How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 28

Chapter 28. Results of the princess's swordsmanship remodeling plan (2)

“I don't mean to just go that far. It just needs that kind of driving force. Now, my sister's sword is so sound and honest.”

Neither of them should be excessive, but Kania noona lacks that a bit.

It is only natural that they get tired of trying to cross the wall with their own strength.

It can be a little effective to think of something you don't like in moderation.

Although so advised.

“It might be a way to think about a time when you were moderately annoyed.”

For example, there is a case of awakening to a new level because of being annoyed by the taste of rice.

....I'm from my previous life.

No, it didn't really taste like ‘to the point of inadvertently getting angry.


On the other hand, Kania's older sister doesn't seem to understand my explanation.

Well, that won't be easy.

No matter how much she is, she is a princess who does not know the world.

“Should I call it a bubbling feeling?”

First of all, while continuing to give advice, slowly work out the tricks.

under serious review.

“uh? sister?”

I noticed something was wrong with Kania's sister.

“The image I accept… the image I dislike…

I close my eyes and mutter.

Seeing that there was no answer when I called, it seemed that he was concentrating his consciousness quite deeply.

“.. no way?”

That moment. An aura of a different quality than before developed, centering on older sister Kania.

No, is the expression eruption more accurate?

An aura to the extent that the surrounding atmosphere is violently pushed and runs rampant, causing strong winds.

As expected of this...

As I kept my mouth shut and watched seriously, Kania noona concentrated the aura she emitted on the sword.


and swung

The sword's sharpness and power have clearly increased, causing a storm and rampaging forward, shaving the training ground.

It flies right up to the wall and even smashes it spectacularly.

Hmm... An improved swordsmanship I devised for my older sister Kania.

A sword that only pursued destructive power and sharpness in accordance with his older sister's taste.

I haven't given it a name yet.

Can I call you Starbreaker?

It's still a long way to say that it's enough to break a star, but I tried to name it appropriately, hoping that it would be like that in the future.

“Arel! it's okay! The power has become stronger!”

“....hey? Noona, what did you think of when you imagined it?”

It's good to be happy, but let's find out what happened first.

“There was a time when Arel bullied me saying that he would teach me my studies.

I thought about it then.”

Tilting and telling me what came to mind.

How many years ago was that?

And I taught it because my sister's tutor complained?

Wasn't it bullying?

....It sure looks bubbling.

Ah well, if you show off with your studies, you're really unlucky.


I will never play with my studies again.

Was it for that reason anyway?

It's true that negative images definitely work...

Is it because you're a princess?

Anyway, the result came out, so I have to admit it.

“Ah... Um... First of all, I should say congratulations.”

I was the first to clap.

It's an unexpected and early result, but I really can't help but congratulate it.

I've known for a long time that I have talent, but I never thought I'd reach the level so quickly.


My sister doesn't seem to notice yet.

“You just came here with this and entered the expert stage.”

Just now, that power has already far exceeded the stage of prevention.

It definitely annoys me so I jump over the wall.

“???? Eh!?”

Of course, it took me a while to accept that fact.

? ? ?

Cania Ernesia.

Reached the level of Aura Expert at the age of only 17.

It seemed that the fact came as a considerable shock to those around me more than I expected.

The day after he reached the level of Aura Expert, all the knights in the palace were noisy with news about Kania's sister.

In such a yard, of course, there was no way it wouldn't come into the ears of the other brothers or the king.

Not long after, the king came to visit my older sister Kania, who is training today, and me, who is the coach.

Even without notice.

Hey, are you tall?

When someone like you pops out of nowhere, it's the lower ones who suffer, right?

It's like this king of ruins.

Well, looking at the timing of his appearance, it seemed that he had been paying attention before the rumors.

“Cania. heard the rumors They say you’ve reached the level of an aura expert.”

“???? yes.”

Kania-sister quietly replied with a courtesy.

“Huh... I see.”

hmm? If my eyes weren't strained while I was sneakily examining the atmosphere between the two, the King was looking at something interesting.

“Cania. If you don't mind, why don't you show it yourself?”

“???? yes'?”

It's the same, but the meaning is distinctly different.

Now Kania's older sister's face is stained with shock and confusion itself.

“I want to see the skills you have reached.”

....Ah, that's right.

I almost forgot that that rice cake was a decent physical group.

“Show me how far you have reached. Don't worry. Just wield it against this body.”

Is it the logic that understanding is faster when you see it yourself than when you see it with your own eyes?

That's why they use swords! Chit.

“Ha, but...

Kania-nee is still flustered.

that's a normal reaction

Right now, a human called Abby comes and asks you to beat him with a sword, but you can't accept it lightly.

