Hokage Master

Chapter 433: Ino's Decision

Chapter 433: Ino's Decision

Shizune completely ignored the possibility that Ino could betray him or return to the past. She knew what kind of owner he was. Even if he doesn't use it, he probably won't let go. However, even Ino herself didn't think about it. In fact, this kind of attitude on his part, for some reason, made her feelings burn even more. He used her, was rude and treated her like some kind of whore lover. He behaved like a real scoundrel... But, for some reason, she did not want to run away from this, but wanted to continue!

Ino was truly incorrigible, even Shizune didn't know how...

Her last words she took irritably, but, in truth, she could not argue with them. Ino still felt like Shizune was being too arrogant...

"Sakura? Do not make me laugh!" - a rival from her youth - this is the last thing she was ready to put up with!

Even replace it, but definitely not! Maybe before Ino thought about her, wanting to share her experiences with her friend, but it was only a momentary weakness. Of course she didn't really want that!

But if he really chooses her... Is she even going to stop him?


A gloomy shadow covered the blonde's beautiful face. She was no longer sad from realizing the truth, but only angry and did not want to allow this:

"Shizune, I will remember this day..." Her threatening tone was fraught with cold determination:

"From now on, we are on different sides. Don't you dare teach me anymore, I'll figure it out without you! - in the end, she just snorted, turned around and without even saying goodbye, slammed the door, breaking free. One could even say that she ran away... She had no intention of chatting with this annoying woman! Ino barely managed not to break loose. Even if she had to admit the logic of Shizune's words, she certainly wasn't going to be friends with her!

"What's a 'family' anyway? Well, nonsense!

Angry and unsatisfied, all she could do was keep everything to herself until he returned. Ino had to wait to later complain to him about such an unfair treatment. She carried his child, at least for this she deserved to be treated with dignity!

"You'll be sorry for me..."

On this day, Ino finally re-evaluated her priorities and decided to be more assertive before it was too late. If you don't take a worthy place, people like Shizune will definitely not miss their chance and continue to look down on her!

Ino vowed to herself to fight against such "terrible injustice".

So instead of going to her flower shop or home, she went to an old friend. Ino already knew about her relationship with Naruto, and therefore, wisely rejecting jealousy, she decided to find worthy supporters...

She was going to not only fight for his attention, but to do it the best she could. Ino knew firsthand how much he loves perverted games, besides, she herself was delighted with them, and therefore, in this situation, Tenten suited the role of an ally better than anyone else!

Shizune may have climbed high, fawning over him, and fawning over him, but unlike her, Ino could find support from friends of her generation.

She did not doubt her beauty and sexuality, so she was not afraid to fight. Besides, she had the jutsu of the family on her side. In extreme cases, they will come in handy, and more ...

"The clan… If I use the position of an elder…"

At that moment, for the first time in years, Ino seriously thought about her position in the Yamanaka clan. Just think... She would definitely be condemned by all her kindred if they knew what she was going to use them for. In the fight for his attention and her own desires, Yamanaka Ino did not doubt her decision, ready to pay the most terrible price.

Unfortunately, she didn't take into account that Tenten wasn't the type to be allowed to take sides. Slaves don't choose...

At the same time, after the "rude guest" left the Hokage's office and "the dust settled", Shizune sighed and shook her head with a grin.

- Stubborn fool...

Nothing surprising. Ino may have loved the attention, but she definitely loved sex with him a lot more. That's just her selfishness...

"It's my fault again..." The kunoichi sighed heavily.

Moreover, this time she even behaved kindly, tried to help and establish contact, but in the end ... Resentment, threats, jealousy ...

— Hmph! Those cheeky blondes... I hope she doesn't do something stupid and get in my way. Ungrateful...

Sooner or later, everything had to come to this. Now it has become a real rivalry. Who said it would be easy and everyone would be friends? In the fight for a man, is there such a thing as "female friendship" at all? It's just ridiculous... Some might even leave their family, not to mention their comrades.

"I won't back down! Even Tsunade... I won't lose! Even if I can't conceive, it doesn't mean anything!"

The truth is that through her actions, Shizune was advancing to the rank of favorite. Why should she care about other people's advantages at all? On the contrary, such an outcome would suit her quite well. If they had grappled, she would have managed to take everything for herself. But, she was not so stupid, and clearly assessed all her advantages and disadvantages. Appearance, age, position in the Residence...

Where there is one "reward", there is also struggle, and in this case - it had to be divided. Because He clearly did not want to see "losses." For him, they are all "valuable", so why would he allow them to openly "clean up" each other?

This rivalry could only take place under the guise of "righteousness", with cunning schemes and deceit. Hypocrisy? Also a tool.

Therefore, the more Shizune influenced all these women, the more significant she became in the eyes of the Master. She talked nonsense about benefit-sharing, and acted calmly, confidently, and "kindly." But this is nothing more than a game. Maybe Temari suspected something, but even she couldn't refuse to join this scheme.

If you count and see who Naruto had sex with most often, then knowledgeable people will answer without hesitation - Shizune was in the lead in every sense. And this cunning woman wanted even more! Just think, he took her constantly, ten times more often than his own wife, and she still did not manage to get pregnant.

In truth, at the moment, she was much more important to the Hokage than Hinata. But, the position of a wife still belonged to only one, and Shizune couldn't help but feel bitter about it...

Being the best in this huge harem is not easy, especially at her age. Only stupid blondes like Ino thought of themselves and relied on beauty and sexiness. Really serious rivals sooner or later realize that smart and treacherous women are much more dangerous. They may not be able to kill, but what about methods to stop others from getting into his bed?

But even so, knowing all this, the problem lies elsewhere... And this "problem" caused Shizune serious concerns.

If several united groups of women appear, then a hard struggle is inevitable. In such a situation, without the Master, it will be difficult to extinguish the flaring conflict. Shizune couldn't control everyone no matter how hard she tried to take the lead. Ino's case proved that not everyone will reckon with her authority. Therefore, it is possible that "dishonest" players will appear in the shadows.

Even if Ino acted stupid and "feminine" today, she was actually quite capable of being a threat. In the end, Shizune herself was able to change, and only recently began to control her emotions, and imitate the Master.

People learn quickly - the more serious their goals and difficulties, the more terrible they can become in the future ...

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