His Dearest Wife

Chapter 620

Chapter 620

Miss Lin hung up Lu Chen's phone, and quickly dialed Lin Zimeng's mobile phone.

It's Lin Zimeng's assistant who answers the phone.

"Hello, Miss Lin, Zimeng is making an advertisement at the seaside. What can I do for you? I'll transfer it to her for you later. " The assistant asked politely.

"I have nothing to do, cousin. Where is she advertising?" Lin asked casually.

"In country f!"

"Oh, when did she go?"

"I've been here for three days, and I'll be back tomorrow."

"OK, when she's finished, you ask her to call me back. Thank you."

Miss Lin hung up the phone, and her beautiful brow wrinkled. Just now Lu Chen said that Lin Zimeng didn't answer his phone. What's the matter?

One is his cousin, and the other is a friend he grew up with. Lin is still very worried about their relationship.

She sincerely hope that they can fall in love together, do not separate, do not misunderstand, to go on well.

Lin Xiangxiang searched some news about Lin Zimeng, and all that came out were some of her work photos, and some of her candid photos with Lu Chen.

Lin Xiangxiang knew Lin Zimeng better than before. If nothing serious happened, she could not easily not answer Lu Chen's phone.

Half an hour later, Lin Zimeng called.

Miss Lin answered quickly, and heard Lin Zimeng's voice: "Miss, did you call me?"

"Cousin, just now Lu Chen came to me and said you didn't answer his phone. What's the matter? Are you in conflict? " Lin asked with concern.

Lin Zimeng was suddenly silent for a few seconds. Then, she said in a hurry, "I miss you. I'll hang up first. There are still shooting activities."

"Hey, cousin, don't hang up. You haven't told me what's going on." Miss Lin cried out in a hurry.

Lin Zimeng suddenly sad said: "missing, this is between me and him, you don't want to interfere, OK? Please

"What do you mean? Do you have any misunderstanding with Lu Chen? " Lin's missing heart is all pulled.

Lin Zimeng, please. Obviously, there is something wrong with her relationship with Lu Chen.

"There's no misunderstanding. I just suddenly feel that I'm not ready to fall in love with him. I need to take a breath and think about it carefully..."

"How can you do that? At the beginning, you took the initiative to pursue Lu Chen. Now you suddenly say that you are not ready. Do you know that this is unfair to Lu Chen, and you will hurt his heart. " As soon as Lin Xiangxiang heard what she said, she became angry.

"Miss, I know I've gone too far, but I really need to calm down and think about something clearly." Lin Zimeng sighs. Lin misses and scolds her. Instead, she feels much better.

"Cousin, do you have any difficulties? Please tell me. Maybe I can help you." Lin Xiangxiang is not willing to scold her. She knows that there must be some bitter loyalty to make her like this. So she softens her tone and wants to coax her to tell the truth.

"You can't help me, no one can help me!" Lin Zimeng suddenly sobbed softly and choked: "unless time can go back, I didn't drink the wine given by the thirsty egg that day. I haven't been hurt by that bastard."

Miss Lin's heart, fiercely twisted pain, at the thought of Lin Zimeng was exposed out of those indecent photos, she would like to drag the dead bastard back from hell, mercilessly stabbed him a few more.

"Cousin, don't cry. That bastard is dead. You have to put the past down. It's not easy for you and Lu Chen to be together. You can see that he is sincere to you. Don't let him down." Lin's yearning tone was also full of supplication.

"What's the use of that bastard's death? My photos are still stored in the hard disk of the computer by countless men. Whenever they are uploaded to the Internet, my heart will be severely cut. If I get married and have children in the future, how should I face them and how should I face Lu Chen? He is so good and excellent, so I should live a more peaceful and stable life, not after I marry him, You have to be ridiculed. " Lin Zimeng poured out her inner pain. She was too heavy on her own. She really needed to share her pain with others.

After listening to her words, Lin Zimeng's eyes can't help getting wet. What a woman desires most is a stable family, a husband who loves her and a lovely child. For Lin Zimeng, all this has become her extravagant hope.

"I don't want to get married or have children." Lin Zimeng said in a low voice, biting his lips as if he had made some important decision.

"Cousin, don't think so. If you don't get married, what will Lu Chen do?" Miss Lin is really anxious.

Lin Zimeng bit his lip and sobbed deeply: "even if I don't marry him, he can naturally find other women to marry. Moreover, with his conditions, it's easy for him to find a better woman than me.""But the one he loves is you. It's a great hurt for him to ask him to marry someone else." Lin longed for someone who had loved deeply. She knew the pain in her heart. If the one she married was not the one she loved, how could she be happy?

"Miss, you don't say, please, you don't say any more, I don't want to think about these things, I feel sick when I think about it." Lin Zimeng covered his lips and couldn't cry for himself.

"Why do you have this idea all of a sudden? Did someone tell you something? " Lin asked anxiously.

"No, it's my own sudden thought. I miss you. I really hung up and came back to chat with you." Lin Zimeng was afraid to continue this topic with Lin Xiangxiang, so she hung up the phone in a hurry,

Lin Xiangxiang looked at her mobile phone and couldn't help shaking her head.

She probably knows what Lin Zimeng means, but how can she explain it to Lu Chen?

Can Lu Chen accept it?

Miss Lin is tangled, the mobile phone suddenly rang, she looked down, a bitter cry.

Lu Chen really called.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin decides to cheat Lu Chen first. When Lin Zimeng comes back tomorrow, she will have a good chat with her. She must persuade her not to give up this hard won relationship easily.

Also, if you let her know who's behind the scenes and wants to destroy the relationship, she won't let her off lightly.

"Lu Chen, I'm sorry. I didn't get through to her either. But don't worry, I'll continue to call you. When I get clear, I'll call you back, OK?"

Lu Chen's tone, obviously more low: "good, thank you, miss."

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