How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 24

Chapter 24. The princess' swordsmanship training (4) The reason why she fired three shots at such trash was to clearly aim for the head the first time, and then two shots for the torso to cut out the heart and kill him.

Because he is a guy who uses undead magic, there is a possibility that he cast a spell on himself.

And the third is anger.

It would be nice to have the undead turn into an undead by killing that guy, but I guess it's not that type of magic.

Even if the caster died, the undead Wyvern still remained.

Still, he is temporarily confused because the commander has died.

‘No matter how much I think about this, it's a runaway atmosphere.'

In my experience, in this case, after a while, they will run amok regardless of whether they are friends or foes.

Moving objects will shut up and attack.

can't do it let's avoid

“Now is your chance! We have to run!”

I shouted and pulled the reins and drove the horse.

And as soon as we started to run, the undead Wyverns began rampaging at the same time.

The moment I ran away, the undead wyvern caught the movement of my horse and tried to interfere, but Kania's sister's escort maid intervened and swung her sword to deflect the attacking claw.

“Please avoid it!”

I left behind the escort maid's cry and ran.

The other knights also desperately created an opening for us to escape.

Thanks to that, we were able to escape to the nearby forest without much difficulty.

It was based on the judgment that if it was in the forest, it would be much easier to escape because the tall trees would be in the way.

“...At this point, I don't think I'll be chasing you anymore.”

how long did it run

I decided to stop for now because it seemed like I had come quite deep into the forest and I was tired of talking.

I was vigilant just in case, but I didn't feel the presence of something chasing me or the unpleasant mana.

“sister. I think I'm fine now.”

Kania noona answered a bit weakly.

“Is everyone okay?”

Apparently, the articles I left behind bothered me.

“Maybe they’re on their way to find us by now?”

As long as Kania and I successfully escaped, there was no reason for them to continue dealing with the Undead Wyvern.

.... Even I, who said that, felt a bit bitter.

Many soldiers and knights were sacrificed because of that madman who was a warlock or something.

If I had decided and dealt with it, maybe... no one could have died, but I couldn't help it because I was in a position where I couldn't easily reveal my strength.

At least I got my revenge by killing the madman, but that wouldn't be enough.

I almost sighed in a mixed mood before quitting.

It's hard for my older sister to endure if I'm depressed too.

I'm slowly losing We'd better stay calm here until they come to pick us up.

I picked up suitable twigs from the surroundings, piled pebbles around them like a furnace, and used mana to create frictional heat and set it on fire.

It's crude, but a simple bonfire is complete.

“Fire… Did you attach it as an artifact?”

When I lighted the bonfire so easily, my sister approached me curiously.

“I had it because I thought I might need it.”

If you misunderstood, it became that.

Next, I raked in as many leaves and twigs as I could and spread them out to make them like cushions.

It's not enough, but it won't hurt even if you sit or lie down on it.

It won't stay long anyway, and this is enough.

“When did you learn this?”

“…I read it in a book.”

I can't say that I learned it in my previous life, so I covered it moderately.

We sat side by side on a bed of leaves in front of the campfire, waiting for the knights to come to rescue us.

It would be unreasonable to wait in a happy mood.

“...Did it happen because I forced myself to go to training?”

Suddenly, Kania noona brought up such words.

Are you feeling guilty about the raid?

“This is like an accident. It's not your sister's responsibility.”

I comforted her for the time being, but...

she couldn't speak for the whole time, perhaps because she felt truly sorry for the fact that the people escorting her had died in vain.

Assassination threats always follow royal family members, but this is the first time for Kania's sister.

It must be difficult to accept it lightly.

“…Arell are you okay?”

Kania noona held my hand tightly.

My hands are cold.

I think the worst thing is my older sister.

I held her hand without saying anything.

First of all, let's take care of that so that we can return safely.

Even now, I am sufficiently wary of my surroundings.

I've killed that madman for sure, but I can't guarantee that there won't be any companions.

Perhaps, what we will encounter afterwards will not be the people who came to rescue us, but there is a high possibility that they will become enemies.

In the worst case, I have to fully assume that I will reveal my strength.

As I waited, it became completely dark and I heard various cries as if nocturnal animals were starting to become active.

Surprisingly, the forest is noisier at night.

It was when I was so quietly alert to the sounds around me.

Beep yee yee yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

A strange cry, whether it was a bird or an animal, resounded sharply in the night sky.


I got up from the spot and looked around.

Kania's older sister must have been surprised to hear the same sound, and she was vigilant while holding the handle of the sword at her waist.

“What did you just say?”

“???? that is.”

I just got used to the sound of crying.

Exactly, I've heard of it in my past life.


As I pointed to the sky, two shadows fell over our heads.

Currently, two monsters are fighting each other above our heads.

One is the Wyvern I saw today.

And another one...


A combination of an eagle's head and wings and a lion's body.

A monster nicknamed the King of Heaven and Earth.

The griffon is desperately repelling the attacking wyvern with a sharp cry.

