Hogwarts’ John Wick

125: The Establishment of the Constellation Society

125: The Establishment of the Constellation Society

Time passed quickly, and John gazed up at the starry dome he had constructed with immense satisfaction.

The initial Wick's Constellation Society chamber was almost complete. He had to admit, magic made everything easier—if Muggles had to build this, it would've taken at least several months, if not a year.

"Adding magic is key," John muttered to himself as he meticulously carved magical circuits bit by bit.

For the chamber's power source, he embedded thirty-six magical crystals, resembling thirty-six stars twinkling in the night sky.

By his rough estimation, unless Voldemort or Dumbledore showed up, no one could breach the chamber thanks to the power of those thirty-six crystals.

The circuits he was engraving weren't just ordinary spells; they were rooted in ancient magic and runes he had painstakingly researched.

As the ritual was completed, the entire chamber radiated a powerful magical glow.

"Haa~ So damn beautiful.."

Only John was there to witness this breathtaking sight.

One by one, the circuits lit up, and the runes seemed to float like ethereal sprites within the chamber.

The Constellation Society's interior was incredibly lavish—beneath the starry dome was a round table with nine seats.

Mystical violet tapestries and silver artifacts adorned the space, while the dome projected the insignia of each seat.

Floating objects resembling galaxies revolved endlessly within the room.

It was a masterpiece.

John completed the construction of the Star Society's chamber and now needed to find a place to install it.

"I remember the room that used to house the Philosopher's Stone is currently vacant, nice! It'll be perfect for this."

Without wasting any time, John set up the teleportation device formed by the circuits.

The wooden door in front of him quickly transformed. On the surface, it still looked like an ordinary door.

In reality, the room had been split into two spaces—one being the original room, and the other leading to the Constellation Society's chamber.

As for the chamber itself, John placed it within the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.

Now, John no longer had to enter through the girls' bathroom, which was a win-win for him.

Once the chamber was successfully completed, John summoned the people he had chosen for his society.

To his surprise, Cedric showed up.

"I'm curious too about what kind of society you've created," Cedric said with a smile. He had heard quite a lot about John Wick's exploits.

John's impressive dueling skills had also shown Cedric the strength he possessed.

"John, what do you need from me?" Malfoy asked, unusually without his two usual sidekicks.

In addition to them, Heinrich was there too, lurking like a shadow.

Neville seemed a bit out of place, wondering if he should even be there.

Percy frowned, not quite understanding what John was up to.

Daphne had eventually been invited too. After all, she was one of the top students. If John was first, then the second spot was always a contest between Daphne and Hermione.

Including John, there were seven people in total, and the ragtag group of the Constellation Society had assembled.

John placed his right hand on the badge on his chest, smiling lightly. "Welcome, everyone, to the Constellation Society."

Constellation Society?

Hearing the name, Malfoy was the most excited. After being beaten down for a whole semester, he had finally earned his place!

Slowly pushing open the wooden door, they stepped into a room with a starry ceiling, luxurious and dazzling.


Daphne gently covered her mouth, amazed by how beautiful it was.

Percy was puzzled—since when did Hogwarts have such a place?

John invited everyone inside, where stars sparkled all around. With a sincere expression, he said, "The Constellation Society welcomes all friends. We pursue glory, help each other. We are not family, but we are closer than family. We seek strength and share strength."

His gaze slowly swept over everyone, his voice rising, "The Constellation are eternal, forever unchanging."

"So! My friends!"

"Do you wish to join the Constellation Society?!!"

As soon as John finished speaking, Heinrich stepped forward without hesitation, lowering his proud head. With a fanatical expression, he declared, "Heinrich Edgar, willing to join."

Following him, Daphne walked forward gracefully, her voice serious and composed. "Daphne Greengrass, willing to join."

Not to be outdone, Malfoy strode forward, placing his right hand over his chest and solemnly stating, "Draco Malfoy, willing to join!"

Among the remaining three were two Gryffindors and a Hufflepuff.

