Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 50: True Qi Breaks Gang

Chapter 50: True Qi Breaks Gang

Breeze Stroke Willow!

Once Ling Fengs sword revealed itself, the audience exclaimed.

This move was imbued with gang qi. No matter its might, speed, or treacherousness, all were multiple times more powerful.

Could Ling Xiao survive?

Its a pity. That kid Ling Xiao could have maintained his winning streak, but he unfortunately encountered Ling Feng and his gang qi.

In the audience, Ling Zhan, ranked fourth of the Genius Hall, couldnt help but sigh.

Since Ling Zhan said so, itll certainly come to pass.

Lets see how you dodge this!

Ling Fengs eyes shone with hatred and excitement; he was just a step from victory.

Many in the audience wore gloating expressions.

Ling Chong, Ling Tieshou, and Ling Ziran. who had all lost to Ling Xiao before, were petty. They remained unconvinced of his strength even after solidly losing.

This little beggar riding over their heads was a humiliation!

Ling Yus expression was even more brilliant. She trembled in excitement as her pretty face flushed red in joy. She stood on her tiptoes for a better view, waiting for Ling Xiaos defeat.

She wanted to cheer!

If not for Ling Xiao, she could have advanced to the semi-finals. She absolutely wouldnt have been eliminated in the initial competition of 10,000 people.

Looking at the strange <Breeze Stroke Willow Sword> pressing towards Ling Xiao, some people were worried, some were excited, and naturally, some were happy.

However, facing this move, Ling Xiao laughed and jeered: Come!

He punched.

A vague true qi phantom appeared around him.

Like before, it resembled a barbarian bull.

Merely, this barbarian bull was somewhat strange.

Not only was it clearly bigger than the past phantoms, but its horns were also longer.

Hes still using a basic martial art? A judge exclaimed.

No, incorrect! This is no longer within the category of basic martial arts. It is at least on the level of an advanced martial art!

The head judge shook his head before whispering, Is this kid actually able to modify martial arts?

Naturally, Ling Xiao couldnt perform such a feat. This was the contribution of <Bull Demon Technique> and his Landscape Martial Soul.

Bull Demon Technique-Barbarian Bull Demonization!

With a roar, he poured a terrifying amount of true qi into his fists. Those fists happened to be the phantom bull demons horns. They charged at Ling Feis <Breeze Stroke Willow Sword> sword qi.

Unfortunately, its impossible to resist gang qi even with an advanced martial art!

Humph, that Ling Xiao truly is over-confident. It would have been better to just admit defeat!

Young people Ah, its normal to be arrogant and brazen.

All the clan experts were not very optimistic about Ling Xiaos fate.

Drop dead! Ling Xiao, die for me!

Ling Feng roared. All the anger in his chest had been released. At first, countless sword qi beams resembling willow branches attacked Ling Xiao.

Pa! Pa! Pa

Continuously hitting him, it sounded like raindrops hitting the ground.

Its not over!

The willow sword qi was not weak, but it wasnt able to break through Ling Xiaos defenses. Although this surprised Ling Feng, it was still within his expectations.

His real killing move was the wind between the willow sword qi!

Humph! Your gang qi is just so-so!

Ling Xiao was a little disappointed. It seemed the gang qis concentration determined its power. Ling Fei who had condensed the gang qi in only one marital vein truly was not qualified to force him to use gang qi. He didnt even need to use his stronger moves.

Roll for me!

Ling Xiao yelled. His fists pressed towards that fierce wind formed by gang qi.

At this moment, Ling Xiao was a bull demon wrapped in true qi. His figure seemed to have warped larger. 


First, the willow sword qi was scattered.


Next, the wind condensed from gang qi was directly repulsed!


Such a domineering punch!

Is this still true qi?

A perfect advanced martial art! It must be! Good kid! Not only did he upgrade <Barbarian Bull Strength>, but he also cultivated it to perfection. Eh? No, even a perfection level art would not be this fierce, this is sublimity!

A Sublimity-level advanced martial art! How is this possible!

A sharp-eyed expert finally noticed this marvel.

First, he had displayed a sublimity level basic martial art.

Now, he had a sublimity level advanced martial art. How many secrets did this Ling Xiao still have? 

While the audience exclaimed in surprise, Ling Feng was frightened.

His gang qi was depleted. At this moment, facing Ling Xiaos fist, he lacked the power to resist. He could only hastily block with his sword.


The sword was knocked flying!



Ling Feng didnt have any means to resist. Like a kite with a broken string, he was ejected from the stage. The blood spraying from his mouth made a near-comical arc.

He flew more than ten meters before hitting the ground.

This scene shocked everyone!

Including those observing disciples of the Genius Hall!

Including Ling Yihang!

True qi breaking gang qi: this was simply unheard-of!

How could they know that Ling Xiaos body had been strengthened by the Landscape Martial Soul? He had reached a terrifying level. Even if other martial artists at the same level comprehended gang qi, it was meaningless.

They couldnt break his defense.


After retracting his fists, Ling Xiao calmed his seething true qi.

Although he hadnt been injured, this was his first time confronting an opponent with gang qi. His true qi swirled somewhat chaotically

This! This! This is too domineering! Creating your own martial art at just 13 years old? Moreover, breaking gang qi with true qi? Such a genius, not even Ling Feifan can compare to him!

Many seniors in the clan jumped up, including the extremely powerful head judge.

He had already thought highly of Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao had still surprised him!

It seems Ive made a big movement.

Ling Xiao scratched his head. He hadnt expected to defeat Ling Feng so easily. If his opponent had been Ling Yixue or Ling Yihang, he would not have achieved victory with just true qi.

It seemed that Ling Feng had been lacking.

Ling Xiao wins!

The head judge personally announced the results of this match.

Surprise was surprise, but two matches remained. The elimination rounds had to continue.


Ling Shisan left behind an afterimage as he rushed to his son. He quickly injected his internal energy to heal his son.

Fenger, are you okay?

Father, I lost! I actually lost! How could I lose to that little beggar! Father, you have to avenge me!

Ling Feng lay motionless on the ground. His spirit was crushed.

He had suffered the consequences of his own actions due to the backlash of gang qi. His meridians had been almost completely severed.

This, however, was not Ling Xiaos fault. Ling Fengs own control had been insufficient to prevent the backlash. 

Ling Feng was quickly carried away by the people of the Medicine Hall to receive treatment. He couldnt participate in the next match against Ling Yihang.

However, that didnt matter. In any case, it was absolutely impossible for him to recover within a month. In other words, his annual competition had ended early.

In the end, he had to eat his own sharp words.

Vile spawn! What hatred do you have with my son to attack him so viciously!? Almost breaking his meridians and severing his martial veins!

Ling Shisan erupted while watching his precious son being carried away by the people of the Medicine Hall.

He jumped onto the martial stage without regarding the rules.

He knew that the Ling Clan forbade killing its disciples, but he couldnt care less about it.

Furthermore, he didnt have to kill Ling Xiao, crippling him would be enough to sate his rage. 

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