How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 125: Unwanted Ending 4

Chapter 125: Unwanted Ending 4



The cries of the two children filled the air, their voices mingling in a heart-wrenching symphony of distress.

"Dad hates us!" they sobbed together. "We're sorry, Daddy!"

Their outbursts pierced through the chaos in my mind, making me feel an acute sense of panic and helplessness.

I desperately tried to soothe them, my voice trembling as I stammered, "C-calm down, calm down, okay? I didn't mean it like that."

No matter how much I tried to comfort them, my words seemed ineffectual against the depth of their sorrow.

Their cries grew louder, their small bodies shaking with the force of their emotions.

The sight of them so distressed made me feel as though I was failing in some fundamental way, exacerbating my confusion about the situation.

A thought crossed my mind, a troubling realization from my past experiences.

Hadn't I always struggled with children?

I remembered feeling awkward and uncertain when my brother introduced me to his kids back in my original world.

I had never been particularly adept at handling their needs and emotions.

'I really am bad with children, aren't I?

Shaking my head to dispel the self-reproach.

Determined to find a solution, I approached the sobbing children.

On impulse, I reached out and enfolded them both in a tight embrace.

It felt like an instinctual response, as if my body knew that this was the only way to offer comfort and reassurance.

The act of hugging them was strange yet oddly familiar, like a gesture I had always known but never truly understood.

As I held them close, I felt a profound sense of relief wash over me.

The warmth of their tiny bodies against mine and the rhythmic rise and fall of their breathing as they slowly began to calm down was incredibly soothing.

Despite the confusion and uncertainty that still clouded my mind, this simple act of physical closeness seemed to bridge the gap between us.

I didn't fully comprehend what was happening or why I felt such a strong, almost visceral connection to these children.

But as their cries began to subside and their sobs grew quieter, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a deeper bond between us, something that went beyond mere appearances.

They were the key to the mystery behind my sudden appearance in this world, and the way out of it.

'These two mean something to me'


"So you're really not angry at us?" Ryan's innocent question cut through the haze of my confusion, causing me to sigh inwardly as I patted his head.

"No, I'm not," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "Really?"


Ryan's face lit up with a joyous giggle, a sound that was both refreshing and heartwarming.

He scampered off towards the pot we were heating, eager to help out Roxanne.

She was effortlessly butchering through a large deer-like monster I had just caught, her small hands moving with surprising efficiency.

Despite the tenderness of her age, she worked with a determination that belied her size.

It had been roughly four hours since I first encountered these two children, yet I still knew almost nothing about them.

Every time I attempted to question them directly or subtly probe for information, they would either become teary-eyed or look at me with a mixture of confusion and hurt.

They seemed to perceive any inquiry about their identity or our relationship as a personal affront, leading to their immediate and distressing tears.

'If I ask them directly who they are or what our relationship is, they'll burst into tears, thinking I don't like them anymore....'

I was left reflected, feeling trapped by the inability to gather answers.

Every attempt to subtly inquire about them or about specific memories was met with emotional reactions that only deepened my own confusion.

They seemed to interpret any attempt at understanding as a sign of rejection or disapproval, which only made the situation more complicated.

The struggle to find out who they were and what had led us to this strange and disorienting situation was becoming increasingly frustrating.

I was stuck in a loop of trying to piece together information while inadvertently triggering emotional responses that obstructed my quest for clarity.

As I observed Ryan and Roxanne working together, I couldn't help but feel a pang of concern.

Their enthusiasm and eagerness to assist seemed genuine, yet they were also shrouded in an emotional veil that I couldn't penetrate.

Each interaction felt like a delicate dance of trying not to provoke their distress while desperately seeking to understand the truth of our connections.

'Why are they so eager to please? Why do they react so strongly to my questions?'

I had these questions were just bond to become a passing thought for quite aa while for now. Haah... at least one thing was clear though.

'We're being chased.'

I don't know how or why we're being pursued, but I wasn't about to stick around and find out. There was a nagging feeling that if even one of the twins were captured, it would be game


We're in the Crystalline Forest right now, just northwest of the falls.

This place, accessible only through the DLC, is located at the far edge of the game's free map. It's not even near the academy and is situated in a different country altogether.


It's not really a country in the traditional sense, but rather a grand coalition of diverse intelligent beings-elves, beastmen, lizardmen, and more-living together in this forest.

It's like a grand freedom haven created by all these races.

