How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 49

Chapter 49. Paper is a great way to make money


“I have no reason to blame it.”

He doesn't seem to be offended by it.

Surely they will understand.

It is impossible to show all the hot items that will feed this place from now on to those who have not yet decided whether to take the job.

“For engineers, technology is life. understand.”

I'm sure they are protecting their know-how in one way or another within the forge.

“But... I want you to show me the rest first.”

Arken asked me to show the rest of the blueprints subtly, as if looking at me a little.

But you just blurted out your words... You're not ashamed, are you?

I believe no.

I don't want to see muscle midget middle-aged people like this.

okay? you mean the rest?

I took the blueprint out of the safe and put it on the desk, before Archen reached for the blueprint and yanked it back towards me.


stick out again

and steal again.

“What is this…”

His short arms trembled.

give and take away

This is how to humiliate a dwarf.

Really, if I wasn't a prince and a reincarnated person, it might have been perfect for me to go somewhere and be beaten to death.

“First, make the parts of the blueprint shown earlier. I'll show you the rest later.”


“You understand? yes?”

I returned what Aken had just said to the Ancients.

protection of technology.

is that the most important thing?

If you want to see the rest, do what I tell you to do first and earn my trust.

“Or are you sure you can’t make it? yes?”

I deliberately scratched their egos.

It's easy to make, right?

Then there's no problem if I show you the blueprints step by step after that, right? huh? huh?


“…I see.”

Aken made an expression as if he was holding poop in his mouth, but he replied that he would do what he was told to do first, probably realizing that he couldn't help it if he tried to show his stubbornness.

Immediately, the Dwarves left, saying they would look around the factory candidates I selected.

Although I was joking around, they were full of enthusiasm as they rushed to the office.

“I think you know roughly what’s inside…”


I muttered as I tapped the desk with my fingers.

Even now, I can't forget their sweaty muscles.

No, I can't forget their eyes toward the blueprint.

“Inside? Are they up to something?”

Currently, the only thing left in the office is Asha, the escort, so she asks as if she is curious.

Apparently, Asha didn't seem to have a very good impression of the dwarf named Aken.

Well, it's because I heard it from the beginning.

“don't worry. I don't mean weird. To the end, as a craftsman, I have my heart.”

“master? I don't understand.”

“Even knights want to memorize the movements of someone with excellent swordsmanship.”


When I compared it like that, I seemed to understand a little bit.

Darmon also said that they were a race driven solely by the temperament of artisans.

A race that would never lift a hammer no matter how much gold was offered to them if they were interested or had no reason.

They want to come here on their own and accept my work.

“Is that how much you liked this blueprint?”

To be precise, it seems to be the technology itself that is the basis for this blueprint.

“It's not uncommon for an apprentice to peek at the artisan's skills and make them his own.”

The reason why the dwarves are so eager to see my paper making machine is interesting, but probably because they want to dig into the technology of designing it.

As long as you are a craftsman, you will be able to understand it to some extent if you see it and make it yourself.

I guessed that much too.

Of course, I have no intention of criticizing.

If you have the will, it's a welcome thing for any reason.

In a sense, I am also in a position to live with someone else's technology.

Even though he used things from his previous life, he is not stingy enough to be condescending with them.

“At first, I thought it wouldn’t matter if I showed you all the blueprints, but um? I've changed my mind a little bit.”

I put the remaining blueprints back into the safe.

This safe is a special safe that I ordered from the Mage's Tower not long ago, and it cannot be broken unless you are at least an Aura master level of Kania's older sister.

“For now, we'll have to use this as bait.”

They are more enthusiastic than I expected.

If so, wouldn't it be better to push this momentum forward?

And, crucially, it ignited my sadist mind.

Show me some more angst!

Try to entertain me some more!

Of course, it is not my intention to pamper them with passion pay.

Properly paid.

However, I intend to use this as a catalyst to further boost their spirit to work.

If you want to see it like that, work quickly and show me sincerity.

Now, isn't it easy to win my heart?

Traditionally, bait is more desirable when placed in front of it and shaken.

Wouldn't it be better if I'm impatient?

I raised the corners of my mouth as I said that to Asha.

Gongdols who are burning with motivation are scary.

In less than 10 days, he completed the first paper making machine in an instant.

“bantling. Everything was completed exactly as you ordered.”

Archen said nothing and was checking all the blueprints he had received from me.

