Hokage Master

Chapter 443: You. wildly. Excite.

Chapter 443: You. wildly. Excite.

Tsume had clearly long since forgotten the pleasure of being a woman, or perhaps not at all. Therefore, for such a brave and proud girl, and even the head of the clan, the decision to go the way of force was not at all surprising. But what will she become and how will she flourish if she finally experiences this?

Unfortunately, Tsume did not try to attract men at all, but rather forcibly pushed them away, so her attitude and faith in her path became terribly strong. She rejected them all. Especially with your clothes...

Naruto teased her with this with a scornful grin.

"You should have dressed better before challenging me"

A standard shinobi vest, completely ordinary trousers and not even heels ... In this form, only for war, and not for his bed. The Hokage immediately had a vicious desire to rip off those useless rags and look at whatever trained masterpiece he could see under the veil of defiance. But even if he could, doing it now would be too boring... Making her realize who was in charge here was what was required at the moment!


Tsume suddenly changed her face, snorted, and with a haughty grin, abruptly removed her hands from her halos and revealed all her enchanting places. She let him watch!

This step even surprised him a little ...

Since he could see, she decided to lose this battle and move on to the next one.

Pitiful perversion! Didn't like my clothes?

Ho? What's the tone?

Standing in front of a brazenly grinning Naruto, Tsume lifted her chin proudly, flashed her razor-sharp fangs, and growled in disgust.

"Watch as much as you like, you nasty pervert Do you like staring at strong women?" Or maybe it's not attractive to you either?

It's funny how Tsume simultaneously showed fearlessness and at the same time so cutely asked for a compliment. Not on purpose, of course, but still...

Ha? Did it hurt you that much? The Hokage chuckled defiantly. Her decisive answer was a match for a strong woman, not at all embarrassed by her body. But, surprisingly, she did it right after the words about clothes... Tsume may have understood that he could look, but reacting like that now... Obviously, this is an interesting weakness.

Naruto's eyes sparkled with a playful sneer, he immediately took advantage of it:

"Do you think I can't be aroused by your more charming relief?" - after these words, he extended his hand and brazenly placed his palm on her trained stomach!

Mhm! Tsume tried to jump back in surprise, but he did not allow it, moving after him!

Grrr! Oh, you're cheeky!

From surprise, struck by such impudence, she was taken aback and did not even hit him. It seemed like such an impulsive woman couldn't stand it, but for some reason, the brave Tsume became even quieter than before...

Naruto was a little surprised by this, he gradually began to see something curious in her ...

"Hah, that's it...

Her pupils quivered funny...

The Hokage kept his hand on the kunoichi's slender belly and chuckled insolently:

"I love it when such wild bitches bare their faces As for your body" he slightly pushed her, even closer to the table, and then leaned towards the inviting lips, and said loudly:

- You. wildly. Excite.

"Y-you" Tsume gritted her teeth. Fangs flashed! She had never felt such humiliation in her life!

Naruto was too shameless!

Naturally, Tsume will resist, but all women are like that... No matter how hard she tries to harden herself, her nature is the opposite of him. If she lives according to animal laws, then he was not going to show courtesy either ... Among predators, straightforward and rude moves, which Tsume herself used, are absolutely normal.

"What the hell is wrong with him..."

It was completely different from facing any other normal man. This boy seemed too crazy to her! He crossed the line as he pleased, as if reading it!

Tsume growled and silently cursed this pervert. Who could have known that instead of disgust or ridicule, he would also show such a lustful look? He seemed even more excited and became uncontrollable! No man behaved like this with her when he saw her like that! Not to mention that they simply didn't have the guts to do so None of them had ever craved such an "unfeminine" body Even though Tsume realized that he was not simple and somewhat similar to her , but now it became clear that he was even more crazy!

"Yeah, what's wrong with you...

It was the first time Tsume had encountered something like this. It would be a lie to say that it didn't scare her. Not only did he not get scared and did not retreat, but he also stared so brazenly, as if at a piece of meat! It was annoying and...

- Snot...

Yes, he was fit for her sons! This made Tsume even more angry and turned on... It definitely wasn't normal... For her, there was only one answer - he scoffed!

Too young, too attractive... Tsume could easily recognize the truth, and if she was younger, she would have thought about it better. But, now... The only reason for his actions came down to such cruelty. He was clearly taking revenge for what happened to Akita! Revealed his true nature...

The problem is different... Why did he want to attack her in the first place? Tsume couldn't understand... It didn't even occur to her that the married and young Hokage would want her. This sounded too unrealistic and ridiculous. They were from different worlds, he could attack the young and beautiful if he wanted to, but she...

Besides, why would he bully her? Whatever it was, but Tsume was still the head of an entire clan, a quarrel with her would definitely not do him any good. There was no particular grudge between them that could make him act so ruthlessly. Rape is no joke! He practically declared a hunt for her honor and dignity! For Tsume, such a blow was worse than death! In addition, he also dragged a person from her clan into this matter ... The option of deceiving Akita was canceled. Undoubtedly, she initially confided in her, but his behavior and words clearly showed that all this was true. He did not hide and shamelessly put her in a similar position ...

"Damn bastard Is this all because of the advice?! How can you be so petty!"

Tsume was outraged. Was this his revenge for her resistance at the council? Yes, she had a conservative mindset for the benefit of the clan, but... Going so far for something like this? In addition, after Akita told the reasons for his threats, everything became even more absurd. He slept with Shizune, nothing special... But why the hell did he decide to stretch his claws on an uninvolved person? In addition, he began his pressure on Akita long before the council.

Tsume came up with two options: either the issue was politics and he wanted to influence the Inuzuka clan in completely ridiculous ways, or...


The option that the Hokage liked older women, considering Shizune, seemed not so ridiculous anymore... But, Tsume couldn't understand why she was! She may have been self-confident, but she certainly did not consider herself the ultimate beauty. In the village there were many women of her age with much more worthy data. After all, even in her youth, Tsume wasn't all that popular with men. The face is far from her main pride. Anyway, he could hunt her daughter... No matter how you look at it, she was superior to Tsume in almost every way.

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