Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 606 Slut?-2

Chapter 606 Slut?-2

" I could jump out the window if you like." Samuel offered the best solution. Although it was high, he was confident he could make it.

" What! And leave me alone here!? How can I ever face her again!?" Kate immediate grabbed Samuel's hand fearing he would just vanish again beside she needed now the most!

" What if I carry you and we both jump out the window together?"

" Have you lost your mind?" She didn't know if he was joking or not looking at his serious expression. For a second she was ready to accept his proposal but she didn't want to die early!

So what her best friend had seen her fool around with a stranger? It's not like Kate hadn't dated before right? She even met few of Bella's boyfriends over the years but she felt the most depressing issue was that, Samuel was a lot younger than her.

It's not like Kate and Bella had that much dating history to begin with, they were both very career driven since graduating. Which was why it was harder for Kate to make any excuses why she was suddenly involved with a young man and even if she was her biggest sin was she hid it from her best friend! Kate knew she would definitely get flack for it.

" Come on. There is no point mulling over it. I will handle everything." Samuel grabbed Kate's hand and started heading out. He was waiting for his boner to die down which was natural since they got interrupted in such a spectacular manner.

" Wait? What will you do?"

" What else? We will come clean about it. There is no point hiding it since It will eventually come out."

" But-"

" Trust me." Samuel said confidently. Kate nodded and decided to do as he asked.

Meanwhile Bella who just witness it was lost for words. She was busy cleaning the kitchen along with other staff members when they heard Kate scream loudly. Before anyone could react, she rushed upstair fearing for the worse.

It was not beyond the realm of possibility of the arrogant stranger to lash out on Kate because she knew Kate was a loud mouth. They had known each other for as long as she remembered and she didn't change much since then.

Kate would be at the forefront of most of the fights even tussling with other girls that tried to bully her in school. She was there for her weakest moments so there was no chance Bella would leave her friend alone knowing she was in harms way.

But when she opened the door, she didn't expect to see 'that' scene. First she thought the man was trying something funny but Bella could tell with the face that Kate was making before it turned pale, that she was enjoying it. It was a full blown sex without her thinking too much about it!

She had no other choice but to run away. While she was going down the stairs her mind was thinking about million things but first and foremost was whether her friend that she had known for ages was a slut or not!?

With how Kate was looking at the man, it was clear she was totally into it! How could her best friend be involved with some strangers much less someone she was threatening to kill just an hour ago?

" Hold on! I feel like I am missing something!" She the more she thought about it the more weird everything felt. She knew Kate was not someone that would open her legs for anyone, she was so adamant with finding the right person that it sort of became like a repellant for men.

Unlike her first few relationship where she didn't know what was going on, she kept off intimacy off the table until she knew the person was genuine. It didn't take long for most of the men that were interested in her to back off knowing they couldn't get in her pants without any major commitment.

It was something Bella had criticized Kate for extensively, it's not like she wanted her best friends to be an easy woman but if she didn't even give anyone a chance how would she going to find anyone?

At first she thought Kate would come around when they went to college but she never gave anyone a chance. There were few guys that took interest in her but they were put off by her tendency to curse every hour. She never became someone that they could bring home to meet the family. Not to mention her love of drinking only made things worse! It was off-putting for them to accept that your girlfriend could out drink you at parties!

But still Bella thought it would be alright, they were still in their mid twenties. There were plenty of time right? No! She finally gave up when they started the business together. Even her dating life took a nose dive because they never thought running a business would be so demanding with their time.

Especially a bar that was most crowded on weekends. Even if Bella spot any cute guys there was no time for her to mingle because she was manning the kitchen all night! Kate got even worse, she completely disregarded her personal life and gave her all to put the bar on the map!

There was also the issue of her adopting tenants or more like 'kids' as they would call them. It made Bella realize that Kate who was looking after these students was slowly becoming more and more like an aunt to them. It was especially true with Dhia who really looked up to her like a second mother.

Kate was barely thirty, how did she suddenly became a mother!? Bella felt it was wrong but seeing how much Kate enjoyed taking care of kids, she didn't have heart to discuss it with her. It was definitely hurting her image because Dhia used to come here often with her friends and she definitely acted older and appropriately not to embarrass her niece.

Which was highly suspicious when she factored in these things, there was only one probable answer.

" They definitely knew each other!"

Even before Samuel and Kate made their appearance, Bella had cemented her position on the matter! She was already one step ahead of them!

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