The dwarves don't show it, but I know that they are working on their work, cutting down on their sleeping time.

How long have you been wanting to see that?

At this point, do you feel sorry for me for giving and taking the pills for no reason?

“Is it going back to normal?”

“of course. Who do you think touched it?”

Aken snorted in a proud tone.

“So what are the results?”

“Here it is.”

When I asked, Damon held out a smooth, curled piece of paper to me.

This is the first paper produced with that machine.

“The paper is amazingly clean.”

“Yes. of course. Who do you think planned it? This kid.”

I imitated the tone of a certain dwarf and smiled.

As Darman said before, there is, of course, paper here too.

However, to what extent, only the most basic paper can be made by simply steaming and calling fibers.

Compared to now, the color is yellow and the touch is not good.

In addition, the strength is weak, so if you misuse the pen, it will tear.

However, even that production method is monopolized by a country far away in the Orient, so the penetration rate is not very high.

At best, it is likely to be used in temples, important books, contracts, or documents used by the royal family.

In addition, the price is expensive, so most nobles use parchment for cheap.

In addition, in order to produce even that poor paper, artisans have to knit, dry, and go through all sorts of hardships for days and days.

On the other hand, Arrel type paper basically entrusts most of the process to the machine.

Of course, it is a bit ambiguous to say that it is pure science for a machine using magic tools.

In any case, mine can be produced as long as properly trained workers stick to it.

Trees that are raw materials are overflowing here, and logging work can be left to the residents here.

They are familiar with the roads and geography of the forest here, so it's a perfect fit.

At least as long as I'm alive, this factory won't stop.

“bantling. Will it be okay like this?”

Archen asks as he knocks on the machines.

Now, if I give an OK sign, the dwarves will create several more machines like this.

And using it, they set up a factory in earnest to produce paper.

“huh. Please like this.”

I once again fiddled with the paper of the Arrel table and instructed to continue as it is.

A month later, paper production began in earnest.

After manufacturing all the necessary equipment was completed, the Dwarves went back without any regrets.

Considering the hard work, I thought I would treat them to their favorite food or drink, but they refused.

It seems that he couldn't stay long because there were so many requests.

Do you silently do what you have to do perfectly and go without looking back?

Should I say it's cool or have no tips?

Aken, the dwarf craftsman, is about to leave.

“Babe… If you have anything else to ask, call me as many times as you like. I'll review it anytime.”

After saying this, I left without looking back.

Did I tell you to call me again?

Is that so?

I don't get my heart pounding at all when a middle-aged man with a short muscular body says this, right?

Anyway, the day will come when I will ask them to work again sooner or later.

If they look good on me, that's a good result.

It was not difficult to find workers.

Basically, the residents are actively cooperating with my business.

Since the last road work, things have improved a lot here, so they are starting to trust me.

First of all, the paper to be sold in the first round could be safely produced.

So what next?

definitely have to sell it

* * *

Two days later. Now, someone has come to exchange this paper for money.

“nice to see you. The 3rd Prince Arel. No, now I should call you the lord of Fahilia.”

He was a young man who looked to be in his late 20s.

Her hair color is the same gray as mine.

He politely bowed and revealed his name.

“My name is Lichen Ainrest.”

“I heard that he was my maternal uncle.”

“Yes, that is correct. Arell's mother. Because she's Lipana's younger sister.”

The young man smiled friendly.

Certainly, the hair color and the face are like that.

I'm sincerely glad

With this, the possibility of evolving into a muscle man in the future has gradually decreased.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with my genes.

Seriously, I'm glad I don't look like my father.

Long live the maternal gene.

“Arell? Did you put something on my face?”

“never mind. Let’s start talking about work quickly.”

The reason he came to me was because of business matters.

Regarding this paper sale, my mother's maternal family contacted the Ainrest family to send someone they could trust to do the job. So, my maternal uncle? Lichen came to me.

Perhaps because I asked for an important item, it seems that the most trustworthy person, that is, the blood relationship, is the most trustworthy.

Yes, blood ties are the strongest.

United by bloodline.

“My father was so holy that he told me to go quickly and help Arel.”

“...that's a lot of trouble.”

From what I hear, it seems that he has been managing most of it since I made Ainrest Street my secondary distribution channel.

At first, he suffered because he was not familiar with the trade, but now he seems to be counted as one of the merchants who learn and learn in the field.

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