“Is that a griffon?”

Kania noona let out a half-admired voice. The fear just now seemed to have been forgotten to some extent by the feeling of wonder.

Come to think of it, is this the first time you've seen it in person?

Could this be the griffon's habitat... As far

as I know, normal griffons aren't violent, and they're clever monsters.

It rarely attacks people unless it invades its territory.

I used to use it as a ride a few times in my previous life.

The fact that such a griffon fights while revealing such a sharp killing force must mean that the Wyvern is an intruder.

The appearance of that wyvern is also familiar.

It seemed that the wyvern that attacked us earlier had left the group and had flown all the way here.

“…Arel. Isn’t that griffon’s movement strange?”

As Kania's older sister had pointed out, Gryphon's behavior of desperately shaking off the Wyvern was strange.

Should I say that I am not actively attacking? For some reason, he continues to defend himself.

It seemed daunting just to block the Wyvern's attack.

Are you hurt somewhere?

While wondering, the wyvern's claws grabbed the griffon's body.

Then he mercilessly bites at the scruff of the neck with his teeth.

Beep beep !

At the same time as the painful cry, bright red blood fountains welled up from the nape of the neck.

A decision has been made


The griffon, mortally wounded, crashed.

The problem is...

it's falling this way.


“Avoid my sister!”

I quickly grabbed Kania's sister's wrist and pulled her to run.

A body the size of a wyvern landed on the spot where we were standing just before.

If I had stayed there, I would have been crushed.

The fallen griffon tries to get back up, but stumbles as if it has no strength.

And the wyvern comes down this way.

found us

“Chit! How dare you!”

While Kania was distracted by the crashed griffon, she quickly fired a grenade with her fingertips.

The Wyvern had a hole in its body.


The Wyvern screamed desperately on the spot and fell to the ground.

As both of them fell, the commotion from earlier became as quiet as a lie.

“What a mess this is… ugh!”

I couldn't speak to the end.

It was because I realized why the two were fighting fiercely.

A cry like a little chick was heard in the arms of the mother griffon.

Looking closely, I saw a puppy-sized griffon crying sadly.

I see.....

“Did it happen like that... while trying to protect the baby?”

“I will.”

Usually, Griffon and Wyvern are monsters of the same class.

There may be fights over food or territory, but it is rare for both sides to fight fiercely to the death.

Now I understand why the griffon couldn't actively attack.

Because she was carrying a baby, she couldn't move properly.

Even under attack, they seemed to prioritize their cubs.

Judging that it was no longer dangerous, we approached the griffon.

It smells like thick blood.

There is no life in the eyes of the mother griffon.

The blood loss was already close to lethal. The wound is also deep. Moreover, the teeth of a wyvern that uses an acid breath are quite poisonous.


It is impossible to survive this way.

I don't have any medicine in my hands right now, and even if I did, it would be impossible to revive this guy.

As we approach, the baby griffon raises its fur to see if it is wary.

But it didn't seem to have the strength to attack.

“...What's going on with this kid?”

“If we leave it like this, it will be eaten by other monsters or wild animals.”

A grown-up griffon could reign as a king in a forest like this, but a weak cub is nothing more than a delicious meal in front of the laws of nature.

When I said so calmly, there was considerable hesitation in Kania's eyes.

“Can we raise this child?”

“…This guy is a monster first, right?”

“It’s not impossible to grow.”


Well, there's an anecdote about a griffon being well tamed and ridden instead of a horse.

It seemed that Kania noona didn't want to let the baby die like this.

“Wait. I'll think about it.”

I asked for some time to think about it and sneaked closer to the head of the mother griffon.

I feel like I'll stop breathing any minute.

....Wouldn't it make sense to do something like this for now?

I took a deep breath and began slowly synchronizing the mana waves with Griffon's.

This is one of the skills I learned in my previous life, planting.

It is a skill to understand the other person's intentions through means other than words, by synchronizing one's consciousness with mana and emotions.

In short, it's like a phone where you can communicate without words.

Using this, I will be able to understand Mother Griffon's feelings, and Mother Griffon will be able to understand my feelings as well.

Finally, I wanted to confirm the mother Griffon's last intention.

The two emotions between me and Griffin are intertwined, exchanging information in each other's heads.

However, information about Griffin's is extremely vague.

because they are all dying

There won't be much free time.

There is only one image that can be confirmed.

In the mother griffon's head, only the image of her calf and the sound of her cry remain.

you'll be worried

That's why I conveyed the feeling of being okay as much as possible.

....At that moment, synchronization was lost.

Mother Griffon is dead.

“I don’t know if it was transmitted.”

It was the moment I had just delivered Seem that my breath stopped.

The last image I sent is like this if I had to explain it in words.

‘Take it easy. The baby is safe. So leave the rest to me.”

The timing of the reception was breathtaking.

I hope it was delivered properly.

I did what I could once.

“Excuse me one more time.”

I quietly apologized to the griffon for the last time and thrust my hand into the griffon's torso.

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