A country that was solely formed due to constant aggressive conflicts between the humans the dominant species of the world and the other races.

Essentially a country formed to combat the rising tides of human influence.

The forest is also home to one of the junior heroines of the game, [Vanessa] the last disciple of the ruined druid of the north and also the elven princess.

Understanding the gravity of our situation, I could feel the urgency weighing heavily on me. This place, known for its beauty and intricate magic, was now a potential battlefield. Every rustle of the leaves, every snap of a twig felt like a signal of our pursuers closing in.

The twins, oblivious to the danger, continued their tasks-Ryan helping Roxanne with the deer-like monster.

I don't know why we're here right now, but it must have something to do with Vanessa. Otherwise, I can't see any reason why I would have brought these two kids-who keep calling me dad-all the way to this far end of the continent.

I can't exactly pinpoint our location on the map, but judging by the World Tree in the distance and the draconic mountains nearby, we're likely situated somewhere south or east of the


Ryan mentioned that we should hurry up and get to the north.

Our final destination could either be the World Tree itself or the draconic mountains, both of

which pose their own perils.

The World Tree, home to the reclusive elves, is known for its hostility towards outsiders.

On the other hand, the draconic mountains, ruled by dragons, guarantee certain death for anyone who dares to cross their territory.

These dragons are among the most powerful beings in this world, and they have a fierce reputation for defending their domain.

Crossing into their mountains is a sure way to meet death.

It's clear that either path-towards the World Tree or the draconic mountains-poses

significant dangers.

The elves and dragons are known for their hostility towards humans and other life forms that

intrude upon their sacred lands.

So why were these two so urgently trying to head north?

I could ask them, but given their reactions so far, I'm afraid they'll burst into tears again.

They might ask if I've gone crazy or if I've forgotten something crucial.

They could even think someone cast a spell on me, making me act this way while their eyes

well up with tears.

I closed my eyes, trying to piece together everything I've experienced so far. It was clear that I was either in a different world or trapped in a highly realistic illusion.

This scenario seemed too vivid and emotionally charged to be a mere dream, though the pain

and intensity felt all too real.

First, let's get the facts straight:

The first thing I encountered were the monsters attacking Ryan and me. I managed to kill one,

which implies that I still had some fighting skills or knowledge from whatever situation I was


Ryan and Roxanne seem to play a significant role in this whole situation.

Their urgency and fear suggest they're integral to the unfolding events, and their presence is

crucial to understanding what's happening.

It appears I've become a father to these two children.

Despite my confusion, my instincts told me to protect them, and they kept calling me "dad." This revelation, while perplexing, is central to my current predicament.

I have very little knowledge about the complexities of this world or the situation I'm in.

The fragments of information I have don't provide a clear picture, making it difficult to navigate the reality I'm trapped in.

Familiar Feelings: Despite my confusion, there's a nagging feeling that I should know what's

going on.

It's as if I have some understanding that's just out of reach, a memory or a realization that I can't fully grasp at the moment.

Given these points, my immediate priority should be to ensure the safety of Ryan and


Their urgent need to go north likely holds the key to understanding this situation.

To gain more clarity, I might need to rely on my instincts and the limited information available to me.

Moving forward cautiously while protecting the children could provide the answers I'm


I'm sure all the questions I've been meaning to ask will be answered then.

"Dad, let's eat!" Roxanne's cheerful call pulled me from my thoughts.

I responded with a gentle smile, "Coming..."

"Hurry up! Ryan's hogging all the meat right now!"

"What? She's lying, Dad! I made sure to leave all the chunky parts alone!" Ryan retorted,

defending himself.

I chuckled inwardly as I watched their playful argument unfold over something as trivial as

who was eating more of the meat.

After this small meal, we should probably start moving again.

The urgency of our situation weighed heavily on me.

As I turned around, I felt a sudden surge of power within me.

My body instinctively pulsed with mana, sending a ripple through the air that traveled miles


I could sense it clearly now-the black monsters that had been chasing us were getting closer and closer by the minute. It was as if they were drawing nearer with every heartbeat.

Based on their speed, we had roughly three hours before they could close the distance between us.

The ground we'd gained on them would be lost if the kids took a short rest after eating. It was

crucial to stay on the move to maintain our lead.

'I should probably handle them after we eat...'


"Riley, take care of them... okay?"

Her soft, gentle voice was like the whispers of the wind-comforting and angelic.

