Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 531 When their world collided

Chapter 531 When their world collided

Samuel was in a good mood as he headed; he had solved the immediate problem and got Delphina's word that she would take to her father regarding the discontinuation of their sponsorship with SK Corporation.

He drove calmly inside the forest to head for his new home. He had to admit he wasn't keen on the idea of moving out in the middle of the woods. Granted that their main mansion was also surrounded by greenery, but they were sparse and more organized than the stone mansion that was being built here.

Coupled with the fact that his uncle Peter was so adamant about opening a private sanctuary a few miles away from his house, he was not excited to hear wolves howling every night. It's not like he didn't love animals, but there was a certain element of risk of them escaping the enclosure no matter how big they built it.

Wolves were, after all, territorial animals; if kids accidentally ventured out in the forest, it would cause a disaster! What was even more shocking was that they were Gray wolves; with their tall build, they could grow up to a height normal person's waist, and their weight could be anywhere about eighty to hundred pounds if one disregard their sex.

With their delivery date coming up in a few days, Samuel was honestly worried that someone would get hurt. He always felt it was good to care for the environment and sometimes help to populate places where certain animals went extinct locally.

But sometimes, it was better to let nature take its course. He respected wolves' independence, which was why he thought it was dumb to put them in an enclosure just to become the first person to reintroduce them to Britain again.

He drove and soon entered the open area at the end of which was the stone castle. He could see a pile of construction materials lying everywhere. With his arrival, the work was halted, and everyone was given paid leave for Christmas and New Year. It was generous for contractors, but that's how the family did things to keep the workers happy so that they could give their best without acting lazy just to increase the cost.

The family could have offered the contract for an auction which in theory should have saved them quite a sum of money but they didn't do that for two reasons, first was the safety of people living inside the estate, and another for keeping everything a secret. It could have been better for them to attract attention by proclaiming that they were building something for the family heir.

It could be exploited by their enemies because the biggest flaw was its location. It was too far away, almost twice as far from where guards lived. It's not people who didn't patrol the whole estate constantly, but if the intruder's numbers were too high, it would be hard to send reinforcement without dangering Samuel's life due to the time it took for them to arrive.

Besides, Rothschild's family was loved by everyone around the place. They employed people with no experience if they had a good personality and were verified with senior staff currently living in the property.

Few of them could even join the construction to learn from professionals if they saw it was worthwhile. They only restricted their movement other than the fact not to approach the main mansion without permission.

By going this route, several small towns had sprung up around the estate; because Rothschild also grew their own food on the farmland north of the estate and processing plants scattered around the area, there were no shortages of jobs even though this place was quite far from the main city of London.

Of course, Samuel was not thinking about any of that; he was expecting a warm welcome from the little girl and Mayra. He hadn't eaten anything since morning and was wondering what was for dinner tonight!

He drove the car to the impromptu parking space, but he spotted there was an extra vehicle there alongside the car that Mayra was using for her stay. The vehicle looked like the SUV that his family members used when they went around town innocuously. Did they have a guest? He thought as he parked the supercar and walked inside.

The first person he saw was the little girl; he put up a warm smile and prepared to catch her as she was already running toward him while calling his name.


" Oh, isn't it my little princess? Did you miss me that much?" She hugged his face; it was like a ritual at this point whenever they met after an extended period.

" Un!" She smiled gleefully as he swung her around." Yay!"

" What are you doing out here alone? Where is your mommy?"


" That, I mean to say, your Aunt? Did she leave you alone out here?" Samuel made a blunder. He and Mayra did talk about if she was going to formally adopt her, but there was an issue of her real parent being alive.

He was actively searching for them, and Steve especially went out with his crew to raid more of their bases in Europe. They were in the process of uncovering her origin when the Paris fiasco happened, so no one knew if they would be able to find any clue because the trail had gone cold at this point.

" Yes, she told me to go outside because of other people. I don't know why, but she told me that she would call me inside when they were done..but..." She hesitated before proceeding. Whatever it was, she wasn't sure if it was okay for her to tell him.

" But what? You can tell me, sweetheart." He urged her because he was curious.

" I heard them talking about Sami, and they were clearly saying bad things! I tried to say something, but she sent me here." She said with an apologetic look.

It seemed like she was clearly distressed by it; Samuel didn't know how these guests were, but he decided to walk in on them. How dare they be mean to a little girl? He walked with a confident gait while carrying Elise in his arms to demand some answers!

" They are in here, right?"

lightsΝοvel.cοm " Yes..." As soon as he went closer, he heard giggling and laughing. The guests were definitely girls, but for some reason, his instincts were telling him not to enter. He decided to survey the room with his abilities, and he immediately knew the identity of everyone inside.

He made a complete U-turn, but Elise shouted right at that moment, which alerted everyone inside.

" They are the ones saying mean things about Sami!" She pointed at the culprit; instead of being angry, Samuel was scared. He knew it was too late, so he casually went inside to assess the damage.

" Look who finally decided to show up!"

" He looks so confused; this is the best! We really wanted to surprise him, but he ended up surprising us first, right Mayra?"

" Do we have to get into it in front of kids? I thought we made a promise not to fight." Mayra was worried about something else.

" Hey, Adele, Iblis, what a pleasant surprise?" he acted cool.

" Shut up! Don't give me that charming smile routine! We already know about everything!" Iblis lashed out. To say that they were surprised to meet Mayra was an understatement; Iblis and Samuel were literally engaged, but he would always brush her aside!

It was true that they spent a night together, but who would remember such a drunken night when there were three more girls beside her! She was fuming, not because he had another girl but because he never made a move toward any of them since that night.

It's like he literally forgot about them! Her world turned upside down when she found out that Mayra was married too! Was he that desperate? So why does he keep ignoring her!?

" Now, now, calm down. We can always do this in a civilized way. Let him settle down first; he had been running around the whole world for a few weeks now. I just don't fathom how much energy he has."

Samuel didn't know what to say, but Elise was pumped up seeing them pile up on him. She couldn't sit around and let them bully him like this, so she decided to speak up!

" See, they are bullying Sami!? Does Sami know them? That why he could fight back?" Samuel didn't know where she got the idea of him being so aggressive, probably because she had seen him train a couple of times. He didn't want her to smack anyone that she didn't like, but he especially didn't want her to take the abuse because of her history.

So he decided to appear composed and settle her worries first without making her agitated.

" They are my friends, you know sometimes in friendship, people like to joke around. They are good people, but if some stranger talks to you like this, you should immediately tell me, alright?"

"....hmm." She obviously wasn't thrilled hearing him say it, but if he was saying it meant that it must be true. That's how her mind worked because he had become her most trusted person.

" Friends...did I hear it right?"

" No, he definitely said friends." It made the two girls even more mad because he was designated their standing in front of Mayra and Arthur.

" Maybe we should leave them alone," Arthur asked Mayra.

" I agree."

They didn't know what happened afterward, but seeing Samuel's exhausted face, he was dealt a heavy blow on a happy day!

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