How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 82: Surprises are Shit !!!

Chapter 82: Surprises are Shit !!!

"Wow!" Janica exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she took in the festival-like atmosphere of the commercial district.

The sights, the sounds, the smells, and the joyous expressions on everyone's faces created an air of celebration that felt timeless. "Hehe~ aren't you glad I dragged you along with me?"

"Well... I guess so," Lucas replied skeptically. He watched the bustling scene unfold around them, still slightly annoyed.

Just before they arrived here, he had been diligently training his sword skills in his private training room.

That was, until his red-headed childhood friend had burst in and forcibly dragged him to this bustling district.

Despite feeling slightly irritated by Janica's antics, he decided to let it slide for now. He knew from experience that complaining would only encourage her to create even more trouble for him.

Janica spun around to face him, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Come on, Lucas! Lighten up! This place is amazing, don't you think?"

Lucas sighed, but a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, it's not bad. I just wasn't expecting this, that's all."

'Taking a break once in a while isn't too bad....' Lucas thought, feeling the tension ease from his body.

The constant drive to achieve his goals, including his future battle with Riley, could wait. Dwelling on it now would only drain his energy.

For the moment, he allowed himself to be in the present, letting go of his relentless pursuits.

Janica grinned and grabbed his hand, pulling him further into the crowd. "Well, now that you're here, let's make the most of it! Look, there's a stall over there selling skewers. They smell amazing!"

As they made their way through the throng of people, Lucas couldn't help but be swept up in the festive atmosphere.

Lanterns hung above them, casting a warm glow on the lively streets, and the air was filled with the mouthwatering scent of various street foods.

Musicians played lively tunes, and children ran around, their laughter mingling with the chatter of the crowd.

Despite his initial reluctance, Lucas found himself relaxing and even enjoying the lively scene. Janica, always the life of the party, was in her element, greeting people and sampling various treats from the stalls.

"Doesn't this remind you of the festivals back at home?" Janica mumbled, her eyes reflecting the nostalgia of their small hometown.

"Yeah," Lucas agreed, his voice softening with a hint of reminiscence. He could vividly recall the bustling village festivals, the sense of community, and the shared joy that came with them. This city festival, though grander, carried the same essence.

They approached a barbecue stall, and the vendor greeted them with a wide smile. "Welcome! Care to try some of the best skewers in the district?"

Janica nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Yes, please!"

Lucas watched her with a fond expression.

Even though she could be a handful, her enthusiasm was contagious.

He was starting to understand why she had insisted on bringing him here.

The festival was a welcome break from his rigorous training routine.

As they enjoyed their skewers, Janica nudged Lucas with her elbow.

"See? Isn't this better than being cooped up in that stuffy training room?"

Lucas chuckled. "Alright, you win. This is pretty nice."

Janica beamed at him. "I knew you'd come around! Now, let's go check out that stall over there. I heard they have some amazing sweets!"

With Janica leading the way, Lucas found himself being pulled into one adventure after another.

The night was filled with laughter, delicious food, and the joyous spirit of the festival.

For the first time in a long while, Lucas felt like he could relax and enjoy the moment, thanks to his spirited friend.

They wandered through the various stalls, sampling sweets and playing games.

Lucas even won a small stuffed animal for Janica at a ring toss booth, much to her delight.

They watched a group of performers juggle and breathe fire, their act drawing a large crowd of fascinated onlookers.

As the night went on, so did their time at the festival.

Finally, the two walked across the bustling streets, holding hands to avoid getting lost in the -crowd.

Janica was licking a candy apple Lucas had bought for her, while Lucas munched on the cotton candy she had brought for him.

Amidst the throng of people, the two looked like your average couple, enjoying the time of their lives.

"...So, are you okay now?" Janica asked, giving a subtle glance at Lucas walking alongside her.

"What do you mean?" Lucas replied, raising an eyebrow.

"You know... since you've been so focused on a certain someone recently...~"


"Come on, you know you can't lie to me. You do realize your obsession with Riley is pretty obvious, right?"

"I'm not obsessed with Riley," Lucas protested, shaking his head.

Janica sighed. "If only your words and actions matched, then we wouldn't be having this conversation. You're practically hanging around doing who knows what, trying to impress him almost every day. And if that wasn't enough, all you ever talk about since class started has been about ways of trying to surpass him. Why are you so obsessed with him anyway?"

Janica understood that Riley was Lucas's drive to get stronger, but his behavior was approaching borderline obsession.

She felt a tense form of worry she didn't want to think about, but it was becoming increasingly hard to ignore.

Lucas took a deep breath, looking down at the ground as they continued walking. "It's not an obsession, Janica. It's... it's more than that."

Recalling the first time he ever saw Riley, Lucas was sure the two of them were connected by some kind of fate.

