Hollywood What If

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

While Taken grossed over $200 million in September, Air Force One was also trying its best.

As of September 12, 1997, Air Force One had grossed $161.21 million. It was a good result, even Sony-Columbia congratulated Harrison Ford for the movie. Numbers doesn't lie, Harrison Ford is indeed a superstar.

Even though the movie was defeated by Taken at the box office, Sony-Columbia didn't lose money. Instead, they made a profit. Also, Taken was an anomaly. A movie that trended on the issue of sex trafficking was nothing more than a fluke. It would never happen again.

"Sir Harrison, can we get your thoughts on Taken?"

Even though Harrison Ford was happily playing golf on a course he usually goes to, there were still some assholes who wanted to invade his privacy. Perhaps he had to find another golf course since this place's security was whack.

Two paparazzi ran up to him after he finished playing golf. To make matters worse, the paparazzi asked him about Taken. A topic he didn't want to talk about.

Paparazzi are a different species. They don't give a damn about privacy. They are stalkers, trespassers and borderline criminals.

Harrison's eyebrows twitched slightly. Then he looked at the guards who were running towards them.

"S-Sir, I apologize! These bastards broke through the fence." The guards were sweating and glaring at the paparazzi.

"No, it's fine."

Harrison sighed. Then he started practicing his swings. To be honest, he wanted to swing his golf club in the faces of the paparazzi. They had no respect for people.

Fortunately, Harrison Ford understood that it would be bad if he tried to do that. He controlled his anger and faced them.

"If you're talking about Taken, I can say it's an interesting movie. I tell people to watch it. In fact, I watched it with my kids to remind them that the world is not so simple. There are bastards who will try to disturb your peace."

That last line was directed at the paparazzi, but they didn't get it.

Paramount and Grey Pictures made a marketing plan. They ended up pushing the kidnapping theme. To make sure that young people were aware of this crime. Many fathers and daughters liked the movie and recommended the whole family to see Taken. Paramount never let go of the idea and incorporated it into their marketing plan. If you love your family, see Taken.

In fact, even Liam Neeson's team intended to get a nomination in Oscar even though it might be hard.

"I see. So even Harrison Ford liked the movie."

The two paparazzi nodded.

"If you're finished, you can go now."

"Thank you, Mr. Ford."

Harrison Ford waved nonchalantly. He didn't like paparazzi.

The guards apologized to Harrison Ford and kicked the paparazzi out after they were done with the upfront interview (harassment).

Once the paparazzi were gone, Harrison Ford grabbed his golf club and swung it with pure force. He was clearly angry.

'Kazir Grey... If his next project is interesting, maybe I can take a look at it.'

But to be honest, he didn't like Kazir Grey. Well, they never met, so their impressions might change.




As September slowly passed, Kazir and the cast of Taken went to various countries to promote the film.

Kazir loved making movies. Directing films and editing movies were his favorite things to do.

The least he liked about being a director was being in front of a lot of people and being the center of attention. He prefered a peaceful life.

To be honest, Kazir Grey never liked interviews. He didn't like going to dozens of countries to promote his films. He didn't like parties either.

He preferred to write his script or draw storyboards.

But he knew the importance of promotion, so he never refused the job.

"Kazir, I want to thank you for the opportunity you gave me."

On Paramount's private plane, Liam Neeson approached him and expressed his gratitude.

"To be honest, I was skeptical at first when I read the script. I felt like it didn't have a chance to be a box office hit. I was more skeptical when you want to sign a trilogy and cameos. If not for the relationship between our agents, I might back out. But I did it. My presence in Hollywood is not that good, I'm not a superstar like Nicholas Cage or Tom Cruise."

Kazir listened to Liam. He felt that their relationship would be better after this conversation.

"I'm actually scared when I heard that Taken is coming out on the same day as Air Force One. Harrison Ford is more famous than I am."

"Liam, from now on you don't have to be afraid. I will make sure that you will never be forgotten by the whole world. Everyone will know your name."

Liam stared at Kazir and realized that the director was not joking.

"Haha, I guess that's why I signed the contract. Your dream of creating this Cinematic Universe, I want to be a part of it. By the way, can you give me the script for the sequel? I need to read it to be prepared.

"I'll give it to you next month. It's not the final script, so don't expect much. And don't give it to anyone else, I'll make sure you sign a non-disclosure agreement."

"Don't worry, you can trust me."

"Of course, it's your movie we're talking about. We don't want any mishaps."

"Congratulations, Director Grey."

"Congratulations also, superstar Liam Neeson."

The two began to laugh. The dark circles under their eyes were noticeable, but they didn't feel tired.

Especially when their movie was making money all over the world! Their estimate was over $500 million! The worldwide box office of Taken was definitely over $500 million!

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