How to Raise Your Skeletons

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Life is About Plunging Forward at the Right Time


I grasped Jang Daewoong’s hand almost by accident.

“Gahaha, you seem shy. So, which gen of hunter are you?”

Which gen? Ah, he must have meant the generation when I became a hunter. I became a hunter three years ago, so I’m from Gen 9.

“Gen 9.”

When I answered, Jang Daewoong’s eyebrows shot up.

“Oh, Gen 9? So you awakened not long ago?” He laughed heartily while looking at me, then spoke again. “Haha. To think you were in the same gen as Kim Hyukseon the Dark Lord… Is this a coincidence? Oh, come to think of it, your abilities are quite similar, huh.”

“Yes, well… That’s true. But I can only summon skeletons for now.”

“Hahaha. That’s not the important thing! That skeleton managed to take down an A-rank hunter.”

Surprisingly, Jang Daewoong’s tone felt comfortable and approachable. It felt like we got along well.

Or it was more accurate to say that Jang Daewoong didn’t give off a sense of dominance. Rankers usually tended to be arrogant or felt superior due to their authority in society.

“If you’re strong, that’s all that matters. Hahaha. Just like me. Now, I’m curious. What would happen if you made me a skeleton?”

This man, or rather this muscle-bound guy, was pure-hearted. He seemed to approach me as a fellow human being, regardless of my rank.

“Well if that happened, you would lose your muscles. Would that be okay?”

He gasped. “No way! That can’t happen! Don’t even joke about such things!” Jang Daewoong shrank back and stroked his bulging biceps with his palm. His exaggerated reaction was like that of a neighborly older brother.

To think a ranker could be so friendly.

Ah. This was when I realized that rankers were humans too. Honestly, I had only seen them as idols. I thought their faces would glow with a golden light…


In Jang Daewoong’s case, his demeanor starkly contrasted with the force he displayed during battle earlier.

“Mr. Berserker,” I suddenly called out to him.

There was something I needed to do. Today, I owed these rankers my life.


“Sorry for the late introduction. Thank you very much for saving me.” I bowed my head respectfully at a 90-degree angle.

“Hahaha, why thank me for defeating some bad guys!”

“It would have been very difficult if it weren’t for you and the other rankers.”

Difficult? I probably would have died if it weren’t for these people.

“Haha, really? It’s refreshing to see someone in this day and age who still knows how to express gratitude. You’re a polite friend. I like you.”

“Thank you.”

“So, if you’re from Gen 9, you’re 23 years old now?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

It’s simple to determine a hunter’s age by their generation. The world has been this way for exactly 12 years, and unique authorities awakened at the age of 20. So Gen 1 must be 32 years old or older, and Gen 12 must be exactly 20 years old. No hunters were exempt from this.

But there was no need to complicate things. I got my unique authority three years ago, so I’m 23 years old.

“Haha, then I must be older than you. Just call me brother.”


Big Brother Daewoong? Is he telling me to call him that right now? Why is this person approaching me so abruptly? Honestly, it feels overwhelming.

“Alright then, let me ask you straightforwardly.”

“Yes? What is it…”

“I’ve been curious for a while. Haha.”

Jang Daewoong rubbed his palms together. Even this simple action made his biceps and triceps flex disturbingly.

“What is it?”

“It’s about Gi Soyul. Why is she so obsessed with you? What’s the secret?”

“Oh! I’m curious about that, too.”

Suddenly, Lee Sunah, who had been chatting on the side, showed interest.

“Right. Actually, the reason we gathered here is because of that.”

Even the White Swine approached, seeming interested. Before I knew it, the three of them were all staring at me.


It was awkward. It felt like it happened all so abruptly.

Well, it’s only natural for them to be curious.

No matter how much I had grown recently, I was just another small fry to them.

Kim Junseo…

I looked around.

Kim Junseo, being quick-witted, seemed to have already gone home.

“Haha. You don’t have to say anything if you’re uncomfortable with it,” Jang Daewoong laughed and nodded. “Because it seems the protagonist who gathered us is finally here.”


The protagonist?

I tilted my head.


And without a sound, a figure appeared.

“Talking about me behind my back, how rude.”

It was the Dark Empress Gi Soyul, ranked 379th in the world.

“Haha, rude? We were just waiting for you.”

“Oh, Dark Empress! You’re here?”

“Hey, Gi Soyul. That’s a bit harsh. I even left my meal untouched for your call!” Yoo Sangdon grumbled. “Don’t you know what it means for me to leave my food? You should be grateful.”

“How touching,” Gi Soyul chuckled. Then she looked at me. “Donghoon.”

“Yes? Yes.” I blinked.

“I told you before. I’d introduce you to connections that could change your life.”

Her gray eyes fixed on me. The rankers also nodded at me.

“Hahaha, is it the Dark Empress’s turn now?”

“Well, it’s always the turn of whoever speaks first.”

“I don’t mind! I didn’t have anyone for this year anyway!”

I didn’t understand what they were saying. I instinctively gulped. I could feel that something in this meeting would truly change my life.

“However,” Gi Soyul continued, “as you know, Donghoon, there’s no such thing as free information.”

“Free, you say…?”

“Yes. To be honest, I want to help you, Donghoon.”


She wants to help me? Why?

