Hollow Ascension

Chapter 15: Setting the Trap

Chapter 15: Setting the Trap

Kael watched the hall's entrance from a shadowy corner, his eyes narrowing as Lysandra and her entourage of nobles made their exit. Their conversation earlier had given him all the leverage he needed, and he intended to use it to unravel their carefully laid plans. The nobles had underestimated the resolve of the lower ranks, and soon they would pay the price for that miscalculation.

The atmosphere in the guildhall remained thick with tension. The promise of a meeting had subdued some of the immediate unrest, but a palpable undercurrent of skepticism lingered. Adventurers clustered in small groups, their whispers filling the air like the soft rustling of leaves before a storm.

Kael scanned the room, spotting Finn near one of the tables, speaking urgently to a group of bronze-ranked adventurers. His expression was a mix of determination and wariness. Kael moved quietly through the crowd, his Stealth Ability making his approach seamless until he was within earshot.

"We need to stay vigilant," Finn was saying, his voice low but firm. "This meeting could be just a way to placate us. We can't afford to let our guard down."

One of the adventurers, a young man with a scar across his cheek, shook his head. "What if they're serious? What if they actually plan to listen to us? We've pushed hard enough; maybe we should give them a chance."

Kael chose that moment to step forward, allowing himself to be noticed. Finn glanced at him, and the rest of the group turned to listen, their eyes flicking between each other and Kael. This was his moment to plant doubt, to undermine the nobles' false promises.

"I overheard something earlier," Kael said, his voice steady but hushed to suggest secrecy. "The nobles aren't planning to change anything. They're using this meeting to buy time, to make you think they're listening. But in reality, they're just tightening their grip."

Finn's eyes widened slightly. "What exactly did you hear?"

Kael hesitated, feigning reluctance. "They talked about making it seem like they're offering concessions, while actually keeping control. They're going to listen to our demands, make a few token changes, and then turn around and continue as they always have."

The scarred young man's face tightened in anger. "So it's all a trick? They're playing us?"

Kael nodded. "That's what it sounded like. They want to pacify us, make us think we've won something, but in reality, they're planning to use this to cement their power."

The adventurers exchanged glances, their expressions hardening. Kael could see the fury building, the betrayal and frustration that had simmered for weeks now reaching a boiling point. The nobles had offered them false hope, and now that hope was being dashed by the truth.

"We can't let them get away with this," Finn said, his voice low and fierce. "If we let them string us along, we'll be right back where we started—ignored and used as fodder for their power games."

Kael suppressed a smile. The spark was catching, igniting the embers of rebellion he had so carefully tended. Now, he needed to fan those flames, to guide them toward the eruption that would fracture the guild completely.

"They need to see that we're serious," Kael said, keeping his tone even. "We can't just accept their empty promises. We need to force them into the open, to show the rest of the guild exactly what they're trying to do."

The scarred adventurer nodded, a dangerous light in his eyes. "We go public, then. We make it clear to everyone what the nobles are planning, and we call for a full meeting of the guild. Not just a private discussion with the leadership, but a gathering of everyone."

Finn's eyes flickered with doubt. "That's risky. If we call them out publicly, they might move against us before we can get the others on our side."

Kael stepped closer, his voice dropping to a near whisper. "That's why we need to spread the word quickly. We tell the other bronze and silver ranks what's really happening, and we force the issue. If we make this public, the nobles will have to respond openly. They won't be able to hide their intentions behind closed doors."

The group nodded, determination and anger sharpening their faces. They were ready, and with Kael's guidance, they would strike where the nobles least expected. This was the final push he needed to force the guild into a state of full-blown rebellion.

"We'll spread the word," Finn agreed, his eyes burning with resolve. "We'll make sure everyone knows what the nobles are planning, and we'll demand a meeting for the entire guild."

Kael inclined his head, a look of earnest support on his face. "Good. But be careful. The nobles will do whatever they can to stop this from gaining traction. We have to be ready for their response."

With a final nod, the group dispersed, moving quietly through the hall to relay the plan to others. Kael watched them go, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and cold anticipation. This was it. He had laid the trap, and now, the guild was about to walk into it.

