asked in confusion.

Ayaan looked at her with mouth agape, trying to speak something but couldn't make any sound. "Seriously?" he shook his head.

"Is he someone very important? Do I know him?" 

Ayaan looked at Leafwhisk's confused face and realised that she seriously didn't know who Vylan really was. He smiled bitterly. "The Mayor's name was Vylan. He said that he had informed about us to the Empire. Do you think he was lying or speaking truth?"

"Oh," she blinked and took a small bite from a sandwich elegantly. Ayaan waited for her to continue. Only after chewing the bite completely did she reply. "He might be lying, or he might be telling the truth. Does it matter?"

Ayaan smiled after her reply. She was correct; it doesn't matter if he was lying or not, because he was going to cause lots of trouble in this August Empire. So sooner or later the empire would know his existence and come to find trouble with him. 

After the group ate the food, Leafwhisk took out the map from her space ring, unfolding it on the table inside the room. "I have asked many people about the Heavenly Palace in the city. Don't worry, I disguised myself before asking around, so they don't know me." She explained when she saw distressed expressions of everyone.

"And by their expressions I realised they weren't lying. So if we want to learn about the Heavenly Palace, we should go to the capital of the empire instead." She said confidently. "As for the Empire, I don't think they would come to trouble us when they see our strength. I am already in the Larva Realm, and Ayaan is just about a step away from reaching the next realm. Any sane person would try to make us their friend, not enemy."

"Didn't you say they will become our enemy, sooner or later?" asked Ayaan, looking confused by her contradictory words.

"Hehe, why bother with the things that yet to be determined?" chuckled Leafwhisk. 

"What do you think about the Emperor's strength?" this time it wasn't Ayaan who questioned, instead it was Rebecca.

"Hmm, not stronger than Larva." Leafwhisk replied, and everyone nodded. If it wasn't stronger than Larva Realm, they could deal with them. Stronger than that, and it would become a little troublesome.

After that Leafwhisk resumed explaining the map. "Here this is the August Capital. We will need around ten days to reach this place. As you can see, there are many cities in between, so we don't need to worry about the provisions. The closer we get to the capital, the denser population will become, even the lowest level city will be much bigger and prosperous than this Shadow City."

"Though there are many dangerous terrains and the danger of bandits. However, do we need to worry about the bandits?" Everyone chuckled hearing her saying that. "And yes, this is the Snow Lake."

She pointed at the large white mark on the map that covered a vast area. "I heard everyone saying that this place is very mysterious, few people dare to go closer to the lake because of the extreme cold released by it. Even cultivators fear it."

"Oh," Ayaan looked at the map, and his eyes gleamed interestingly. "Do you think there is any treasure hidden inside the lake?"

"It is possible," nodded Leafwhisk. "Because after walking away about a few miles from the lake the cold will automatically decrease. If there isn't a treasure, there must be something peculiar about this lake. However, no no one dare to unveil its secrets."

Everyone exchanged glances, looking curiously at the map. "Do you think the Empire didn't find the treasure? If there was a treasure, don't you think they will do anything to get their hands on it?" Isobel asked seriously after looking at the map.

Leafwhisk pondered and nodded in reply. "They must have tried but didn't get there hands on the treasure." She looked at the Rebecca and continued, "if it is a cold treasure, it could be very useful to Rebecca."

"Anyway, it is useless to talk about it now. Let's discus about our journey." Leafwhisk said and resumed to explain everyone.

"This is Barbari Mountain Region. There are beasts of King Level, so we don't need to worry about it much, because we could handle King Level easily. We will need one and a half days to cross it, at the very least." She pointed at the mountain range. "Only after crossing this mountain range we will arrive at the Snow Lake."

"After the Snow Lake, there is a Green Forest. It is very dangerous forest. There are many King Level Beass. It is not dangerous because of King Level Beast but because there are many Heaven Rank Monsters. Even Larva Realm Cultivator would be in danger if he were to encounter a beast such as that."

Everyone's expression became solemn after hearing her. "After one more day of constant journey we will reach the August Capital." Leafwhisk looked at everyone after finishing her talk.

Ayaan looked her beautiful face and asked curiously, "how did you learn all this?"

Others also turned their attention towards the lady. "Humph! What do you mean how did I learn about it? Of course I am not as lazy as you." She puffed her country toppling chest out.

"Heh, don't lie," Noor interrupted hurriedly. "You never left your room, so how did you learn all this?"

Leafwhisk glanced at Noor disdainfully, as she replied in a proud tone. "What do you know? I am now Larva Realm and I can use a cloning technique, though if it was higher world I won't be able to use this technique because heavenly laws are strict there. However here the laws are weak, so I can use a wood element to make my clones, hehe." Leafwhisk replied arrogantly.

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