How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 109: Golden Will

Chapter 109: Golden Will

With the event finally at play, fireworks exploded above the academy's colosseum, their vibrant colors lighting up the Bright sky, that was coated by a veil of celestial magic allowing us to experience the vibrant twinkle of the Twilight sky despite the bright rays of the morning


'The CG of the game just never do the actual events justice huh'

The sound of cheers and enthusiastic screams echoed across the colosseum's halls, creating an electric atmosphere.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Academy's one and only Grand Festival!" The announcer's hyped voice boomed through the speakers, further riling up the crowd. Faces were lit with exaggerated excitement as everyone anticipated the grand spectacle. Up until last week, my days had been filled with relentless training, subjugating instant dungeons whenever I could find them, and fulfilling my duties as a student council member. Balancing these responsibilities was a bit of a challenge, especially with the pressure of the Grand Festival looming over me.

But now that the event was finally here, I felt a slight sense of relief, even though my fight had yet to begin.

The colosseum was a sight to behold.

Banners of various colors representing different departments fluttered in the breeze.

Right now, Seo and I were walking hand in hand as we approached the waiting rooms beneath the grand colosseum.

The structure was a massive, open-roofed arena, reminiscent of ancient Rome's colosseum. Since the Eastern Empire was being loosely based on a combination of East Asian cultures, it seemed the developers also wanted to incorporate elements of ancient Western civilizations. "There's a lot of people...." Seo quietly mumbled as she gazed down below.

Even though the fighting hadn't officially started yet, the ground was slightly shaking from the sheer volume of the audience alone.

The crowd's excitement was palpable, their enthusiastic chatter and the occasional roar of approval creating a continuous hum that filled the air.

The anticipation was building, and I could feel the energy seeping into my bones, heightening my own sense of readiness and alertness.

As this was the only time of the year when the academy officially opened its doors to the public, it was inevitable that a massive crowd would gather.

Even though the ticket prices were astronomical, the event attracted a diverse array of attendees.

Normally, the only people allowed entry were invited guests, foreign diplomats, and influential figures like guild leaders and scouts from renowned knightly orders.

However, ever since Principal Leilah took charge, she had revolutionized the event, transforming it into a lucrative opportunity by selling those overpriced tickets to the general public.

While this decision significantly boosted the academy's finances, it also introduced a unique set of challenges.

The security department, along with other heads of the academy, were undoubtedly swamped, managing the influx of people and ensuring the event ran smoothly.

The logistics behind the scenes were as complex as the event itself, with numerous moving parts that had to be synchronized perfectly.

In the game, there were even mini-missions where players would assist in guiding lost visitors around the academy grounds, highlighting the scale and complexity of managing such a grand event.

It added a layer of realism and immersion, showing just how bustling and chaotic the festival could become.

"Are you nervous?" I asked, trying to gauge Seo's mood.

"No... maybe slightly?" she replied, her voice tinged with excitement. "I think I'm a bit excited."

"Is it because of the Duke?" I inquired, curious about her thoughts.

She nodded attentively. "Our lord said that he never won a sword fight with him."

This was new information to me. An information that wasn't in the game.

So, the lord of the Gyeoul family, presumably her father, had never bested the Duke in a duel.

It explained why the game descriptions placed such heavy emphasis on the Duke being the strongest swordsman on the continent. This title seemed to stand firm with Seo's confirmation.

In Seo's route, there wasn't much information about the current lord of the Gyeoul family, so any tidbit about him was much appreciated. It added depth to the lore and context to Seo's character.

But still, I was a bit worried about Seo. After her fight ended, the person she hated the most was going to meet her, likely fouling her mood to the point that a fight almost broke out.

In the original scenario of the game, Lucas would have been there to prevent it from happening, forcefully shooing the guy off.

But since that couldn't be expected now, after my fight ends, I'll have to take care of him. "Riley, are you nervous?" Seo asked, her voice breaking through my thoughts.


"Your grip is very strong..."

"Ah, sorry," I said, letting go of Seo's hand. "An annoying thought just came."

"Is that so?" Seo said, tilting her head slightly as she immediately took and held my hand back, her touch reassuring and steady.

We continued walking, weaving through the bustling corridors filled with other participants, staff members, and officials.

The atmosphere backstage was a mix of tense preparation and excited chatter.

Each competitor was in their own world, mentally gearing up for their moment in the


waiting room was spacious, equipped with everything we might need before stepping

into the arena.

Weapons, armor, training equipment-it was all there. Seo and I found a quiet corner, away from the main bustle, and began our final preparations.

The air was thick with anticipation, and I could feel the gazes of our future competitors on us, assessing, measuring.

'Why did the academy decide to cram us all in one room?' I wondered, glancing around.

It was a mix of first-year and second year knight department students, all gathered together.

'Even Lucas was here....'

The game definitely needed to add more details about this place....


In front of the grand stage, facing hundreds of students and a countless number of audience members, a young man with a freshly trimmed beard announced loudly, his voice resonating

across the coliseum.

"The rules are simple: fight until the opponent is knocked out or has surrendered!"

He was Dilan Page, a fourth-year knight department student of the academy. Due to his loud, enthusiastic voice and quite mature face, he was chosen to give the main commentaries for

the event.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before we begin the upcoming match, let us first welcome our

judges, shall we?"

Drums rolled and music started blaring, a grand melody filling the air as everyone awaited the

arrival of the judges.

