Hokage Master

Chapter 453: Akita's Bloodlust (18+)

Chapter 453: Akita's Bloodlust (18+)

"W-why Why am I so insignificant!" clenching her fists painfully, Akita wept quietly until she finally realized that no one could help her... All alone, abandoned by everyone. The only chance to escape turned to dust, or rather...

Turning to the defeated Tsuma, Akita sobbed. Her chance to escape lay like a lifeless doll in a puddle of her own urine!

Guilt? No... Not at all... Horror shrouded everything...

He will soon return, and these sufferings will continue again...

Akita looked at Tsume's pitiful face with pain, and then bit her bleeding lip again, staggered to her feet, threw a frightened glance in the direction of the door, then gathered her strength, wiped her tears and exhaled.

At that very moment, the hope still lurking in the depths of her eyes finally went out, no longer expressing regret or compassion, only a hidden darkness that finally swallowed Akita along with her true essence, which now could no longer be suppressed ...

Akita made up her mind completely, because there were no more options ... His one word could deprive her of everything. Tears will not fix anything ... The will to fight melted like spring snow, spilling tears down her cheeks.

Cold as snowflakes...

The bitterness in her mouth and the heaviness in her chest turned into a load that made her act with some kind of insane and hysterical determination...

- It's all you!

At that moment, black eyes filled with darkness flashed with a scarlet gleam of despair and hatred...

Gritting her bloody teeth, Akita abruptly lifted her leg and mercilessly stepped on the face of the once dignified and proud woman she respected...

Take it easy!

Akita pressed Tsume's head to the floor and cursed with poisonous bile.

- Stupid bitch! How dare you go against him?! Fucking scum! It's all because of you!

Filled with wild hatred, Akita mercilessly stamped her heels on the helpless Tsume, pouring out all her anger and resentment on her. At that moment, in her cracked consciousness, the fault lay not at all with Him, but only with this damned woman!

She is to blame for everything!

Take it easy! Die! Creature!

She wanted to kill her! Rip to pieces! Drink the blood and eat her fresh flesh!

Hatred! Hatred! Animal malice and bloodlust!

Traces of rage, bloody heel prints covered the once attractive face of the defeated Tsume Inuzuka.

If she could know what this humiliated bedding was doing to her, who dared to lick other people's shoes right in front of her eyes ...

It was truly horrific, and incredibly unfortunate...

- Get it! Get it! Die!

Tsume's face was slowly turning into a bloody mess...

One had only to imagine how far a desperate and broken woman could sink...

Hysterical madness... Inhuman hatred... Her roof literally blew off!

In women's hands - heels are a deadly weapon that can disfigure anyone.

Akita didn't spare her at all...

That slurping sound of bloodied flesh...

Too terrible!

A metallic taste filled the air.

Scarlet splashes scattered in drops in space, covering the bloodthirsty face of Akita. A wild gleam filled the distraught eyes...

With each blow, she sank deeper into this demonic state...

The scene was mesmerizing...

The world seemed to turn red...

Akita beat Tsume until she suddenly realized the essence of her act, and screamed in horror!

- No!

Succumbing to anger, she lost her temper, and made an unforgivable mistake.

With a look of horror on her face, Akita began to look around quickly, trying to find something... Something!

She didn't know any Iryoninjutsu, even if she did...

"Oh my God! What have I done?!"

The shoe was covered in blood. Scarlet drops splashed torn tights.

Reeling back in fear, Akita quickly took off her shoes and threw them into a corner, then began tearing open her pantyhose in an attempt to erase all traces of her crime. Unfortunately it didn't help her...

Tsume's face was bleeding so much that only a true master could save him.

The entire floor was covered in blood. Scarlet streams mixed with yellow hues...

It's both a creepy and horrifying scene at the same time.

The poison of hatred mixed with madness and horror...

In that puddle, Akita saw her own reflection. A twisted, bloodied face, as if it no longer belonged to her...

"N-no Why"

Desperation gripped the body...

But having done this, how could she be saved? Run away? There was no more hope in her defeated soul. All that was left was to beg for his forgiveness.

Akita did not notice her psychological changes at all, and did not at all regret what she had done, now she was driven only by fear. Fear of death.

However, even such a cowardly essence did not leave the ability to think. On the contrary, it seemed that at this critical moment she had a second wind. An uncontrollable swarm of thoughts gathered into a distinct idea ...

"I I definitely can't die! Just not like that!"

Realizing that the escape would turn out to be the worst, Akita could only put her head down and find another way to save her life.

Even earlier, she could fall on her knees and give up, so now, why would she run away, thereby dooming herself to a miserable end?

The second time he just will not forgive!

And most importantly, he still hadn't touched her body. Whatever it was, Akita could still escape...

The desire to live could overcome despair.

But right at that moment...

- Khhh...

- AND?! Akita's eyes trembled in horror!

The bloody ghost began to come to life!

"Wh-what the" Fear and panic gripped her! She never expected this!

A luminous mark suddenly appeared on Tsume's neck, gradually expanding and taking on the shape of a strange Fuinjutsu. It was somewhat reminiscent of the Tenten seal, yielding only in size, and instead of a heart surrounded by various symbols, the sign of the Inuzuka clan shone in the center of the fuin!

It turned out that Naruto took care of her in advance!

He just didn't let Tsume die...

The pair of fangs at the center of Fuyin glowed with a golden glow until it turned red, and then completely darkened...

The seal showed its effect for a very short time, but at the same time, it no longer disappeared. The slave mark remained on the neck as a reminder.

Akita could not understand what was going on here at all. As soon as this seal appeared, it seemed to specially stimulate Tsume's body, and she began to revive!

- Oh you...!

Hatred once again manifested itself, distorting the beautiful face of the kunoichi. Akita instantly wanted to take Tsume's life, but that wild thought was quickly smothered by a more terrible feeling...

This man became the living embodiment of her worst nightmare.

Tsume's body began to tremble and even slowly heal. She came to her senses!

Damn... Damn... Damn! Aaaah! - in hysterics, clutching her hair, Akita let out a crazy scream!

She has long realized her idiotic act! His order was definitely not designed for her stupid desires!


Akita could not even burst into tears, but like a distraught woman, she tried to do everything to fulfill the order. In her understanding, disobedience meant death!

I don't care how you punish for beating this creature! Better to survive - at any cost!

Finding a rope was not so difficult ...

Akita acted swiftly and decisively, tying up the helpless Tsume, who was suddenly fully awake and began coughing furiously, pitifully gasping for oxygen with her broken lips.

- Ahhh!

She didn't understand anything, but she felt pain... Like this disgusting taste of her own blood...


Listening to her intermittent cough, Akita felt that time was running out! In truth, she feared Tsume's revenge only slightly less than Naruto's punishment. After all, he could still spare her, but Tsume...

She couldn't let her wake up and be alone with her! Never!

These two are very lucky to be in this office. Naruto kept the ropes just in case...


The number and size of sex toys in his desk scared the hell out of Akita! She instantly remembered the day she saw them with Shizune! Now, to her dismay, she might be treated even worse... But, remembering how Shizune enjoyed...

Akita swallowed nervously and slowly pushed the shelf back.

Now she couldn't think about it...

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