“It reminds me of my past—your desire to become stronger and the will to be a ranker. It all feels like I’m looking at my old self, even the look in your eyes from the first day.”


Such an abrupt confession. But let’s hear more.

“Back then, I received someone’s help. That’s how I became a ranker.” Gi Soyul leaned lightly against a streetlamp as she spoke.

The other rankers quietly stepped back, remaining silent, which was considerate and allowed me to focus on her words.

“It’s not just me. All the rankers gathered here received help from someone.”

“So there was a special reason why you guys became rankers at a young age?”


Gi Soyul’s eyes widened slightly.

“You catch on quickly. Yes, that’s right. Realistically speaking, it’s nigh impossible for people like us in our twenties to become rankers, given the countless hunters who have been active over the past twelve years.”

“Wait.” It was then that Yoo Sangdon raised his hand. “That’s enough. We haven’t received his confirmation yet, but you’ve already given away too much information. That wasn’t the plan.”

“Alright. I admit it, White Swine.” Gi Soyul nodded. Then she looked at me again. “Berserker, Black Sword, White Swine, and Fine Bow, my older brother. Can I explain your uniqueness to these five people?”

My uniqueness?

“Are you talking about sharing my fortuitous opportunity?”

“Yes, exactly.”

Gi Soyul’s point was simple: you reveal everything to us, and then we reveal how we became rankers at an early age.

Actually, no. Gi Soyul would probably put it differently. She wanted to help me, but to do that, I needed to reveal my information so she could convince the others.


It was a bit concerning. I had just experienced how special my ‘fortuitous opportunity’ was. Just because of that information, an entire organization attacked another organization.


These people seemed different. First, Gi Soyul trusted them. Especially people like Berserker and Fine Bow were monsters who wouldn’t need to covet my ‘fortuitous opportunity.’

Besides, my opportunity is practically nothing.

From their perspective, there was nothing to earn from it. Even if they knew, they couldn’t take it from me, and the old man was a special mentor only for me.

And what about endangering my life because I tell them about it?

In fact, if they had wanted to, I would already be facing the King of the Underworld in the afterlife.


In the end, I made up my mind. The consideration was brief, and the answer was clear.

“Why would I hide my information? Of course I’ll tell you.”

The answer was ‘yes.’ After all, life is about plunging forward at the right time.

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Reaper Scans

Translator – Dawn

Proofreader – BringTheRayn

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“Hahaha, a master who could beat up Gi Soyul? I’d like to face him once too!”

“That’s certainly surprising. I can see why the Dark Empress was interested.”

After hearing the explanation from Gi Soyul, Berserker and the Black Sword nodded.

“Ahem, that’s the end of the explanation. Now, can we share the information with Donghoon?” Gi Soyul asked after clearing her throat.


“No, wait.” Yoo Sangdon did not nod. His face was filled with shock. “Hey, c’mon now! Do you think this is something to take so lightly?”

“What’s the matter, White Swine?” Gi Soyul asked calmly.

“Like, it’s incredible! An old man who could easily destroy rankers? And moreover, a new world? And that Sun Spear fellow? He’s also an absolute ruler of another world! Isn’t this an overpowered ability?” White Swine said while looking at Berserker, seeking agreement in his eyes.

“Listen. If he fully awakens later, he could summon ten monsters that could destroy rankers! That’s not just a monster; that’d be a calamity!”

“It means he’ll become incredibly strong. Haha. Truly an amazing friend.”

Berserker laughed, and the White Swine pounded his chest in frustration.

“No, think about it. Berserker! This is beyond what we can handle.”

“Gahaha, when you become strong, promise to fight me once, brother! Don’t ignore me then, alright?”

“Oh, you madman.” White Swine looked at Berserker, exasperated, then turned to the Black Sword. “Hey, Black Sword! Aren’t you surprised to hear that there are new worlds other than Earth? This is breaking news!”

“Well, I always found this world to be mysterious.”


“Dungeons, status windows, and monsters! Sometimes, I think I’m dreaming a dream that never ends!”

“No, that’s not what I mean…”

“White Swine,” Gi Soyul interjected.

“The information we’re about to reveal is just as astonishing as Donghoon’s fortuitous opportunity.”

“Well, that’s true, but…”

“There are still many secrets in this world yet to be uncovered. Have you forgotten why the five of us gathered?”


White Swine trailed off. Then he shut his mouth tightly, indicating he wouldn’t interfere further.



Finally, it was time to hear the explanation.

I straightened my posture and focused my gaze. I was nervous to hear the secrets that these five rankers had been hiding, and my heart was pounding.

“Did you know there’s a ranker who creates rankers?”


What was she talking about? A ranker who creates rankers?

“Are you aware of the youngest ranker who recently made headlines?”


The youngest ranker? Of course I knew. He was the one I envied when I lived my life as an E-rank mercenary before I got my fortuitous opportunity.

Ranked 949th in the world, Dark Lord.

“No way.”

“That’s right. Kim Hyukseon the Dark Lord. He was the one we chose about half a year ago, recommended by Berserker.”


What now? So Dark Lord became a ranker because of them?

My heart raced even faster, and my head felt a bit dizzy with excitement. Although my body was calm, I was extremely excited inside.

“The information I’m about to reveal is about the ‘Dungeon Maker.’”

Dungeon Maker?

I widened my eyes and focused intently.

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