Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 582 Deception-1

Chapter 582 Deception-1

" James! James! Come in! Dammit!" Cho who heard his distress call immediately went in preservation mode.

There were two people with him and none of them were responding to his calls. The people that were with him at the top of the building were also alarmed. They knew these missions were dangerous but they never thought that they would hear their commander ever scream!

Suddenly they established connection again and they finally heard, James grunted voice," Don't come here. It's an ambush I repeat! It's an ambush! Hector and Alvarez are down but I manage to drag them inside the building. They are still breathing but I don't know how long I can hold them off!"

The call disconnected again. Cho didn't know what to do? Should he rushed to their location or wait for Steve to come online? Fortunately, Steve also heard the gunshots," What's happening? Did they make contact?"

" They are under attack! All three of them had been shot with James barely manning the door. What-"

" GO! RUSH TO THEIR LOCATION!" Steve roared through the radio. Everyone that heard him knew how serious he was. They did as they were told and everyone jumped off to rush to their location that was about three hundred meters away.

Steve was closest as he had covered enough distance to flank them. He was rushing and clearing building at rapid rate so that his six would be clear when he ran the last stretch.

Soon, everyone was gathered outside the large building where the gunshots were heard. Steve could see Cho and other fifty meters away flanking the left side of the building.

They also heard shouting and yelling from the second floor, one of them were definitely that was James while the other one was shouting in some foreign language. It sounded like the native Bosnian that they heard in town when they first arrived here so there was a high chance that it was the reinforcement from the shadow organization.

After factoring in everything, Steve gave command," Cho clear the left side ground floor and stay as silent as possible when you reach the stairs I will throw some flashbang along with some gas grenades so make sure everyone is wearing the mask. It might hurt that bastard but he will live through it."

" Roger that. We are moving in." Cho took everyone and they marched forward in formation checking every angle as fast as they could before lunging inside the building. Steve did the same and after clearing the ground floor waited for Cho's signal.

They could hear the argument intensifying and knew their time window was short. As soon as Cho reached the stairs he signalled Steve to throw reinforcement utilities.

* Bang** Bang*

" Get down! Down on the floor now! Don't shoot anyone they might have some intel!" Cho had presence of mind to not go on rampage like they did inside their base. If they could caught some of them alive, extracting the info out of them would be a piece of cake for Drac who was a pupil of Arthur.

Everyone scattered searching different room and found the one that James was in. He was surrounded by five people that were either covering their ears or their eyes trying to suppress the pain.

They were wearing masking and even protective glasses but what caught, Cho's eyes were their uniforms. It was something he had never seen before. Full black with military gear with some strange insignia completely different from the people their enemies that always liked to hide their affiliations.

" Disarm everyone and tie them together. Make sure they can't even more an inch!" Cho retrained one of them, when he pulled of the mask, he saw that it was a kid. He didn't know what they were saying but from their faces, he knew they were angry to get captured so easily.

" Is everyone fine? I didn't hear any gunshots?" Steve thought they would go guns blazing but Cho managed to capture them with ease. Were they gotten lucky earlier? Because the people didn't look like much in Steve's eyes.

When the threat was neutralize, they started looking for James. It was easy because everyone could see the large blood trail leading inside a closed room. James must had dragged himself and his men inside as soon as he heard his team coming.

" James! James you bastard!" Steve kicked opened the door to see James busy attending to his men. He was busy tourniquets Hector's leg. He was crying heavily while hurriedly moving his bloody hands to stop the blood, everyone prepared for the worst.

It was said that a person could bleed out in eight minutes if their femoral artery, the largest in human legs, were to be nicked or damaged. They took a lot longer to get here! Alvarez looked even worse, his body was lying limply on the ground with no movement whatsoever!

" James... I am sorry.." Steve leaned down tapping his friends shoulder. It was never easy to lose a brother, even more so in front of one's eyes. Steve had lost some comrades in active duty and knew how it impacted him mentally. He promised he would be there for James if he ever needed it.

" Sir.." Others also showed sad expression.

" What the fuck are you guys on about!? Did you have to use the grenades you motherfuckers? I can't even open my eyes!" James who they thought were crying wasn't actually sad, he was pissed that they went for the easiest solution!

" Wait what?"

" Come and help me you bastard! Wake that fucker too! He was screaming so loud that I had to knock him out." James stood up handing everything to his man and started undressing.

" Why are you guys looking at me like that?" James asked with his messy face. They didn't know whether to laugh or cry hearing his angry voice matching with his sad face. In the end, they bandaged the injured.

It wasn't as bad as everyone expected. Hector artery was fine, it was a flesh wound while Alvarez was shot several times but his vest caught the bullets. That didn't mean he was not hurt, Cho suspected several broken ribs.

Meanwhile, James who was taking off his clothes appeared fine on the surface but looking at the large gnash on his shoulder, he was the most critically injured one!

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