Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 580 Uninvited Guest

Chapter 580 Uninvited Guest

"Let me tell you something. I'm pretty sure that if you encounter Jack, you will definitely not know how you died." Ivy looked at the man in front of her as she said boldly. She was not afraid of this person in front of her, although she knew that he was definitely capable of killing her.

Antonio looked at the young lady in front of him with a frown on his face. He could say that whatever this lady was saying, was actually true. He was sure that since Jack was able to subdue the entire Panthers organization, that implied that he had the strength to do so.

Amongst all the people, he himself understood Sylvia quite well. She was not just a person who would hand over the power that she was holding to just anybody. The person who had the ability of receiving something from Sylvia, something as big as the entire Panthers organization, was definitely not just anybody.

Of course, there was no way that he was going to give up on this revenge of his. It really did not matter if the other party had a strong background or not, but nevertheless, Antonio had decided that he had to get compensation.

But of course, what he was looking for was not the life of Jack or anyone close to him. But instead, he was going to ask for compensation, something that was going to enable him to reach a higher level, enabling him to reach the superhuman level.

After reaching the superhuman level, he would definitely be able to deal with Sylvia. At the end of the day, the biggest grudge that he was holding was for Sylvia.

She was the one who had imprisoned him after breaking his legs. And until now, although he had healed up a little bit, he could still feel pain from his limbs. And it was definitely going to cost him a lot to be able to recover to his previous condition.

"Do you think that I need information like that from you? You better tell me where Jack is. In fact, any information that you possess about him, you better give it to me. I'm going to give you 5 seconds to do that. If you don't, then don't blame me for being rough on you." Antonio stated as he looked at Ivy with an icy gaze.

Ivy felt her body trembling when she faced Antonio's gaze. But nevertheless, she did not look away, but directly stared into his eyes. She was not willing to look away, as she believed to that this was a sign of weakness.

As a person who had always been looking forward to being able to get stronger, she was definitely not going to show any kind of weakness, even in front of a person that was stronger than her.

Daniel on the other hand felt helpless. At this moment, he was the elder brother, and he was supposed to protect his younger sister. But right now, he didn't have the capability of doing so.

Of course, if he was not tied, he would have definitely gone ahead and stood in front of his sister. At the end of the day, even if he was going to die, he was going to die first before his sister. That was something that he had sworn to himself ever since they were young.

But right now, not only was he bound, but he was not as strong as his sister was. That was something that made him feel helpless. So, during the past few days, he had been trying to see if there was anything that he could get that could boost his strength.

As for Ivy, she had been training after the assistance from Celine. They had already booked a place for her to train, where several equipment could be found. That was the reason why she had consumed the medicine that was in her system, enabling her to reach the fourth star of the ordinary human level.

As for today, they had just come over to this store, trying to see if there was anything cheap that they could purchase. Of course during the time that they were inside this place, they had been working, and the combination of the entire team had earned them a few star coins.

But they had not expected that just after they had gotten here, Antonio would come over and grab them. They had tried resisting, but they were not capable of doing so in front of a strong person like Antonio.

"Quite fierce, I see. Nevertheless, it doesn't matter how fierce you are. But as long as you don't give me the information that I want, I will definitely make sure that you suffer." Antonio threatened as he began approaching Ivy.

Ivy was just about to say something when suddenly, Antonio looked towards the entrance of the room that they were currently in with a frown on his face.

"Go ahead and look who it is that has come over. Tell them to go away and come back later on." Antonio stated as he looked at the old man.

Although the old man was completely unwilling, he did not have any other choice. He left the room, and headed towards the entrance.

Antonio on the other hand focused on Ivy and Daniel. "So, what is it going to be? You are going to give me information, or I'm going to torture this brother of yours until you give me the information."

From his observation, he had already realized that the one that seemed to be in much know about Jack and his group was Ivy. For that reason, he focused much of his attention on her.

Ivy did not respond, but she wavered for a moment. At the end of the day, the only person that she had in this world was definitely her brother. So, she was not willing to see her brother suffer.

It might be true that Jack had also assisted her, but she believed that Jack was definitely capable of handling a problem like this. It was just that she was not willing to cause him any unnecessary trouble.

At the end of the day, even people get tired when a fly comes to disturb them without any reason. So, she was currently feeling torn apart.

Antonio squinted his eyes as he looked at her. He was just about to say something when he heard the sound of footsteps coming over.

Of course he would not have cared if it was just the footsteps of the old man. But instead, he felt that the footsteps that were approaching belonged to two people, instead of one.

This made him frown. Didn't he just tell that old man that he was supposed to send whoever it was that had come over away? Why was it that he was bringing someone over?

Quite curious about who it was that was coming over, Antonio turned around and looked towards the entrance of the room, one that later to the front of the store.

Then suddenly, his eyes widened in disbelief when he saw who it was that had come over. It was a young lady with blonde hair, with brown eyes which contained a tinge of red in them.

Currently, she was not wearing anything special, other than just a casual outfit, which consisted of a t-shirt and a pair of jeans that hugged her figure tightly.

Antonio was not surprised by the beauty that had appeared in front of him, but the identity of this person. This was not the first time that he had seen her. Although there were some changes that had occurred to her, something like her getting even more beautiful than the last time that he had seen her, but he could tell that right now, the situation was not good at all.

When Ivy saw the lady, her eyes widened in surprise. "Denali!" Ivy exclaimed in surprise. She had not expected that Denali was going to come over. Although she had not interacted much with Denali, but she had also developed a good impression of her.

She could feel that there was a heroic spirit around Denali, something that attracted her.

"Why are you holding them hostage?" Denali asked as she looked at Antonio. Of course she knew who this person was considering that she had already been informed about him, as he was the one who had been sending people to the normal world to cause trouble.

She had simply come over because she was coming to look for Ivy and Daniel. They were about to leave this stronghold, and she had developed a good impression of Ivy. For that reason, she had decided that she was going to give Ivy something that was going to boost her strength, before leaving.

But she did not expect that Ivy had disappeared. But after asking around, she was informed that Ivy and Daniel had come over here in this store. And as she could remember, this was actually the same so that they had come over with the intention of renting it, but the owner refused.

According to the information that she had received, Ivy and Daniel had entered this place, but nobody had seen them getting out. So, she suspected that they might be inside here, either being held against their will, or there was something that they were doing here.

And since they were about to leave this stronghold, Denali could not wait for them. So when the old man opened the door, she didn't talk much with him, but went straight to the point.

As for the old man, he did not even try to stop her from entering. Instead, he just pointed towards the back room of the store, and Denali led the way as he followed behind her.

"How does this concern you?" Antonio asked with a frown on his face as he looked at Denali. Although he was displeased, there was nothing that he could do. He was sure that with his current condition, he was definitely not capable of matching this lady.

Instead of replying to him, Denali took a step forward and began cutting the ropes that were used to tie both Ivy and Daniel. She was doing that with her bare hands, something that surprised even Antonio.

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