Hollow Ascension

Chapter 142: The Unleashing of Dark Magic

Chapter 142: The Unleashing of Dark Magic

The air grew thick, oppressive, as the Hollow Syndicate advanced in a measured, relentless wave. Cloaked figures chanted in low, guttural tones, their voices merging into a single, ominous hum that reverberated through the forest. The ground beneath Kael, Lena, and Elda trembled, reacting to the encroaching darkness.

Elda braced herself, her staff vibrating in her grip as she felt the valley's magic growing more chaotic, twisting under the strain of the assault. "They're trying to disrupt the valley's energy!" she shouted, her voice laced with urgency. "They want to weaken it before they corrupt the heart."

Lena's gaze darted to the edge of the glade, where several Syndicate mages had gathered in a circle, their relics held high. "They're using a ritual!" she cried, her eyes narrowing as she recognized the dark symbols glowing in the air around them. "If they finish that spell, they'll shatter the barrier!"

Kael swung his sword, slicing through a tendril of dark magic that shot toward him. "Then we stop them," he growled, his eyes locked on the circle of mages. "We take them out before they break the valley's defenses."

Without hesitation, Lena sprinted toward the ritualists, her sword gleaming in the dim light of the glade. She moved like a blur, her blade arcing through the air as she cut down one of the chanting figures. The ritual faltered, the symbols flickering as the remaining mages staggered back, momentarily disoriented.

"Push forward!" Lena yelled, striking at another mage, her blade clashing with the relic they raised in defense. Sparks flew as metal met magic, the air crackling with energy.

Kael followed close behind, his movements a flurry of steel as he cut through the ranks. The valley's magic surged around him, responding to his resolve. Vines shot up from the ground, entangling the mages and disrupting their concentration. The air hummed with a newfound intensity, the valley fighting to maintain its grip on the heart.

But then, Ithran stepped forward, his presence casting a chill that seeped into the very earth. His eyes glowed with an eerie light, and a smirk played at the corners of his lips as he surveyed the battlefield. He raised a hand, dark energy coiling around his fingers like a serpent preparing to strike.

Elda felt the change immediately, a pulse of fear surging through her as Ithran began to chant in a language that twisted the air around him. "He's summoning something!" she cried, her voice sharp with alarm. "He's trying to break the valley's will!"

Ithran's voice rose, the words echoing with a haunting resonance that sent shivers down their spines. The air around him darkened, swirling with shadows that gathered into a vortex of crackling energy. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the vortex hurtling toward the barrier surrounding the valley's heart.

The impact was like a thunderclap, a deafening crash that shook the entire glade. The wards flared, their light struggling to absorb the force of Ithran's attack. Cracks spidered across the barrier, the glow dimming as it strained to hold back the torrent of dark energy.

"Elda!" Kael shouted, his voice barely audible over the roar of magic. "We need to reinforce the barrier!"

Elda raised her staff, her heart pounding as she reached out to the valley's magic. "Stay with us," she whispered, her voice trembling as she poured her energy into the wards. "You have the strength. Don't let him break you."

The valley's magic surged, flowing into the barrier like a river of light. For a moment, the cracks in the wards receded, the glow brightening as the valley fought to push back against the darkness. Vines erupted from the ground, wrapping around the edges of the barrier, reinforcing it with their twisting strength.

But Ithran was not finished. His eyes narrowed, and he raised both hands, summoning a new wave of dark energy that crackled and hissed through the air. "You think you can resist?" he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "You will break, just as every wild force does when faced with true power."

The dark energy spiraled toward the barrier, slamming into it with a force that made the ground buckle. The wards flickered wildly, their light dimming as they strained to contain the onslaught. The valley's magic wavered, its energy trembling as it absorbed the impact.

Elda gritted her teeth, struggling to maintain her hold on the valley's power. "It's... too much," she gasped, feeling the valley's fear and uncertainty washing over her. "It's starting to give way!"

"No!" Kael roared, stepping forward and planting his sword in the ground. "We won't let that happen!" He reached out with his mind, feeling the valley's magic surging beneath him. "Listen to me!" he shouted, his voice filled with raw defiance. "You are stronger than this. You've fought off darkness before. Find that strength within you!"

The ground trembled, and for a heartbeat, the valley's magic pulsed in response. It was faint, a flicker of resolve amidst the chaos, but it was there. The vines tightened their grip on the barrier, and a wave of warmth spread through the glade as the valley rallied to the guardians' call.

Lena charged toward Ithran, her eyes blazing. "You will not break us!" she cried, swinging her sword in a wide arc. The blade clashed against a tendril of dark energy, sparks flying as she forced it back.

Ithran raised his hand to block her strike, his eyes gleaming with cold amusement. "Brave, but futile," he hissed, twisting his wrist to send a blast of energy toward her.

Lena staggered back, barely managing to deflect the blast with her sword. Her feet skidded across the ground, but she held her stance, her jaw set in grim determination. "The valley stands," she growled, meeting Ithran's gaze with defiance. "It won't bow to your corruption."

The valley's magic surged again, this time with greater force. Light erupted from the wards, flaring outward to intercept Ithran's dark energy. The barrier stabilized, the cracks receding as the valley poured its strength into resisting the assault.

Elda felt the change, a wave of resolve radiating through the ground. "It's fighting back!" she cried, her eyes alight with hope. "The valley is remembering its strength!"

Ithran's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing as he sensed the shift. "So, you wish to test the valley's will?" he murmured, his voice cold. "Very well."

He raised his arms, chanting words that made the air vibrate with a sinister resonance. Shadows swirled around him, forming a vortex of energy that twisted and coiled like a living creature. With a flick of his wrist, he hurled the vortex toward the barrier, a final attempt to shatter the valley's defenses.

The impact was explosive, a shockwave of dark magic that sent a ripple through the ground. The barrier buckled, its light dimming as it strained to hold. For a moment, the valley's magic wavered, flickering on the brink of collapse.

But then, from deep within the earth, a pulse of warmth spread through the glade. It was the valley itself, its will coalescing into a surge of power. The vines around the barrier tightened, glowing with a vibrant green light that radiated outward. The ground steadied, and the wards flared, casting a blinding light that pushed back against the darkness.

Kael, Lena, and Elda stood their ground, their hearts pounding in time with the valley's rhythm. "Stand strong!" Kael shouted, his eyes blazing with determination. "The valley is with us!"

The valley's magic erupted in a wave of light, sweeping through the clearing. The vortex shattered, its dark energy dissolving into the air as the valley repelled Ithran's assault. The wards glowed brightly, their light steady as they sealed the barrier once more.

Ithran staggered back, his eyes wide with shock and fury. He glanced around the glade, his expression twisting into a snarl as he realized that the valley had withstood his attack. "This is not over," he hissed, his voice echoing through the air. "You cannot hold forever."

With a final, seething glare, he retreated into the shadows, his form melting into the darkness that lingered at the edge of the forest. The clearing fell into an uneasy silence, the air still vibrating with the remnants of the battle.

Elda lowered her staff, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "We... we held," she whispered, her eyes wide with disbelief and relief. "The valley held."

Kael nodded, his grip on his sword tightening. "For now," he said quietly. "But the fight isn't over."

Lena stepped forward, her gaze fixed on the treeline where Ithran had disappeared. "No," she agreed, her voice firm. "But the valley has shown it can resist. And so can we."

The valley's magic pulsed around them, warm and steady, a silent affirmation of their resolve. They had repelled the Syndicate's assault, but they knew the storm had not yet passed. The battle for the valley's heart was far from over.

[Contract Progress: Defend the Valley's Heart: 75%]

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