I can't.

I approached and patted my sister lightly on the back.

Then he gave a thumbs up as a sign that he was okay.

“are you okay. I will take this opportunity to show it to my father.”

So let's lose to our heart's content.

i don't dry

just encourage

Fanning from the side is my specialty.


Of course, this princess who nodded her head when she said that she was inciting her was also very modest.

Eventually, the two faced each other in the middle of the training ground, each holding a sword.

When Kania's sister posed first, the king burst into a red-hot exclamation.

“It's different from the attitude of the existing knights.”

Did he guess that he improved his swordsmanship just by looking at his posture?

The king also holds a wooden sword and deploys an aura.

While the others quietly watched, Kania-sister kicked the ground first and closed the distance at once.

He swung the wooden sword imbued with high-density aura at a speed that could not be seen with ordinary eyesight.

Only belatedly, dust rises in the place where the sword passed.

Originally born with physical strength and high-output mana.

And the ultra-high-speed blow created by the harmony of my improved swordsmanship.

....ah. But do you usually aim for the first blow in the head?

What else is Abby looking at with delight?

I'm afraid of this woman!


The sound of wooden swords colliding with wooden swords resounded.

The sound is light, but shockwaves that have lost their way around the two resonate and break through the surrounding soil.


The king lightly blocked his sister's wooden sword.


Is it difficult to say lightly?

The wooden sword she is guarding now has a larger amount of aura than her older sister.

It's like a solid wall that never collapses at that level of density.


My sister seemed surprised when it was blocked so easily.

“You won't be disappointed. It's fast enough and a heavy blow.”

The king said that with a light smile.

Unlike my older sister, who had just reached the level of Expert, the King has reached an intermediate level in my eyes.

Even in the same realm, there is a profound difference.

In fact, I expected from the beginning that it would not be an opponent.

So I gave permission.

The only person who regrets it is Kania noona.

However, the king seems to be quite impressed with what he said.

“Even when dealing with the knight commanders, I have never brought out an aura of this magnitude.

That's great.”

The king was satisfied and honestly praised his sister.

“I'm still a long way off....

Even if you say that, I feel embarrassed as if my sister doesn't hate it on the inside.

But... Considering that it's a scene in which he praises his daughter who wields a wooden sword aiming at his own head, I'm probably the only one who thinks that it's heartwarming....

After checking, the two returned and now started talking about what had happened.

Then, Kania proudly said that it was me who taught her swordsmanship.

“Is it Arel who taught Kania's swordsmanship? Is that true?”

“It’s nothing. It just worked out well with my theory.”

Since there was nothing to keep secret, I readily admitted it.

“As a result of my research, Kania's conventional swordsmanship is not suitable for her, and also... she seems to have good Aura skills, so I just gave her a bit of advice.”

“Hmm... Arell. Is that teaching method possible for others?”

The King, who was deeply concerned about something, asked me this.

Is it for someone else? heh?

I understood the meaning.

“I'm sorry if you're expecting the same results as Kania noona, but it's difficult.”

This time, I couldn't give you the answer I expected.

The reason for Kania's rapid growth was that she originally had that much potential, and that I followed her around and watched her for a long time enough to remember her every move.

“...For that reason, it is difficult to hope for the same results even if others practice the same method.”

“.. is it.”

The king licked his lips somewhat regretfully.

I don't know what's inside

He must have thought to spread the training method to others and raise the quality of the knights under his command at once.

A mass production of expert-class knights.

Creating a truly invincible army would not be a dream either.

“Then, is it difficult for me or the best?”

I shook my head as well.

It was a training method exclusively for Kania noona.

....Well, it's half an excuse.

If you're a pro from a previous life like me, if you observe a little bit, you might be able to guide you through the training method that suits that individual.

But... it's annoying, right?

I don't know if it's a cute sister, but I have to observe them for my brother who's not even close to the muscle rice cake that I'm crazy?

I hate that.

my eyes are precious

Um... but I can't just disappoint you.

Should I give her a little bit of hope torture?

“However, a degree of improvement is possible.”

Super-fast growth discourages. It is within the permissible range that I teach you proper training methods.

“step. It is limited to royalty only.”

“Um, yes. That would be better.”

The reason why I ask for it is understood even without an explanation.

There are ways to improve your skills more effectively.

If you passed it on to other nobles, that alone would cause trouble.

It would be much more correct if only the members of the royal family were strong.

I don't want that either.

To me, nobles are not allies.

What makes them strong because they are pretty?

“i get it. Arel. I will only pass on your secrets to the lineage of the royal family.”

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