Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 585 Black Swan-2

Chapter 585 Black Swan-2

One day before Steve and his team attacked the base, a discreet announcement reverberated in various factions in their vicinity. Since, his enemies knew Steve's team used to monitor usual channels for any confluences they used unorthodox methods to deliver the news.

It was simple message, a place's coordinate and the purpose of it's existence. Many factions ignored it all right because they didn't believe it to be true. A human trafficking center in their backyard? They had been living there for decades now, if that sort of thing existed under their nose, they would have gotten rid of it years ago!

One such faction was the Black Swan, the special forces that detached from the previous federation and was officially disbanded after the peace treaty. The government didn't recognized them as a group and had officially disavowed them but they existed because every country needed able soldiers especially the ones that could do dirty deeds from the shadows. 

Thus, they were never fully rooted out. They patrolled quite a few provinces and held more power than officials sent by the government. But all in all they were considered a force for good. When their headquarters got a wind of the information, they decided to ignore it because it was outside their territory.

Going blindly inside there only meant them being attacked and further friction between the two factions. Ultimately they arranged a meeting of all the high personnel that were previous soldiers but were getting too old to go out on the field.

" Shouldn't we atleast check it out? I mean it's a danger to everyone right?" Someone suggested.

" What if it's a trap? You know they like to play these type of mind games from time to time." Another one said, Serbs were getting stronger and them being the main aggressor in previous war. It might be a ruse to induce further conflict.

" Still, with what happened in the past, we can't just ignore-"

" Father! What are we going to do about it?" Someone barged inside the room yelling at the man that was silent up to this point. His name was Hamza, he was also a revolutionary but before that he was the leader's son.

Daris, the leader looked at his son's serious face and knew the news must had spread to the masses already. His son had grew up in turbulent age and had seen far too many heinous things in his teenage years which was why he was always volunteered to be on the front lines trying to imitate his father who was an unsung war hero.

" Nothing, whatever we do it's none of your business!" Daris never wanted this life for his son but just like him, his son was a persistent fellow.

" But father, I asked around and there seem to be some validity-"

" What did you say you did? Ahmed did you lend them your jeep again?" He looked at his right hand man who awkwardly scratched his face. Being a fun uncle was never a easy job when you such a hardass as your leader!

" We only went for a usual trip for supplies." Hamza tried to explain himself but it fell on deaf ears. His father was known for his short temper and the way he verbally berated him held truth to that unwavering fact.

After few minutes, Daris calmed himself down as the stress was elevating his blood pressure.

" Go back to your mother. We will speak more about this when I get home." Hamza left but looking at his burning eyes, Daris knew he couldn't control him for much longer. His son was already approaching eighteen which meant he had to let him do his thing someday in the future but his fatherly heart didn't want to see him perish trying to prove himself to him.

" Don't be so hard on the kid. He is an exceptional marksmen even beating some of our regulars during sessions." Ahmed commented.

" That's why I didn't want him to follow in my footsteps. Everyone in this room knows how dangerous a battlefield could be. We have lost too many brothers already."

Everyone had the same solemn expression thinking about the past. They sacrificed too much to see the younger generation do the same shit all over again. But they could seem to forgo the cycle because their own children wanted to make a difference in the world and only having these men as their role models, there was not much anyone could do to change their mind.

" What do you want to do?" Ahmed asked. The leader, Daris, had the final say in the matter. He thought for a second and remembered that his son mentioned something about asking people from the town.

" Send a party to ask around. If there was a base like this, I want it obliterated tomorrow but don't engage if you see people from other factions. For that, we can do a stealth mission but if they are outsiders, there is no need to hold back, alright?"

" Yes sir." Everyone scattered to do their job not knowing that Hamza was already hatching his own plan along with some of his buddies. Just as the night fell, they sneaked out of the compound gathering whatever firearms they could manage.

Hamza already knew the location as it was clearly stated in the obscure message so after exiting they borrowed one of the pickups to directly drive toward their target. When they arrived in the vicinity, they heard few gunshots.

Hamza's friends were scared, this was right at the edge of their territory and if there was fighting and they got caught even their parents couldn't do anything because they were the ones that violated the agreement.

" What are we going to do?" One of them asked nervously hearing the distant gunshots.

" What else we will check it out, no one lives in these part of town because everything is destroyed. If there are people here then the intel could be genuine."

" But-"

" No if and but! Just drive toward that ridge. We will ditch the car and perch up on a nearby building. If we get a good idea of their location, we can go with the plan."

His plan was simple, to lure out the enemies to ambush them. It was simple but effective way to deal with them in one sweep!

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