How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 148: Wits and Plays 4

Chapter 148: Wits and Plays 4


Even though I had anticipated some kind of scenario like this, it still irked me to see that my suspicions had been correct.

The thought of what might have happened if I had ignored my gut feeling was unsettling.


Janica's voice was a fragile whisper of relief as she looked up at me, her expression a mix of shock and gratitude.

It was clear she was shaken, but her injuries weren't as severe as they could have been-aside from her disheveled, torn uniform.

'Looks like I came just in time.'

Surveying the scene, I could tell that while the professor hadn't inflicted serious physical harm, the psychological impact on Janica would likely be significant.

The professor's perversion had clearly left a mark, and I could only imagine the trauma she would carry from this ordeal.

'This pervert really made mess of her.'

My frustration grew as I wondered where the protagonist was when he was needed the most. His absence in this critical moment was a glaring oversight.

"Get off of me, you bastard!" Professor Luke's voice was filled with rage as he struggled futilely against my foot, which was pinning him to the ground.

Despite using the full extent of my mana amplification, the professor was proving to be more resilient than I expected.

I had anticipated that he would be easier to subdue, but it seemed his status as an academy professor wasn't just for show, he has some unexpected levels of durability.

Increasing the output of my mana, I prepared to finish the professor off.


However, before I could deliver the final blow, a sudden, violent burst of mana erupted around him.

The explosion of magical energy sent a shockwave through the room, forcing me to leap back to avoid being caught in the blast.

The room was filled with a blinding flash and a resounding roar as the professor's body was engulfed in a fiery mana explosion.

The force of the blast propelled him away from me, sending him sprawling across the floor.

I landed a few meters away, my heart pounding from the adrenaline and the remnants of the mana surge.

The chaotic remnants of the explosion settled, leaving a haze of smoke and a lingering sense of urgency in the air.

I glanced at Janica, who was still trembling but seemed to be slowly regaining her composure. "Are you alright?" I asked, keeping my voice steady despite the chaos that had just unfolded, to help her calm her nerves as well.

She nodded, though her eyes were still wide with shock.

"Y-Yes, thank you"

I turned my attention back to the professor, who was now groaning and struggling to stand. The explosion had left him severely disoriented and injured, his earlier arrogance replaced by visible pain and fear.

As much as I wanted to get Janica out of here first, I knew I couldn't afford to touch her right now. Judging by her state, she was likely in a fragile and highly sensitive condition.

Given the nature of Professor Luke's aphrodisiac, which had clearly had a severe effect on her, any physical contact could trigger a dangerous reaction.

She was likely to react unpredictably to a man's touch or scent at this moment.

It would've been nice if i had brought some healing potions to help her calm down.

Knowing my Luck, I'll probably end up complicating things more than helping.

"You damned brat, how dare you ruin my face!!!"

The professor's voice was laced with frustration and pain as he touched his bleeding face, his anger and humiliation palpable.

His pathetic reaction elicited nothing more than a sigh from me. In the game, this pervert would have met his end one way or another, so I hadn't invested much concern into him.

While it would be troublesome to kill him now, especially with Janica as a witness, it was of little consequence.

The most important thing was ensuring Janica's safety and handling the situation without further complications.

As a professor, Luke was undoubtedly powerful, but he was nowhere near the level of Lucas or Seo.

His abilities were formidable for someone of his rank, but they were not insurmountable. 'This villain can be dealt with'

Grabbing the sheath of my sword, I took a deep breath, letting the steady rhythm of my heartbeat calm my racing thoughts.

Igniting my body's senses, I recalled the mana amplification techniques the Duke had personally trained me in-techniques I had never fully applied until now.

With this professor being a scenario boss for a heroine, the experience points I was about to gain would be substantial.

A small sigh escaped my lips as I glanced at the fearful look in Professor Luke's eyes. His bravado was gone, replaced by a palpable sense of dread as he realized the gravity of his


"Hey, pervert, use your aura," I said, my voice cold and commanding. "If you don't want to die, that is."

As the words left my mouth, I felt the familiar rush of mana coursing through my body. I focused it around my foot, propelling myself forward with explosive speed.

My sword gleamed with a bright blue light, its blade shimmering as it cut through the air. Professor Luke, despite his previous arrogance, managed to react in time.

His aura flared up, wrapping around his hands as he braced himself for the impending clash.

As expected of a professor with his status, his aura was refined and potent, surpassing even Lucas's in its purity and control.

The moment our auras collided, the impact was immediate and intense.

The force of our clash sent shockwaves through the room, the surrounding air crackling with energy.

I could feel the difference in power between us, but the thrill of the fight only fueled my


'Haha... this is going to be fun.'


The deafening sound of metal meeting metal reverberated through the room as Riley's sword clashed with Luke's amplified mana arms.

The sheer force of their collision sent shockwaves through the space, causing dust to billow

and the walls to tremble.

In that moment, Professor Luke was consumed by a maelstrom of emotions: dread, fear,

anger, and disgust.

His once confident demeanor was shattered, replaced by a raw, seething rage.

'How dare he?!'

'How dare he?!'

'How dare he?!'

These thoughts echoed in Luke's mind as he struggled to hold his ground against the blonde- haired student in front of him.

The anger was palpable, emanating from the aura blade that crackled with ferocious energy.

His plans, meticulously crafted and seemingly flawless, were crumbling before his eyes.

"I'll kill you, brat!!!" Luke roared, his voice filled with venom and desperation.

He had anticipated no interruptions-students were supposed to be absent, the magical seal he had placed on the door was meant to keep anyone from entering or hearing the


His calculations had assumed that the classroom would remain isolated, a perfect trap where his wicked intentions could unfold without interference.

The fact that Riley had appeared out of nowhere was an affront to his carefully laid schemes.

His entire plan was on the verge of exposure, and with it, his life and career were at stake. The aftermath of this encounter would be catastrophic; the news of his vile actions would spread like wildfire, leading to irreparable damage to his reputation and position.

'I'll have to kill these two'

Even though killing Janica and Riley would not guarantee his safety-given that the academy

would likely launch an investigation and suspect foul play-it was the only way he could

ensure his immediate survival.

His mind raced with thoughts of how to cover his tracks, how to spin the narrative in his favor, and how to find another path to safety after this disaster.

The professor's aura surged with renewed intensity, a desperate attempt to overpower Riley

and regain control of the situation.

Riley was undeniably strong.

That much was a fact that Professor Luke couldn't ignore. Over the past few weeks, as he had

assessed all his students, Riley, along with Seo, Lucas, and Kagami, had managed to grab his


Despite being students, these four exhibited a battle prowess that rivaled even the most experienced knights. Their skills were impressive and not to be trifled with.

Yet, at the end of the day, they were still students.

The experience Luke possessed was vast and honed over years of dealing with threats and

navigating dangerous situations.

In a battle of life and death, even the smallest variables could turn the tide.

"This brat is stronger than me, but I can win'

A manic smile spread across his face as he laughed, a sound filled with both madness and


"I'll tear you to shreds, brat!!!"

His laughter echoed through the room, a chilling declaration of his resolve.

Luke was prepared to fight with everything he had.

Despite the fact that Riley had already proven himself to be a formidable opponent, Luke was

determined to use his experience and cunning to overcome him.

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