Percy finally understood John's purpose. The ambition in John's words made Percy's eyes gleam with recognition. He stepped forward, his prized Head Boy badge gleaming on his chest. After a moment, he removed it, imitating Malfoy's gesture as he said, "Percy Weasley, willing to join."

"I knew you weren't so simple," Cedric muttered under his breath. He stepped forward with a smile and declared, "Cedric Diggory, willing to join."

Now, only Neville was left. John turned his gaze toward him, not forcing anything, and gently asked, "Neville, I won't pressure you."

Neville hesitated for a moment.

After some thought, he stepped forward. With his now slimmer face and taller frame, thanks to his training, he announced loudly, "Neville Longbottom, willing to join!"

The six bowed their heads, and John raised his hand, pointing toward the ceiling.

Six stars descended from the starry sky, transforming into six shining badges. Each badge contained a piece of the night sky within it, with purple crystals embedded in the design.

John placed a badge on each of them, completing the official initiation ceremony.

Looking at the six before him, John silently thought, 'At last, we've taken the first step.'

Once these six grew stronger, even if the Constellation Society couldn't match the size and influence of the Order of the Phoenix, it would still become a formidable force that could shake the wizarding world.

With a tap on the table, seven golden goblets appeared.

Each flew towards one of the members.

John picked his up, feeling a surge of boldness and camaraderie.

It felt like something straight out of Water Margin, where heroes swore oaths of brotherhood, eating and drinking heartily.

He was about to down his drink in one go, maybe even smash the cup afterward in a show of dramatic flair, when Percy frowned and said, "Students aren't allowed to drink alcohol."

Cough, cough... "This is pumpkin juice," John said, almost choking in embarrassment. "I couldn't get alcohol in school. The house-elves in the kitchen refused to give me any."


Everyone, who had been caught up in the solemn atmosphere, burst into laughter at this moment.

The seven clinked glasses and drank in unison. The Constellation Society was officially established.

In this unassuming corner of Hogwarts, John's own faction was officially born.

It was a pity that Fleur wasn't here; otherwise, the Constellation Society would be complete.


The school had various clubs, most of which were created by professors. But John's self-created Constellation Society remained limited to just the seven members.

After joining, Malfoy started walking with even more swagger than usual.

He adopted a gait that practically screamed "I'm better than everyone," and even began to look at Neville more favorably.

John had said that once someone joined the Constellation Society, it didn't matter what their past was or where they came from; the Society was their closest family.

Previously, Malfoy had been a bit resistant to Weasley and Longbottom, but after hearing John's words, he had no further objections.

"Percy is the Head Boy, and don't underestimate Neville—he could easily beat you down if he wanted."

Malfoy didn't believe it, but after nearly getting himself cut in half by Neville swinging a sword at him, he was convinced.

Power is power.

In the past, Malfoy would never have acknowledged either of them, but now he couldn't deny that both of them were stronger than him.

He had thought he would at least be in the top three, or at worst, the top five.

But reality hit him hard—he was at the bottom.

Even Daphne and Neville were stronger than him, not to mention Heinrich and the others.

"Phew, at least I'm seventh,"

Malfoy said with relief, but John glanced at him and scoffed, "What are you thinking? You're ranked eighth."

This left Malfoy dumbfounded. John explained that there was another member in Beauxbatons.

So, Malfoy was officially ranked eighth. If new members joined, who knows where he would land?

"Work hard, kid."

John patted the stunned Malfoy on the shoulder with a meaningful look. What Malfoy didn't know was that John had almost become his godfather.

If Malfoy didn't put in the effort, how could his "father" rest easy?

John had praised him endlessly when he was persuading Lucius back then, but now, if Malfoy couldn't live up to it, wouldn't that be like slapping his own face?

"From now on, your training is doubled. When you can finally beat Neville, you can stop."

Painting grand visions was an essential leadership skill.

John said seriously, "I have great hopes for you."

These words left Malfoy fired up, like he had just taken an energy boost, unaware that almost everyone had heard this same speech.

Except Percy.

John had told Percy that Barty Crouch was looking for an assistant, and Percy was so excited he nearly jumped for joy on the spot.


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