The weight of her request was palpable, and as I listened to her, I felt a deep sense of

responsibility and sorrow.

Her eyes were filled with regret and sadness, and her hands trembled as she held the newborn

twins close, their tiny faces peeking out from underneath a white cloth.

"Please, Riley... Promise me... you'll take care of them."

Her voice carried the heavy burden of her plea, and I was momentarily stunned into silence.

I could see the light in her eyes slowly fading, and the gravity of her words pressed heavily

upon me.

I knew I needed to give her reassurance, to promise her that I would uphold her request with

all my heart.


But even as I tried to speak, I struggled to find the right words.

My mind was a whirlwind of confusion, and I found myself unable to deliver the comfort and promise she needed.

Her face, which I once cherished and loved, now seemed distant and elusive. I tried desperately to recall her features, but my efforts were met with a haze of indistinct memories.

'Who was she again?'

As I grappled with the aching void of my memory, all I could see were blurry, colorless fragments of her face.

The only vivid detail that remained was the shining glow of her golden eyes. Everything else was lost in a swirl of ambiguity, leaving me with a profound sense of


I tried to reach out, to grasp the fading image of her, but the harder I tried, the more elusive it


The only certainty was the heartfelt plea she had left me with, echoing in my mind, urging me

to take care of the twins.

But even though I knew I loved her, why can I recall smiling upon seeing her die that day?

Why did I feel a strange sense of relief?

When the skies turned dark that day, who was the one clutching onto my right hand?

That deep, dark entity who whispered in my ear, taunting me with the pleasure of seeing me

in pain.

Seeing everyone suffer... that never-ending abyss of darkness-who was that creature? "Dad, stop!"

Roxanne's frantic scream jolted me from my thoughts.

My surroundings came crashing back into focus. I gasped, disoriented and confused.


A woman's distressed cough and labored breaths filled the air as I realized my hand was

tightly gripping the neck of an elf before me.

The elf's eyes were wide with fear, her face turning a disturbing shade of red as I tightened my


The realization hit me like a punch to the gut-what was I doing?

'How did I end up here?'

The room around me was eerily quiet, save for the sounds of groaning and muffled pain.

The wooden walls of what appeared to be a grand throne room were stained with blood, and a

chilling scene unfolded before me: elves dressed like knights lay scattered across the floor, their bodies grotesquely mutilated.

Some were missing limbs, while others had their heads severed, the gruesome remains of

their final moments etched in stark, horrifying detail.

Confusion and horror gripped me as I looked around, trying to piece together how I had gone from a seemingly peaceful meal with the twins to this brutal scene of violence.

My mind struggled to reconcile the fragments of my memories with the reality before me. Roxanne, her face streaked with tears and panic, stood a few feet away, her small frame trembling as she tried to pull me away from the elf. Ryan, too, was nearby, his eyes wide with

a mix of fear and concern.

I let go of the elf's neck, my hands shaking uncontrollably.

The elf collapsed to the floor, gasping for air, her face a mask of terror and pain. "You... traitor... first you betray all of us, and now you... you've brought those monsters before

me!?" The female elf's voice trembled with anger and disdain as she glared at me, her eyes filled with hatred.

Her neck, marked red from the force of my grip, seemed to pulse with the fury she felt. Despite her discomfort, she remained defiant.

"Get out of here, you monsters... You don't belong here, you don't belong anywhere..." Her eyes shifted to the twins, who huddled behind me, their faces etched with fear. "You monsters have no place here. My promise with your mother became null the moment you brought that man here!"

The harshness of her words cut through the air like a blade, causing the twins to tremble and

tear up in response.

Their innocent faces reflected a deep sense of betrayal and confusion, and it was clear they were deeply hurt by her venomous speech.

A surge of annoyance bubbled within me at her blatant disregard for the children.

Even though I was still grappling with the situation, her cruel treatment of the twins was


My instincts took over, and before I could fully process my actions, my foot lashed out, connecting with the front of her head with a sharp kick.

She flew through the air in an almost comical fashion, her body twisting in an exaggerated arc

before crashing onto the throne in front of her.

Her face, now a mask of unconsciousness, was smeared with blood, and her eyes swirled with dizzying circles—a stark contrast to her earlier fury.

The throne room, once filled with the echoes of her wrath, fell into an eerie silence as I stared

at the scene before me.

'Seriously, what the hell was going on right now?'

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