Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 542 Meanwhile in Seoul-1

Chapter 542 Meanwhile in Seoul-1

Park landed the following day in Seoul. Samuel lent him one of his family's private jets because of the time crunch, but he was not happy about it. His only friend, Benjiro, left for Japan on the same plane to see the issue with their new series, leaving him alone to deal with everything.

He had started working for Samuel a few years back when he decided to enter the Korean market. Even before joining Samuel, he was a reputable businessman working under his mentor, who was also in the entertainment circle.

When Samuel asked Ludivine, his headhunter, to find a suitable person to take over a startup, he jumped at the opportunity. Most people who knew anything about business knew about the Rothschild family, and his new boss was deemed a business wizard by reputable giants in the industry.

But when he first met Samuel, he didn't think the kid had what it took to flourish in this cutthroat industry. Immediately after joining him, Park was proven wrong. Samuel effortlessly guided him through the process and told him what he needed to do.

It was primarily Korean economy predictions and the names of the few upcoming artists. Even Park, a native of the country, couldn't believe how much his little boss knew about his culture. They have already seen tremendous growth for a couple of years since the company's inception.

For a startup, it was miraculous speed; Park was thrilled, even boasting to his family and friends about their achievements. Why shouldn't he be? He was part owner of the company; it was messily three percent share, but that was enough if the company grew at the current rate.

One more year went by without any problems; even if they had issues, Samuel would whip out his phone and tell people to send Park the money. He was grateful for his boss, who took great care of him.

He even managed to secure good facilities from a dying business, a well-furnished studio in the heart of Seoul. A mega building at a quality location; Samuel even allowed him to stay to look after the property. But his most important feat was taking in five new trainees with great potential.

Until now, the company could be best described as a marketing company that dabbled in album sales abroad with Samuel's massive connections. They also licensed a few television series under the company's name to distribute all over Asia and in some Western countries.

All of which were a success. There were some issues with the company's name, but Park eventually settled on a grand name with deep ambitions, Studio Dragon. He was asked to explain why he named it the dragon.

.cοm " But the boss said I can name it myself. I have a good feeling about the name." He replied to Alastair, who was in charge of establishing the business.

" It's fitting, if I might say. Like a soaring dragon, our boss doesn't shy away from anything!" Abigail supported his decision.

" Fine, but you have to uphold the name. The grander it is, the more responsibilities you will have in the future." Alastair warned him, which he didn't take to heart, but everything made sense now.

The first thing that he noticed working for Samuel was that he was constantly pushing the norm. For regular companies, when they hire new trainees, they wouldn't give them many benefits for fear of them getting complacent.

These were mostly teenagers barely knowing how harsh the world was; they would often get into unfair contracts that would exploit them and discard them when the company had their share of the profit.

It was a prevalent practice that Park expected someone like his boss to follow. But the opposite happened; Samuel prohibited him from doing anything underhanded, even when the other party mistreated them.

Samuel had one policy to not smear the company name under any circumstances. He would often tell him that the reputation was the hardest thing to grow because everyone had their own impression of the company. If they didn't act reasonably, they would eventually be crushed by public outrage, after which it was nearly impossible to get to the same standard.

He gave the trainees the same treatment as any other employee; they would get paid and incentives. If they did better or gain publicity, there was a separate bonus. It was unheard of in Korea for no-name idols, but still, Park followed his wishes.

Samuel was very particular while hiring Park; he didn't even know that Samuel had done a thorough background check on him. He wasn't hired for his impressive skills or business mind; he was hired because he came from a neat family and often showed compassion for others.

People like Park wouldn't shy away from an opportunity, but at the same time, they wouldn't step on others to fill their pockets, too. It was hard to believe you could get that much information from someone, but Samuel had the best people working under him. They followed him for months before Samuel gave the green light to approach him.

His first interaction with Samuel was planned, and he performed as everyone expected. Park didn't know, but Samuel had big plans for him. And now was the turning point if he could take responsibility like Samuel envisioned.

On the other hand, Park was nervous beyond belief; everything started going downhill for him when he got the first call from his boss. It was to find personnel that had to be highly trained in combat; a Korean was ideal, but he could hire from overseas. 

He asked for the reason, to which Samuel didn't tell him much; he just gave the people they needed to protect. He was surprised that people were coming over to coordinate everything with him.

He didn't know what to think, first of all, he was only a lowly businessman who didn't even have any contacts in these fields, but fortunately, he was given a specific number on which he could make an 'order' for his needs. He could arrange it, but he felt conflicted when he found out who the target was.

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