Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8133: There is a monster in the deep sea, and its name is Disaster Water!

Chapter 8133: There is a monster in the deep sea, and its name is Disaster Water!

The purple-robed old man's face seemed a little ugly, and he said coldly: "Those who can survive near the great demon of the Eternal Realm are definitely not ordinary monsters. Your so-called middle and low levels are probably all at the Origin Realm level. The number Approximately how many?

Everyone stared at the red-armed old man, waiting for his answer.

Although the Eternal Realm Great Demon is the only target of this mission, it is by no means the only existence in this sea area, nor is it the only pressure that the warriors will face on this trip.

Monster beasts below the Origin Realm do not pose much of a threat to everyone unless they are too numerous to count or form a large-scale beast tide.

But if there are a large number of origin level monsters, the difficulty of this mission will be very different.

Whether the remuneration given by Lan Haizong is reasonable or not needs to be re-evaluated!

Faced with this problem, the red-armed old man couldn't help but sneer. "This question is really superfluous. How many monsters there are in the deep sea is common sense in martial arts. It is something that every Taoist friend in the Ten Thousand Reefs Realm and even the warriors in the Water Planet Realm understand. You will not tell me that this is your first time going to sea. Hunting monsters?


The old man's words caused everyone to fall into silence.

Yes, it is common knowledge in martial arts that there are many monsters in the deep sea, but as an extremely important operation with huge risks, Lanhai Sect seems to have an obligation to explain various situations in advance.

Chi Chi's answer was a bit arrogant. "It is true that no other monsters can gain a foothold in the territory directly controlled by the great demon of the Eternal Realm. However, there must be many middle- and low-level monsters attached to it near its territory. This is a matter of common sense. I don't need to explain you

We all understand that, if this is the case, why bother asking? "

Before raising this question, many people thought that the red-armed old man would be speechless, smile awkwardly, or even be speechless.

But unexpectedly, after two sentences, the red-armed old man felt confident, but everyone seemed to be more embarrassed.

"No!" The wrinkled old man in purple robe waved his hand and broke away from the atmosphere created by the red-armed old man's strong response. "It is common knowledge that there are many monsters in the deep sea, but when it comes to this operation, it is impossible for your Lanhai Sect not to investigate in advance and must have mastered a lot of information. In this case, you must reveal some key information to us so that we can

Increase the success rate of this operation instead of using the word "common sense" to sneer at us, right? "


"This is what we want to say!"

The awkward atmosphere disappeared with this question, and eyes focused on the face of the red-armed old man again, waiting for his answer. The red-armed old man narrowed his eyes calmly and suddenly smiled: "The operation hasn't started yet. I see that everyone is already frightened by the great demon of the eternal realm. When it comes to information about this beast, our sect has continued to collect it. Thousands of years, nearly

Over the past century, the information about it has been increasing day by day, and it is too numerous to count. Do I need to share all of this with you? "

"This..." Everyone was speechless for a moment, unable to refute each other.

The purple-robed old man also fell into a brief silence. Just as he was speaking, the red-armed old man started talking again.

"Everyone must understand that this sect is recruiting you with generous rewards not to show you intelligence or listen to your questions, but to use your powerful strength to deal with that big monster."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone really couldn't say anything else.

The red-armed old man told everyone almost nakedly: This sect hired you and paid generous rewards to face and bear these risks. Don't you even have this awareness?

However, the action is imminent, and the atmosphere is not going to be too tense after all. The red-armed old man slowly let out a sullen breath and said: "But since you all have doubts, I will explain to you one more thing here. Our sect has been fighting with this beast all the year round. I don't know how many talented disciples have died at its hands. I don't care about it.

Naturally, it never stopped for a day!

It may be a little strange to you, but to any elder or disciple of this sect, its methods and status are always fresh.

There is no need to deliberately collect any information! "

"I see. It seems like we are worrying too much!"

Some people immediately smiled and apologized.

"Forgive me, elder. After all, it is a great demon in the eternal realm. We have to be cautious enough."

"But the elder is right. No one knows this animal better than Guizong. Guizong must have made a perfect plan."

"Haha, in the final analysis, the warriors of your sect are the main force. In this hunting operation, we may have more people and greater strength, but in the end we can only be regarded as 'auxiliary'."

Driven by these voices, everyone's doubts quickly receded, and the once tense atmosphere instantly disappeared.

"So, well, I'm really overthinking it. Sorry!" The old man in purple robe said with a dry laugh and cupped his hands.

"No problem!" The red-armed old man behaved very generously and waved his hand, with a friendly smile on his face again.

"I must say one more thing, you really don't have to worry too much. Even if there is a herd of beasts nearby, how can they dare to come up and 'join in' with so many of us acting together?"


There was a hearty laugh from the crowd.

Recalling the doubts just now, many people couldn't help but laugh at themselves silently.

The Lanhai Sect has been fighting against the great demon of the Eternal Realm for more than a thousand years, and naturally has a complete set of methods to deal with it. As a temporarily recruited "helper", the master is not nervous, so why should he worry about it?

"That's right!" A young man in white robe suddenly raised his hand and asked.

"As far as I know, monsters at the Eternal Realm level often have names. May I ask the elder, does this big monster also have a name?"

"Of course!" the red-armed old man said solemnly: "This animal was born and grew up in the deep sea. Its talent for water walking has reached its peak. Its name is Disaster Water!"



Hearing this name, some people took a deep breath subconsciously.

But thinking that he is already a peak master of the origin realm and has more than a thousand companions forming a team, he can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"The name is quite bluffing. No wonder your sect attaches so much importance to it."

"Was it a disaster? It fits the environment of this place and its magical water power!"

"Haha, don't be nervous, everyone. After today, there will probably be no more disasters like this in the world!"

"Hahahaha, well said!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and the solemn atmosphere disappeared instantly.


Jiang Tian murmured to himself, staring at the sea in front of him thoughtfully.

For some reason, when he heard this name, his heart skipped a beat.

It must be admitted that this name is simple enough and vivid enough.

In the deep sea of Ten Thousand Reef Realm, there is a great demon, whose realm is eternal, and is called Disaster Water!

If you encounter this kind of monster in other places, it may not be a big deal, but in the famous deep sea of Ten Thousand Reef Realm in the water planet domain, facing such a water-based eternal monster, I am afraid it will never be too easy. After all, this is the opponent's home court!

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