His Dearest Wife

Chapter 613

Chapter 613

In the dark room, Lin Xi shrank in a corner of the room and looked out the window at the lights. She was desperate.

As time went by, the room was so quiet that she could hear her restless heartbeat. This kind of feeling was really too painful.

She didn't know who had kidnapped her. It had been more than two hours, but those who had kidnapped her never came in again.

But Lin Xi was still very afraid. He felt that he was finished this time. Maybe he was innocent. Maybe he lost his life here.

Lin Xi was not willing to run over again. She slapped the door hard and kept shouting, no matter dead or alive, don't leave her here alone. There was no light here. She was afraid of being alone in the dark. She felt that there were invisible hands around to pull her to hell.

Lin Xi yelled for a long time. Unfortunately, there was no one to answer her. There was not even a sound of footsteps or words outside the door.

Lin Xi's hands and feet are freezing. She doesn't want to die here. Who can save her?

On the other hand, Leng Yaochen sat alone in his office until dawn, but the people in Weinan still didn't bring him good news.

Leng Yaochen had just had an operation on his heart. After staying up all night, his face was a little pale, and his whole spirit was very poor.

Looking at him like this, Wei Nan was worried and distressed. He couldn't help persuading him: "young master, go to sleep. Don't endure. If you go on like this, your body will be unbearable."

Leng Yaochen's eyes are staring out of the window. The first ray of sunlight in the morning has penetrated through the French windows and shone into his eyes.

"Still haven't you found the car?" Leng Yaochen's voice was cold without a trace of temperature.

Wei Nan said with a frustrated face: "I'm sorry, young master, it's incompetent. After a night's investigation and search, we still can't find the whereabouts of the car."

"You say, will she die?" Leng Yaochen's eyes suddenly become empty, and the words he asks make Wei Nan feel surprised.

Wei Nan doesn't know how to answer the phone. Lin Xi has been missing all night. She is a weak girl. If she is treated cruelly by the kidnappers, her life may be lost.

"If she dies, I'm a murderer, aren't I?" Leng Yaochen sneered at himself.

"Young master, why do you think so? It's not you who kidnapped her. Maybe it's her personal grudge. " Wei Nan didn't want Leng Yaochen to have psychological pressure, so he would persuade him like this.

"If I don't ask her to help me, she won't be kidnapped. After all, I hurt her." Leng Yaochen seldom flashed a look of remorse on his face.

Wei Nan was stunned and didn't know how to reply, so he had to be silent.

Leng Yaochen still murmured: "if she died, where can I find such a obedient woman to help me revenge?"

"Young master, do you still like Miss Lin?" Wei Nan asked suddenly.

Leng Yaochen's face froze, and then his voice was pale: "I don't know, that feeling has long been blurred. Maybe more people are unwilling to admit that they are a loser."

"Young master, with all due respect, I think you should put this relationship down. Lin Xiangxiang has married Feng Yu and gave birth to a child. Their relationship is so strong that you can't separate them. You don't have to put your life on revenge. They live their lives, and you should start your own life again." Wei Nan is brave enough to persuade him. He's watching Leng Yaochen go from high spirited to today's depression all the way. He's worried.

Leng Yaochen looked at the rising morning sun in the East. He raised his hand slightly to let his fingers feel the heat of the sun.

"Why don't I want to start over? Just, where should I start? " Cold Yao Chen tone, there is a loss.

Weinan choked again.

He wanted to say that it started with the appearance of Lin Xi, but now Lin Xi has been kidnapped and his whereabouts are unknown. I'm afraid that if he mentions Lin Xi's name, it will stimulate the young master's mood, so he doesn't mention it at all.

There was a trace of sadness in Leng Yaochen's eyes. He closed his eyes and fell into a quiet.

In the dead silence of the office, there was a sudden knock on the door. Wei Nan rushed to open the door.

"Assistant Wei, we just found that there was a heavy truck on the route of the commercial vehicle. We suspected that the commercial vehicle was driven into the truck, so it suddenly lost its trace." The other side very anxious analysis way.

Wei Nan looked shocked: "this possibility is very big, we hurry to find the truck."

Cold Yao Chen side head, dark Mou bottom, also at this moment, flash weak expectation.

Wei Nan led his men to investigate the whereabouts of the truck. At the moment, the mobile phone on Leng Yaochen's desk suddenly rang.

Leng Yaochen's eyes narrowed slightly and reached for his mobile phone. When he saw the name above, his expression suddenly became dark and ugly.

"Fengyu?" Leng Yaochen didn't expect that he would receive a call from Feng Yu early in the morning.Feng Yu's voice came across the mobile phone screen: "your chess pieces are missing, are you worried?"

"You kidnapped Lindsey?" After hearing his words, Leng Yaochen roared.

Feng Yu said with a scornful smile: "what? Don't you suspect me? "

"What do you want to do?" Leng Yaochen was extremely angry.

"Nothing, just to see how much you care about this woman." Feng Yu's languid tone made Leng Yaochen gnash his teeth.

Leng Yaochen said angrily, "you're really boring. Where are you going to lock her up? Let me out."

"What's your idea? I know that if you want me to let her go, don't send her to me at last. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll destroy her on impulse." Feng Yu's tone was full of warnings.

Leng Yaochen was surprised. He didn't expect that Feng Yu would be so cruel and violent to a weak woman.

"If you dare to touch her, I will not spare you." Leng Yaochen was immediately shocked by his threat.

With his understanding of Feng Yu, he thought of Lin Xiang as a treasure, and other women could not have half a silk of pity for him.

Feng Yu said casually: "it depends on whether you want to send her to me. In this world, I don't allow the reproduction of missing. No matter whether she has plastic surgery or not, don't let me see her again."

"She's not a replica." Leng Yaochen corrected angrily.

"Whether she is or not, you'd better remember clearly for me. If you don't want her to have an accident, you can hide her well." After Feng Yu finished, he hung up.

"Hello Feng Yu, you haven't finished yet. " Leng Yaochen is mad. It's too much for Feng Yu to threaten him like this.

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