He saw a golden aura deep inside Riley's heart-an aura he had only ever seen in two people: the hero who had saved him from monsters when he was very young, and the masked hero who had guided his morals and ways towards his journey here.

Ever since he was young, Lucas had the ability to see past someone's exterior and into their essence, for reasons unknown even to him.

Deep inside people, colors, shapes, and even fragments of one's being always manifested in

his mind whenever he saw or met someone for the first time.

"Riley feels like the masked hero," Lucas admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"You mean the one who gave you guidance?" Janica asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes..." Janica sighed, her expression softening. "Look, Lucas, I get that your eyes see more than what mine can, but associating someone based on speculation is wrong, you know? Besides, does he even seem like the masked guy who helped you out in town that day?"

"Well... not really?" Lucas admitted, recalling Riley's personality.

Riley was more of a prideful and arrogant prick compared to the selfless and wise masked hero

he had met before.

"See?" Janica said, giving him a gentle nudge. "You can't just assume things based on your visions. People are complex, and just because Riley has a similar aura doesn't mean he's the same person. You need to judge him based on his actions and who he is now." "Ok..." Hearing Lucas's nonchalant answer made Janica a bit annoyed, but she decided to let it

go for now.

Seeing his disrupted face, she knew pushing him further might ruin the mood of their 'date.'

Sighing heavily, Janica's hands moved and grabbed onto the handsome face of her childhood

friend, squeezing his cheeks playfully.

"Whashh... Ar,... yuu doissng?" Lucas mumbled, his words muffled by her grip.

"Nothing... Anyways, forget about the things we talked about! For now, let's just enjoy the rest of the night, shall we?" she said, smiling brightly.

Lucas nodded, his expression softening. As they walked through the festival, Lucas thought

about Janica's words.

His ability to see auras and essences had always guided him, but it was also important to

ground himself in reality.

People were more than just their auras-they were shaped by their actions, decisions, and the

paths they chose to follow.

The festive atmosphere around them was a reminder of the joy and complexity of life.

Lanterns cast a warm glow over the streets, and the sounds of laughter and music filled the


"Thank you, Janica..." Lucas said softly, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over him.

"Well, if you understand, then it's fine... But I didn't do it because I was worried for you, okay?" Janica replied, her cheeks tinged with a hint of pink.

"Yes, yes," Lucas chuckled, looking at Janica's embarrassed expression. He knew he had probably burdened her with his actions all this time, and he silently vowed to cherish his dear friend more.

"Hey, why don't we get something proper to eat first?" Janica suggested, trying to change the


"Didn't we just eat earlier?" Lucas asked, raising an eyebrow. It hadn't been that long since

they'd indulged in all those street foods and sweets, and now Janica was hungry again. "You'll

get fat, you know."

"Wha-what? I'm not fat!!!" Janica exclaimed, her face turning red with anger as she started lightly punching him.

"I didn't say you were fat," Lucas said, raising his hands to shield himself from her playful


"You might as well have!" Janica retorted, her punches unconsciously infused with mana, making them faster and heavier than usual.

"O-ow, I get it, I'm sorry, please calm down-" Lucas pleaded as he stumbled backward

under the force of Janica's attacks, ultimately bumping into someone behind him.


"Ah~" came a cute yet seductive yelp from right behind him.

Lucas slowly turned around, reaching his right hand to help. "A-are you alright-" But his

words were cut short as he held his breath for a second.

With hair as gold as the halos of the sun above and shimmering blue eyes like the open seas,

the beauty in front of him mesmerized him.

"I-I'm so sorry," Lucas stammered, trying to help the girl to her feet.

But she brushed off his help and stood up on her own, straightening her dress and looking at

him with a kind smile.

"No, it's fine..." she said, her voice beautiful yet commanding. "Please be careful next ti-" Her words stopped abruptly as her eyes met his.

A subtle look of nervousness became evident on her face, as if she recognized something in him.

"Ah~!!! I'm so sorry, please forgive us! It wasn't this guy's fault, I promise!!!!" Janica, who had quickly come into the scene, apologized frantically.

However, her words seemed to be lost in the background as the two continued to stare at each



"Ah~!!! I'm so sorry, please forgive us! It wasn't this guy's fault, I promise!!!!"

Janica's frantic apologies echoed in the air, but they seemed distant to me.

My focus was entirely on Lucas, whose gaze was locked onto mine.

'After all this time.... Why is he here now?'

how did I not even sense him for the matter?

As his golden eyes kept gazing at me... It felt as if the world around us had stopped.

My heartbeat spiked in worry.

'He doesn't recognize me, right....?'

The thought kept circling in my mind as I tried to keep my composure. Embarrassment threatened to rise inside me, knowing that those eyes of his might soon tell

him the whole truth.

'Haha... fuck me! I should've gone straight back to the dorms'

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