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Sow the Seeds of Rebellion: 50%]

The System's whisper echoed in his mind, a reminder of the path he was carving through the heart of the guild. He felt a thrill of power. The nobles' carefully crafted plans were about to be shattered, and the ensuing chaos would tear the guild apart, leaving him in a position to rise amidst the ruins.

Kael moved to the edge of the hall, slipping back into the shadows as his Stealth Ability hummed beneath his skin. He needed to remain unseen for the next phase, to observe the unfolding chaos without drawing attention to himself. The pieces were in motion, and now, it was time to watch how the guild would react to the revelation of the nobles' deception.

Minutes passed as the adventurers spread the word. He could hear snippets of conversation, gasps of shock, and the murmur of anger as more and more members learned of the nobles' plans. The atmosphere in the hall shifted, growing tense and charged. It was like the air before a storm, heavy with the promise of violence.

At the far end of the hall, Garreth Stoneclaw reappeared, flanked by several gold-ranked adventurers. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the hushed conversations and the grim expressions of the lower ranks. Kael watched him closely, noting the tightness in his jaw and the tension in his posture. Garreth knew something was wrong, but he didn't yet grasp the full extent of what was happening.

"We demand a guild meeting!" The shout rang out, clear and defiant, silencing the room. Kael's eyes flicked to the source: the scarred woman, standing near the center of the hall with her chin raised defiantly. Finn stood beside her, his face set in determination.

A ripple of agreement spread through the crowd as more adventurers voiced their support. "A full meeting!" "We want to hear the truth!" "The nobles need to explain themselves!"

Garreth's face darkened, and he stepped forward, his voice booming. "There will be no mob rule in this guild! I will not allow a handful of agitators to disrupt our order."

Lysandra Valen appeared beside him, her expression icy. "Order must be maintained," she declared, her gaze sweeping over the crowd. "You have been heard, and a meeting will take place—but it will be conducted on the guild's terms."

Kael felt the tension in the room spike, the adventurers around him bristling at Lysandra's tone. She was trying to reassert control, to frame the narrative in a way that would placate the unrest. But the crowd was past the point of easy manipulation.

"No!" the scarred woman shouted, her eyes blazing. "This meeting happens here, now, in front of everyone! We will not be silenced or dismissed behind closed doors!"

The hall erupted into chaos, adventurers shouting over one another, the lines between friend and foe blurring as the conflict spilled out into the open. Garreth and Lysandra exchanged a quick glance, their expressions hardening. They had lost control of the situation, and Kael could see the fear behind their stoic facades.

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Sow the Seeds of Rebellion: 75%]

Kael moved further into the shadows, his heart pounding as he watched the disorder unfold. This was the moment he had engineered—the guild fracturing in real-time, with the nobles exposed and cornered. He needed to keep pushing, to ensure that this rebellion didn't fizzle out under the nobles' attempts to regain control.

As the shouting grew louder, he slipped through the crowd, his movements concealed by his Stealth Ability. He positioned himself near a group of silver-ranked adventurers who were hesitating, their faces uncertain as they watched the standoff.

"We can't let them dismiss us like this," Kael whispered, just loud enough for them to hear. "If we back down now, we'll lose our chance for real change. The guild belongs to all of us, not just the nobles."

The adventurers glanced at each other, their expressions hardening. Kael's words had struck a chord, reigniting their anger. They turned back to the confrontation, raising their voices in support of the scarred woman and the call for a public meeting.

Kael slipped away, a cold satisfaction settling in his chest. It's working, he thought. The rebellion was building, and soon it would force the guild into a decisive conflict that would leave its power structure in ruins.

As he moved toward the hall's exit, he glanced back one last time. The guildhall was a maelstrom of voices, the nobles and high-ranking members struggling to contain the rising tide of defiance. Kael felt a surge of triumph. He had set the trap, and now, they were all caught in it.

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Sow the Seeds of Rebellion: 100% – Rebellion Achieved]

The System's whisper resonated in his mind, a cold affirmation of his success. "Now," he thought, his eyes gleaming with determination, "the true game begins."

With a final glance at the chaos he had unleashed, Kael slipped into the shadows, vanishing from the hall as the guild teetered on the brink of a full-blown rebellion.

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