"The first of our judges, the flaming sensation and hailed as the academy's strongest fire

mage, Professor Alex Wisteria!!!!"

Cheers erupted as a young, red-haired professor arrived in a fiery ball of flames. He had long hair reminiscent of molten lava and a handsome, sharp face to boot.

Hailed as the academy's youngest known professor with the potential and title to become an archon himself, Professor Alex waved at the crowd, causing some of the girls to erupt in uncomfortable squeals and moans.

"The second of our judges, the indomitable shield, and the academy's foremost defensive tactician, Professor Eldric Stonewall!"

The applause continued as a broad-shouldered man with graying hair and a stern expression stepped forward. Professor Stonewall's presence exuded a sense of unyielding strength and discipline, fitting for a man renowned for his defensive prowess.

"You're as popular as ever, Sir Alex," Professor Eldric commented as he took the seat next to

Professor Alex.

"Haha, it's a very humbling fame, but I'm sure I'm not on par with the other two judges

though," Alex replied with a modest chuckle.

Professor Eldric nodded, recognizing the truth in Alex's words.

Although he was a renowned professor and a worldly figure himself, he couldn't compare to

the prominence of the other two judges.

As the announcer began to announce her presence, the crowd's anticipation grew.

A beautiful figure materialized in the air as red streaks of lightning descended along with a cluster of cards that spread around the judge's podium.

Her bright pink hair danced gleefully in the air, and her golden eyes exuded enthusiasm that

ignited the crowd.

It was Alice Holloway, crowned as the next in line to be the new archon ever since she was young. She was a powerful and well-known person in the magic world, dubbed the [Red


As she arrived, all the magic tower masters in the audience coated their eyes in mana, trying

to gauge her current power and level.

"Hello, everyone~" she said happily, greeting the crowd with a cheerful wave. Her beauty alone was enough to captivate even the most unassuming country bumpkins in the audience.

The cheers reached a crescendo, and Alice took her seat with a radiant smile.

Her presence added an air of excitement and anticipation to the event. Alice hurriedly took a seat right next to Professor Eldric and Alex, engaging in light

conversation and greetings between the two.

"Geez~ do we really need to do magical intros~? The principal sure is a bit extra, no~?" Alice

commented with a playful sigh.

"Haha, we might have to hold onto our own opinions on that matter, Miss Alice," Alex

replied, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"She really turned the two of you into her slaves now, huh?" Alice teased, her eyes sparkling


"Well, we do love our jobs," Professor Eldric said with a smile.

To some, Alice's overly familiar tone with them might seem disrespectful, but to the two

professors, it just seemed like the usual overly enthusiastic Alice. Her exuberance was infectious, and it was clear that they both enjoyed her company.

"And finally, last but not least, gracing us with his heavenly presence, let us all welcome the one and only Grand Duke of the Empire, Luther Heavens!" Dilan announced with all his might, his voice echoing throughout the grand colosseum.

As the name was spoken, the music crew in the back fell silent, and the colosseum was enveloped in an eerie hush. The once roaring crowd stilled, and even the wind seemed to hold

its breath.

A heavy, almost tangible presence bore down on everyone, like mere ants struck in awe by the presence of a colossal being.

Though the students and audience had been informed about his attendance, nothing could

have prepared them for the overwhelming aura of the Grand Duke. It was as if the very air had thickened under the weight of his authority.

Without any grand gestures or dramatic entrances, the Duke appeared out of thin air, taking

an immediate seat at the judges' podium.

His red eyes scanned the colosseum with a gentle yet commanding gaze, exuding a quiet

power that demanded respect.

There were no flamboyant displays of magic, no fiery explosions or lightning bolts; his mere presence was enough to silence the masses and instill a profound sense of awe. Everyone who felt his presence understood instinctively that there was no one grander, no one more significant than the man who now sat among the judges.

The other professors and even the students looked up to him with a mixture of admiration

and trepidation.

Noticing the sudden awkwardness lingering in the air, Dilan immediately called out, his voice carrying a hint of nervousness despite his efforts to remain composed. "N-now, without further ado, let's get ready for the first match!"

The crowd's anticipation was palpable as Dilan continued, his tone trying to pierce through

the lingering tension.

"A match between two of our finest first-year students from the Knight Department! Please

welcome Riley Hell and Lucas!"

As the announcement echoed through the colosseum, the massive circular stage at the center

of the arena was illuminated by bright spotlights.

Riley and Lucas, both imposing figures clad in their safety suits, strode confidently onto the

stage, their eyes locked in intense focus.

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, their excitement building with each passing


Dilan, flying from his current location, hovered above the stage to get a better view of the unfolding battle.

The two young knights, each gripping the handle of their sword tightly, stood opposite one another, their postures radiating confidence and readiness.

Despite their calm exteriors, the tension between them was so thick it felt almost tangible, as

if the very air around them had been sharpened into a blade.

The colosseum was abuzz with whispers and speculation as the audience eagerly awaited the


To heighten the suspense, a holographic screen flickered to life above the stage, projecting the names and ranks of the combatants for everyone to see. [Riley Hell - Knight Department Rank 3] VS [Lucas - Knight Department Rank 2]

The holographic display shimmered with a dramatic effect, emphasizing the importance of

this match.

The first match usually sets the tone for the upcoming matches. The crowd's cheers grew

louder, their anticipation reaching a fever pitch.

Dilan's voice rang out again, filled with a mix of excitement and authority.

"Let the match begin!"

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